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Good morning everyone

Wet and windy here at present though the rain should ease by late morning. Not very pleasant out there so if you go out fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy ride (and if you know your classic films you'll see why this is a perfect quote for today)

Talking of classic films, It's a Wonderful Life - Channel 4 2.15pm and Scrooge - Channel 5 5.20 pm this afternoon. Radio Times says they are the original black and white versions but they may turn out to be the colourised versions.

I hope everyone has a good Christmas Eve today

El Loro

Yogi, no, he's not coming - he would have travelled yesterday but didn't. We discussed this on Monday and as I had someone with a cold talking straight at me 2 foot away on Sunday morning at church, the risk of me coming down with a bug was very high. Although I haven't shown any signs yet I wouldn't expect to until during the course of today (takes 4 days).  He's made alternative arrangements for tomorrow.  Train service from London to here from tomorrow to Monday is either non-existent or ridiculously long travel times and church commitments make it a non-starter for me to go there. January will be extremely busy for me due to the tax return deadline so the intention is for him to visit me at the beginning of February - I made sure that the Christmas cake and puddings had long use by dates and I've bought a Co-op yule log for myself (should last quite a few days )

El Loro

Good morning everyone, rainy earlier but blue sky now.  I think a little rain is forecast for later.

I am glad your Mum arrived safely Summer, snoring or not Very disappointing EL but how thoughtful of you not wanting to give your brother a cold or even flu, there are some really nasty bugs this year.  I hope you manage to avoid infection and enjoy your Christmas, I know you will and I hope your church service will be heartwarming and you come home with a warm glow from meeting all your friends there.

We had such a lovely festive meal yesterday, I was spoiled rotten and didn't have to lift a finger all day long, not even to make a cup of tea!  My daughter cooked the meal beautifully and cleared everything away.  I will be running them home later on today.

I will certainly tell my daughter about A Wonderful Life EL as she has never seen it.

Enjoy your day everyone


Article on my local news website today which I'll post in full as there's so many adverts which pop up on that site. It's a long post but it's a lovely news item.

Charity champion Kev Brady has given little Archie Thornhill an incredible early Christmas present – ÂĢ18,000 towards a life-changing operation.

Kev raised the total – all of which he has donated to four-year-old Archie's cause – by swimming the entire 220-mile length of the River Severn in October.

Money is being raised to pay for an operation in the United States for the Quedgeley toddler, who suffers from Cerebral Palsy, which would free him from pain and enable him to move independently.

And the sum donated by Kev takes the total raised so far to around ÂĢ40,000, meaning Archie's mum Charlotte has been able to ask for an operation date next September.

Charlotte said: "It's ridiculous what Kev's done.

"When he was raising the money we weren't aware that it was going to Archie, and he came round last week and told us that's where he wanted it to go, and it's just mindblowing, really – it's unbelievable.

"It just means the world to me, coming up to Christmas especially.

"I've been a bit stressed out with making sure we can raise as much as we can before the end of the year and Kev's literally blown that out of the water."

The total cost of the treatment – including aftercare in the UK – is in excess of ÂĢ80,000, but Kev's donation means Archie's name can be put on the waiting list, with the hope that the rest of the money can be raised before he goes out to the US.

Charlotte added: "With Kev giving all these funds, it means it near-enough covers the cost of the operation so he can go on the waiting list, and that means potentially he could be in recovery before he begins school in September.

"It's hard to find the words to thank him enough.

"It's so bizarre because I'm never stuck for words but somehow Kev has managed to do that – he's managed to make me speechless.

"Kev knows it means the world and there are no real words to explain it."

Kev, 32, from Linden, co-founded charity the Superhero Foundation to help people just like Archie.

He first met Archie earlier this year and said: "It's going to be amazing seeing Archie after the operation.

"He gets around great now on his gold walker at the moment, and he's fast on that – so as soon he's able to walk pain-free, we'll see how fast he can actually go.

"I'm just so happy the swim's been able to do such a good thing for them and I'm really looking forward to seeing his progress over the coming years."

Kev, who canoed the length of the Mississippi river last year, added: "Often when you're fundraising it can feel like money's being thrown into an empty pot, so it's so nice after a month of swimming and hard work to see exactly where it's going to go.

"I know exactly what it's going to do – and also know the people that it's going to go to. I know how lovely Archie and Charlotte and the family are, and it's a great feeling to know where it goes."

El Loro
squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, rainy earlier but blue sky now.  I think a little rain is forecast for later.

I am glad your Mum arrived safely Summer, snoring or not Very disappointing EL but how thoughtful of you not wanting to give your brother a cold or even flu, there are some really nasty bugs this year.  I hope you manage to avoid infection and enjoy your Christmas, I know you will and I hope your church service will be heartwarming and you come home with a warm glow from meeting all your friends there.

We had such a lovely festive meal yesterday, I was spoiled rotten and didn't have to lift a finger all day long, not even to make a cup of tea!  My daughter cooked the meal beautifully and cleared everything away.  I will be running them home later on today.

I will certainly tell my daughter about A Wonderful Life EL as she has never seen it.

Enjoy your day everyone

Oooooh that is just the cutest thing  

I'm glad you had a lovely meal, you deserve that I hope your daughter enjoys it's a wonderful life 

~Sparkling Summer~

Happy Christmas Day everyone, I hope that today is filled with love and laughter, good food and gifts.  Whether all the family is able to gather together today or at some later time I hope everyone is specially aware of the love that binds us ALL together.  God Bless you all, whether you have a faith or none.

Enjoy your day everyone whether it's quiet or action packed


Summer and Ros, Fluffy has posted something for Baz about not being able to post pictures with some advice.
On the site Baz was using there were 3 formats - ubb, html and url. Baz was using the first one - ubb which was the wrong format. It's the url format.
As a guide, if you are copying an image address, it should start with either html or www. If it starts with something like [url or <a href before the html/www address, that's the wrong format and won't post the picture.
Then paste the address by clicking the insert/edit image icon here and pasting into the Source box.
It works for Fluffy.

El Loro
Link copied to your clipboard.