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Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:

Nothing planned atm, although eldest son said he might pop in for an hour in the afternoon.

That good 

I love the fact that your family are always pipping in to see you 

Ant sign of an imminent PB visit?

Hubby calls them the boomerang boys because they keep coming back.

PB is coming on Thursday. We are hoping to take her to see Santa. 

Yogi19 posted:
Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:

Nothing planned atm, although eldest son said he might pop in for an hour in the afternoon.

That good 

I love the fact that your family are always pipping in to see you 

Ant sign of an imminent PB visit?

Hubby calls them the boomerang boys because they keep coming back.

PB is coming on Thursday. We are hoping to take her to see Santa. 

Love that 

Awww I'm sure she will love Santa or on the other hand possibly cry at the funny man in red with a white beard. Hope it's the former rather than the latter  

Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:

Nothing planned atm, although eldest son said he might pop in for an hour in the afternoon.

That good 

I love the fact that your family are always pipping in to see you 

Ant sign of an imminent PB visit?

Hubby calls them the boomerang boys because they keep coming back.

PB is coming on Thursday. We are hoping to take her to see Santa. 

Love that 

Awww I'm sure she will love Santa or on the other hand possibly cry at the funny man in red with a white beard. Hope it's the former rather than the latter  

She went with her mum and dad but went all shy and wouldn't speak to Santa.  DiL is hoping she'll be less shy this time.

Yogi19 posted:
Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:

Nothing planned atm, although eldest son said he might pop in for an hour in the afternoon.

That good 

I love the fact that your family are always pipping in to see you 

Ant sign of an imminent PB visit?

Hubby calls them the boomerang boys because they keep coming back.

PB is coming on Thursday. We are hoping to take her to see Santa. 

Love that 

Awww I'm sure she will love Santa or on the other hand possibly cry at the funny man in red with a white beard. Hope it's the former rather than the latter  

She went with her mum and dad but went all shy and wouldn't speak to Santa.  DiL is hoping she'll be less shy this time.

Awwwww bless 

Lets hope


Good morning everyone

Another cloudy day here and there nay be some rain later.

Yogi, I've had a few of my clients where their email address was used to send out spam, phishing, or scam emails to people on their address book. All of them were using which makes me think that that's more vulnerable than other email providers.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

Good morning everyone

Another cloudy day here and there nay be some rain later.

Yogi, I've had a few of my clients where their email address was used to send out spam, phishing, or scam emails to people on their address book. All of them were using which makes me think that that's more vulnerable than other email providers.

That's interesting El, as it was his Yahoo account which the email was sent from.

Good morning everyone.

Weather is overcast, although not raining atm.

No plans for today - I might start wrapping the presents I've bought.

Have a good day everyone.


Yogi, I didn't know your son had a Yahoo account but I suspected that might be the case which is why I mentioned it. There seem to be two types of suspect emails. The commoner one seems to be where the email just contaIns a link to a website. I wouldn't ever click on such a link as the site could contain malware or viruses. The other is a message supposedly from your contact asking for some financial help because they are in trouble. There's no link but they ask you to reply to them which is where they would send further details as to how to pay them. But although the email comes from the real person's email, unknown to you the reply is sent to a different email set up by the scammer pretending to be that person.

El Loro

Morning everyone  

Its rained all night here. Seems like just drizzle now. Not to cold. Mind you I haven't ventured out yet so that's just a guess 

No plans for today. May take a foray out if the weather takes turn for the better 

I don't have a current yahoo email addy I am glad to say El 

Yogi, pressie wrapping seems a good option if you have nothing else planned 

Have a good day peeps 


Good morning everyone, grey and cloudy but dry so far.  I might nip out and refill the bird feeder again! It was just a blur of birds coming and going when I looked out yesterday.

I hope PB is not so shy this time when she goes to see Father Christmas.  Does the local store do it well and make it atmospheric Yogi?

It's a sad old world we live in when you have to be careful about emails which look as though they come from family members, it's so true there are some rotters about.

Enjoy your day everyone

squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, grey and cloudy but dry so far.  I might nip out and refill the bird feeder again! It was just a blur of birds coming and going when I looked out yesterday.

I hope PB is not so shy this time when she goes to see Father Christmas.  Does the local store do it well and make it atmospheric Yogi?

It's a sad old world we live in when you have to be careful about emails which look as though they come from family members, it's so true there are some rotters about.

Enjoy your day everyone

We're hoping to take her to a nearby garden centre. Not only do they have a nice Santa's Grotto, they also have a nativity display.

Wow, the birds must have been hungry, Squiggle!

El Loro posted:

Yogi, I didn't know your son had a Yahoo account but I suspected that might be the case which is why I mentioned it. There seem to be two types of suspect emails. The commoner one seems to be where the email just contaIns a link to a website. I wouldn't ever click on such a link as the site could contain malware or viruses. The other is a message supposedly from your contact asking for some financial help because they are in trouble. There's no link but they ask you to reply to them which is where they would send further details as to how to pay them. But although the email comes from the real person's email, unknown to you the reply is sent to a different email set up by the scammer pretending to be that person.

This one was the former. 

Moonie posted:

Morning everyone  

Its rained all night here. Seems like just drizzle now. Not to cold. Mind you I haven't ventured out yet so that's just a guess 

No plans for today. May take a foray out if the weather takes turn for the better 

I don't have a current yahoo email addy I am glad to say El 

Yogi, pressie wrapping seems a good option if you have nothing else planned 

Have a good day peeps 

I used to leave all the wrapping until Christmas Eve. I'd shut myself in the bedroom amd watch It's A Wonderful Life as I did it. 

Doing it in stages means my back will ache less, and I'll be able to watch IAWL in peace. 

Yogi19 posted:
Moonie posted:

Morning everyone  

Its rained all night here. Seems like just drizzle now. Not to cold. Mind you I haven't ventured out yet so that's just a guess 

No plans for today. May take a foray out if the weather takes turn for the better 

I don't have a current yahoo email addy I am glad to say El 

Yogi, pressie wrapping seems a good option if you have nothing else planned 

Have a good day peeps 

I used to leave all the wrapping until Christmas Eve. I'd shut myself in the bedroom amd watch It's A Wonderful Life as I did it. 

Doing it in stages means my back will ache less, and I'll be able to watch IAWL in peace. 

Awwwwwwwwww that sound very idyllic Yogi

It is easier to do it a bit at a time

Then have the pleasure of IAWL at the end

~Sweet Winter Wonderland~ posted:

Good morning! At last 

it's been a busy start here today, I hope you're all ok and warm & dry  

Good morning Sweet

Sorry you are having a busy day but I guess best in some ways

All is well with me fankoo. Shopping done though I wasn't going to do it until tomorrow. However, it was dry if cold so off I went

squiggle posted:
Moonie posted:
squiggle posted:

Thank you Moonie, are you finished with Christmas shopping now?

Yes, all done and dusted now squiggle 

Well done, it's a great feeling isn't it? Thank goodness for the internet though because I am not up to trudging around the shops anymore.

It certainly is a good squiggle 

I still foot slog for the most because I am able too though I do get stuff off the internet too 

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