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On the news this morning:

We were taught our 12 times table when I was in the infants school. As mental arithmetic was my strongest subject it was easy for me and I could also do the 13 times table and the 14 times table. Of course there weren't calculators or computers in those days. I think it's a good idea for children to learn by rote as it helps their brains to learn how to memorise.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, we've had lots more heavy rain but for the moment we are having a quieter interlude.  I hope it lasts as I am venturing out soon.  I found a brilliant site which probably everyone knew about but me the Environment Agency website gives you warnings of floods in your areas, and although I can see that there are warnings in place for the areas I am heading to I am hoping that all will be well.

I agree with you about time tables by rote EL, we always had to do it and even now it comes quite naturally to know the answers.  My hubby was the brilliant one though - he worked as a shipping clerk when we first met, in the days when bills of lading and how to load a ship correctly were quite complex, not like today when it is all containerised.  He could always add up the longest columns of figures in an instant.

I hope your day with PB goes well Yogi - that was such a beautiful picture that you posted and just the thing to cheer us all up on these dark and dismal days - and that everyone else will have a lovely relaxing Sunday


Good afternoon I tried to pop in this morning but the pages just would not load for me. I hope you're all dry, warm and safe.

weve been out walking for hours, and got lost at one point but thankfully found a farm and a lady on a horse to point me in the right direction. I was where I thought I was, roughly, but the public footpath had become very unclear. Bramble rolled on a dead rodent and had to be shampooed properly upon our return, but it was much easier to do now that her fur is short. I'll upload a pic a bit later for you. I've just had a bath myself and am really hungry..

meanwhile, El- I recorded gone with the wind over Christmas and am very much looking forward to seeing it for the first time

moonie, I hope the football has been good

~Sparkling Summer~
~Sweet Winter Wonderland~ posted:

Good afternoon I tried to pop in this morning but the pages just would not load for me. I hope you're all dry, warm and safe.

weve been out walking for hours, and got lost at one point but thankfully found a farm and a lady on a horse to point me in the right direction. I was where I thought I was, roughly, but the public footpath had become very unclear. Bramble rolled on a dead rodent and had to be shampooed properly upon our return, but it was much easier to do now that her fur is short. I'll upload a pic a bit later for you. I've just had a bath myself and am really hungry..

meanwhile, El- I recorded gone with the wind over Christmas and am very much looking forward to seeing it for the first time

moonie, I hope the football has been good

Hi Sweet  

Glad you and Bramble enjoyed what turned out to be a route match  

Good job you found someone to put you back on course or we would have been Sweet and Brambleless  

Norty Bramble for rolling in an "unspeakable"  cost you a shampoo didn't it young lady?

Look forward to seeing the piccie 

Footie is good fankoo. On my second recorded match of the day 


Safely back home.  Quite a bit of flooding around and the bit at Watermouth Cove is still flooded, only half the road is driveable so you have to give way and go onto the wrong side of the road to get past.  Our little local stream which is usually hardly visible is a torrent and I noticed the fishing lake down in the bottom of the valley is very muddy and brown, didn't put the fishermen off though.

I hope you are all safely tucked up warm and dry, with maybe something good on the TV to watch


Squiggle, I'm glad you were able to get out and back home without mishap

Summer, I hope you enjoy Gone with the Wind. Although it's a long film it is in two parts. I saw it at the cinema years ago on one of its re-releases. Although it's best seen at the cinema on a large screen, when I saw it the circulating copies in cinemas had been shown so many times that the technicolour was starting to deteriorate.  However it wa digitally restored a couple of years ago so hopefully the colour will be back to its original quality.
The film is one of those rare films which justifies its legendary status. You won't forget it.
1939 was a good year for the director Victor Fleming - Gone with the Wind and The Wizard of Oz.

El Loro

I agree with EL Summer, Gone With The Wind is an amazing film and one you will not forget.  Some wonderful acting and although I watched it as a teenager I enjoyed it even more later on. Scarlett is so silly, so wilful but unforgettable.  A reminder of a time which has passed.


PS 1939 must have been an exceptional year I love both those films EL.  Incidentally Summer the book of Gone With The Wind is also epic and very touching.

Last edited by squiggle

How did I not know it was a book too?  

I'm glad you got around safely today squiggle, let's hope the flooding doesn't get any worse. 

I'm watching the last movies on christmas24, I always miss it when it goes. Only 10 months to wait for it to return I have several films recorded though, and a sweet mince pie in my freezer so maybe I'll have myself a little Christmas fest in the near future

hopefully,  here's my pic of bramble as promised... 


~Sparkling Summer~
~Sweet Winter Wonderland~ posted:

How did I not know it was a book too?  

I'm glad you got around safely today squiggle, let's hope the flooding doesn't get any worse. 

I'm watching the last movies on christmas24, I always miss it when it goes. Only 10 months to wait for it to return I have several films recorded though, and a sweet mince pie in my freezer so maybe I'll have myself a little Christmas fest in the near future

hopefully,  here's my pic of bramble as promised... 


Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww isn't she sweet  

El Loro posted:

Yes, it was Margaret Mitchell's only published novel. She did write another one. She was hit by a car and died relatively young and she had requested that the manuscript for that novel be destroyed if she died. The manuscript for another short novel was discovered years later and did get published.

I wonder I wonder why she chose to do that

~Sparkling Summer~
Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:

Evening all.

We had a lovely day with PB, she was on fine form.

I didn't sleep well last night, so apologies in advance if I conk out.

Hi Yogi
Glad you and PB had a good day

Moonies Mallet not needed tonight then?

Good evening everyone

Hi Moonie.

No need for your mallet, I'm struggling to stay awake.

Yogi19 posted:
Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:

Evening all.

We had a lovely day with PB, she was on fine form.

I didn't sleep well last night, so apologies in advance if I conk out.

Hi Yogi
Glad you and PB had a good day

Moonies Mallet not needed tonight then?

Good evening everyone

Hi Moonie.

No need for your mallet, I'm struggling to stay awake.

*passes extra large matchsticks*

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