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Good morning sorry I vanished yesterday, I've gone down with some sort of gastric bug, I ache all over and have had a bad tummy upset during the night. Luckily it's my day off anyway so I had a hot bath and came to bed. 


Yogi i I hope you & PB have a fabulous couple of days  


moonie, lovely video- they look like they're dancing for you  


how ow is everyone else today? 

~Sparkling Summer~
~Sweet Winter Wonderland~ posted:

Good morning sorry I vanished yesterday, I've gone down with some sort of gastric bug, I ache all over and have had a bad tummy upset during the night. Luckily it's my day off anyway so I had a hot bath and came to bed. 


Yogi i I hope you & PB have a fabulous couple of days  


moonie, lovely video- they look like they're dancing for you  


how ow is everyone else today? 

Awww sorry you are feeling poorly and on your day off too

Hope you feel better soon

All is well with me fankoo

The family was very frisky today. I hand fed one of the swans and nearly lost a thumb, well tip of 

Dont blame him though. Was my stupid fault 

They do have sharp teeth 

Last edited by Moonie
squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, so sorry to hear you are poorly Summer, I hope it's a 24 hr thing and you will soon feel better

Lovely video Moonie, the cygnets get on very well with the ducks don't they?

Have a lovely sleepover with PB Yogi

Enjoy your day everyone

Hi squiggle 

Fankoo, well they do until there is food in the offing, then its every feathered one for themselves 

Have a great day 

~Sweet Winter Wonderland~ posted:

Lol Star Wars fever is sweeping the nation


thank you moonie I've been asleep most of the day and am trying to keep hydrated.

i'm glad you didn't break your thumb or worse, I'm guessing the swans are not shy! 

That's certainly the best thing to do Sweet 

Nah, it was just a nip attempting to be the first to the food 


Moonie, I would be wary of hand feeding a swan, though in your case it nearly was feeding your hand to the swan

Summer, it's sensible to keep hydrated and I hope you feel a lot better tomorrow I'm not a fan of Star Wars but it seems that some of the new film was filmed in the Forest of Dean. The eastern edge of the forest is getting fairly close to the Severm and the stretch where the Bore occurs. I go past the Severn Bore Inn when I visit one client and it's about 7 miles away from where I live, so it's fairly local to me.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

Moonie, I would be wary of hand feeding a swan, though in your case it nearly was feeding your hand to the swan

Summer, it's sensible to keep hydrated and I hope you feel a lot better tomorrow I'm not a fan of Star Wars but it seems that some of the new film was filmed in the Forest of Dean. The eastern edge of the forest is getting fairly close to the Severm and the stretch where the Bore occurs. I go past the Severn Bore Inn when I visit one client and it's about 7 miles away from where I live, so it's fairly local to me.

I knew what would probably happen El, if I wasn't quick enough and I wasn't 

Its was just one of those "must try things"  in life 

But once bitten, as the saying goes 

~Sweet Winter Wonderland~ posted:

My mum once got nipped by a horse, I think it thought she had some food. She was ok but had a nasty bite on her arm for a time. 

I like Star Wars I'm looking forward to the new film. It's nice when you know the locations isn't it  

Yeah, you have to be careful with horses if they don't know you Sweet


Good morning everyone

Very cloudy here and quite windy. Hasn't started raining yet but is forecast for much of the daytime.

Summer, I hope you are feeling a lot better today I should think getting bit by a horse could be rather nasty. Not the same, but I must have posted before about the time when I and my brother were young we were at Bristol zoo when a giraffe bent down and licked my brother's face

El Loro

Good morning everyone, I am so glad you are feeling a little better Summer, you certainly don't want to be ill this close to Christmas

That is so cute EL, I wonder what it was about your brother's face that made the giraffe want to lick it?  I know some grumpy horses bite but it does sound like that particular horse was just over eager for a snack.

Rain and wind again, hey ho! I wonder what they will call the next storm Egbert, Eustace, Ethelred - place your bets now.

Enjoy your day everyone


Summer, I'm glad you are feeling a bit better today

It could be that if there was sweat on my brother's face that the giraffe was attracted by the salty taste. That's my guess.

Squiggle, all the names of the storms have already been announced, so it's known what the next one will be called. If you want to know, there's a list on this BBC page At the rate things are going they'll have to come up with another series of names.

El Loro

Hehe I like squiggle's Storm names better  

morning squiggle how are you today? 

Ever since the forum change, my predictor text on here has gone completely haywire  

I've managed to have a bath and wash my hair, and I feel ok. I'm now having a little rest. I'm so glad it happened when it did because I've had the chance to have a jolly good rest while I was on a day off anyway. 

~Sparkling Summer~
~Sweet Winter Wonderland~ posted:

Hehe I like squiggle's Storm names better  

morning squiggle how are you today? 

Ever since the forum change, my predictor text on here has gone completely haywire  

I've managed to have a bath and wash my hair, and I feel ok. I'm now having a little rest. I'm so glad it happened when it did because I've had the chance to have a jolly good rest while I was on a day off anyway. 

I'm fine thank you, well as my friend said we always say that no matter how many little aches and pains and general niggles we have I'm glad you're feeling better but like Moonie said it's a shame not to have been able to enjoy your day off.


The GCHQ Christmas card brainteaser which has been in the news:

It's one of those shading puzzles. The numbers at the left and the top signify the number of black cells to be shafed in and there is at least one white cell between each set of black cells. The result is likely to be some sort of picture. The grid is 25 by 25. Some of the black cells are already shaded in as a start. Some of the rows seem quite easy to fill in such as the 7th row down starting with a 7 and the row near the bottom 1 3 1 3 10 2.

El Loro

 Everyone, just popping to say hello. Been busy with the family. 
Sorry to hear some of you unwell, hope you get better soon x
This dreadful weather can pull on the immune system. 
Its stopped raining here!! Hurrah! So sorry for those affected, some lost their possessions , very sad, hope the Government can help , says no more.........
All well here, had a nice day shopping with my daughter, well i say nice, the shops are full, and so hot, but nice to have time with her , looking normal. 
Love to all, and have a nice evening. Take care 

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