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~Sweet Winter Wonderland~ posted:

Rotten! I hope the storms stop soon. Not was 13 degrees here earlier- that's so mild! I haven't scrapped a frost off my car at all this winter. 

I find the longer I put off grooming Bramble, the easier the fur comes out when I do. I can't wait to get stuck in now  

It's so mild for the time of year. I can only remember one frosty morning so far.

Keira is due another trip to the groomers soon.


I caught mention of Newton Stewart on the news, so I looked it up!

FLOODING: Newton Stewart’s worst nightmare comes true

Vixctoria Street

Vixctoria Street


It’s the nightmare scenario Newton Stewart always dreaded. The River Cree burst its banks this morning after Storm Frank’s torrential rain battered the town.

Homes and businesses in Victoria Street, Arthur Street and King Street are now underwater.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
El Loro posted:

Good morning everyone

Sunny here at present, heavy showers forecast.

Yogi, I hope you have a great time at the panto and tomorrow

Squiggle, I hope the water in your area has receded

Thank you, El.


Good morning everyone.

No more rain overnight and dry atm.

I hope everyone is safe and dry this morning.

Squiggle, I hope the flood waters in your area have abated.

Have a good day everyone.


Good morning everyone, a beautiful morning after all that rain.  Well it's certainly drier around my pond and I hope the flooding has dried up but I am not going out to check. It looks like the BBC site is down so I can't get an up to date forecast from them.  I am due to go that way to church on Sunday so I hope we don't get too much rain between now and then, either here or in the areas already suffering from widespread flooding.  Local people have posted video clips from the local park in Ilfracombe which shows the tiny river there overflowing and creating a waterfall

I hope you enjoy the panto Yogi, which panto is it?

Enjoy your day everyone


Squiggle, I'm glad the area around your pond is drier and I hope that the flooding recedes everywhere. At this stage my area is OK. There are a couple of flood warnings but only in areas which are always prone to flooding. At present there's about 70mm of rain forecast in my area over the next 12 days but not all at once. But after that it may be drier with 17mm forecast for the rest of January.

You were right about the BBC site being down but it's been restored in the last few minutes.

El Loro
Moonie posted:
El Loro posted:

Moonie, and a Happy New Year to you
It won't be the final happy new year greeting for me, I'll get them at church and from clients The question is just how many days into January do I get them.

The swans won't find any geese looking down in the water

Them is the cygnets El  

Look at your post

El Loro
El Loro posted:
Moonie posted:
El Loro posted:

Moonie, and a Happy New Year to you
It won't be the final happy new year greeting for me, I'll get them at church and from clients The question is just how many days into January do I get them.

The swans won't find any geese looking down in the water

Them is the cygnets El  

Look at your post

You got me  El 

Link copied to your clipboard.