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Moonie posted:

HI Sweet 

Hope the exercise class goes well  Where do you get your energy from? 

Why must the tree come down tonight? 

 @ the river bursting it banks. I hope you staying dry in your home 

Sensible Bramble for not wanting to walk in the rain 

Christmas trees and decorations traditionally are taken down on Twelfth Night (after Christmas) which is today. In the Christian calendar the season of Christmas ends and Epiphany season starts tomorrow.

El Loro
El Loro posted:
Moonie posted:

HI Sweet 

Hope the exercise class goes well  Where do you get your energy from? 

Why must the tree come down tonight? 

 @ the river bursting it banks. I hope you staying dry in your home 

Sensible Bramble for not wanting to walk in the rain 

Christmas trees and decorations traditionally are taken down on Twelfth Night (after Christmas) which is today. In the Christian calendar the season of Christmas ends and Epiphany season starts tomorrow.

Yep, knew all of that El, just didn't realise tonight was the Twelfth Night 


In some parts of the country, south west England, old Twelfth Night is celebrated on 17 January. Some people celebrate by drinking wassail (hot mulled cider) to ensure that the next cider apple harvest is succesful.
The old Twelfth Night being on the 17 January rather than the 5th comes this country adopting the Gregorian calendar in place of the Julian one on 25th March 1752. The two calendars did not coincide. As part of the changeover it was decreed that September 2nd to September 13th 1752 would not exist. So the next day after September 1st was September 14th. 12 days were lost. So effectively 17th January would be 5th January if those days had not been missed out.

The year used to end on 25th March That's still remembered in England as being one of the quarter days. 25th March is called Lady Day. The Lady being the Virgin Mary, 25th March being when the angel Gabriel telling Mary that she would have a baby, and that's where December 25th as Christmas Day comes from being 9 months after March 25th.

As taxes were collected for the year which used to end on 25th March, in the tax year 1752/53 there were going to be 12 days less. People didn't like having to pay tax for a whole year so a compromise was reached and the tax year end became 5 April.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

Yogi, you do need to take the Christmas tree down today otherwise the tree spirits in your tree won't get released and as they are responsible for making plants grow, there would be a crop failure and it would be all your fault
At least that's according to old superstition

lol El, worry not! My tree and decs are down and packed away.

velvet donkey posted:
Yogi19 posted:

Evening Moonie and Velvet.

Summer, I hope you haven't been affected by the flooding in your area.

Evening Yogi   

Time stands still for no-one and we leave the Festive period behind  

Still, gotta look forward. Hope all is well chez vous  -  no bad here    

Evening Velvet.

I'm always a bit sad when I take down the decorations but, as you say, we have to look forward.

Everything is okay here thanks, and hope all is well with you and the boss.


*night owls*

I have managed to get my 2 trees packed away before midnight and the rest of the garlands etc can come down tomorrow.

thank you to the masterful El-cycolpedia for explaining about twelfth night. Here's a question for you though- why do they call it "kings day" in Spain..? And why do they open their gifts today? 

Sweet dreams to all who have gone to bed yogi, I'll catch up with you one of these nights lol 

if any other night owls are still up, I'll just be mooching around catching up on forum activity... 

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone

Very cloudy here. but not much in the way of rain today in the forecast.

Three Kings Day = Epiphany today. I knew someone who used to be a curate at our church who refused to put up any Christmas cards which showed the three kings/mages.wise men until today.
Our church has a nativity set including the 3 wise men. I don't know if we still do that but we used to position the 3 little models by the entrance of the church just before Christmas. Then over the 12 days of Christmas they would be gradually repositioned getting closer to the crib at the altar and by today would finally reach the crib.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

Good morning everyone

Very cloudy here. but not much in the way of rain today in the forecast.

Three Kings Day = Epiphany today. I knew someone who used to be a curate at our church who refused to put up any Christmas cards which showed the three kings/mages.wise men until today.
Our church has a nativity set including the 3 wise men. I don't know if we still do that but we used to position the 3 little models by the entrance of the church just before Christmas. Then over the 12 days of Christmas they would be gradually repositioned getting closer to the crib at the altar and by today would finally reach the crib.

Good morning everyone, a hint of blue sky and a forecast of dry until afternoon.

I like that idea EL, the 3 Wise Men gradually approaching the manger.

Have a good day Moonie, I hope all goes well and welcome to our new member Sweet Pancakes - now who on earth can that be?

Enjoy your day everyone

squiggle posted:
El Loro posted:

Good morning everyone

Very cloudy here. but not much in the way of rain today in the forecast.

Three Kings Day = Epiphany today. I knew someone who used to be a curate at our church who refused to put up any Christmas cards which showed the three kings/mages.wise men until today.
Our church has a nativity set including the 3 wise men. I don't know if we still do that but we used to position the 3 little models by the entrance of the church just before Christmas. Then over the 12 days of Christmas they would be gradually repositioned getting closer to the crib at the altar and by today would finally reach the crib.

Good morning everyone, a hint of blue sky and a forecast of dry until afternoon.

I like that idea EL, the 3 Wise Men gradually approaching the manger.

Have a good day Moonie, I hope all goes well and welcome to our new member Sweet Pancakes - now who on earth can that be?

Enjoy your day everyone

Hi squiggle 

The weather is lovely here now. Sunny and warm. My day is going well fankoo. I hope yours is too

I know when the days are are getting longer because the sun gets on the back garden before it starts to go down. It is now  

Skylark posted:

Hope you all well.Weather here dark and gloomy. 
My tree and decs are down, glad to be getting back to normal. 
School tomorrow, yippee! Uniform all ready   Not me the Granddaughter 

Have a good day all xx

 Hi Skylark  

 @ your uniform funny

Hope you have a good day too 

Last edited by Moonie
Moonie posted:

Afternoon all 

Wonders if I should  Pancakes or not. She could be a he  or visa versa 

What the heck  

Gonna get sone stick off Sweet for that  

If you click on their avatar and have a look at their profile page it says if they are male or female. Of course the person could be fibbing.
I think you might find that Sweet Pancakes is female. A pancake in French is une crÊpe rather than un crÊpe showing that pancakes are feminine.

El Loro
Moonie posted:
Skylark posted:

Hope you all well.Weather here dark and gloomy. 
My tree and decs are down, glad to be getting back to normal. 
School tomorrow, yippee! Uniform all ready   Not me the Granddaughter 

Have a good day all xx

 Hi Skylark  

 @ your uniform funny

Hope you have a good day too 

Hi moonie, didnt want you all to think i was going back to school. Maybe i should. I still have my old blazer, and my old school tie. 
Happy days . 
Wont be around, got funeral Friday. 
Nana,s sister, only 61. Breast cancer. Very sad. Spending time with Granddaughter talking about it, she loved her. Part of life. 
Take care all xx


Afternoon all I thought I had popped in early this morning, sorry. 

Glad you like my new name pardon the confusion moonie  

sad news skylark I hope the funeral goes smoothly and that granddaughter is able to talk openly to you about it 

lovely story about kings day, and the way they moved the model kings in church. Very meaningful

bramble and I have been busy bees today; she's had a pedicure, visited a friend, walked for a couple of hours and watched me pack away the rest of the Christmas decorations ( ) amd we're going out for a walk & some with a different friend this evening! Oh- and literally as I type, found out my best friend is expecting a boy, as I predicted  

Hope you're all warm, dry and having a good day 

~Sparkling Summer~
Skylark posted:
Moonie posted:
Skylark posted:

Hope you all well.Weather here dark and gloomy. 
My tree and decs are down, glad to be getting back to normal. 
School tomorrow, yippee! Uniform all ready   Not me the Granddaughter 

Have a good day all xx

 Hi Skylark  

 @ your uniform funny

Hope you have a good day too 

Hi moonie, didnt want you all to think i was going back to school. Maybe i should. I still have my old blazer, and my old school tie. 
Happy days . 
Wont be around, got funeral Friday. 
Nana,s sister, only 61. Breast cancer. Very sad. Spending time with Granddaughter talking about it, she loved her. Part of life. 
Take care all xx

Very sad Skylark 

I'm sure your Granddaughter will be comforted by you feeling able to talk about it with here 


Good morning everyone


Fairly cloudy day here though may brighten up.


Lori has been changing the way that the return key works. Although return will still show a gap in the Add Reply box as if there's a new paragraph, when ithe reply is posted the gap won't appear on the posted reply. So the effect is as it used to be. If you do want to have a new paragraph then you'll need to press return twice.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, gale force winds again but at least there's some blue sky.


I quite liked the way the return key worked but I suppose the majority preferred it the way it used to be.


I am glad you had a good PB day Yogi


I thought this was a great picture of Europe on New Year's Eve taken from space, presumably the space station



Enjoy your day everyone


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