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Aww that's nice Yogi.  We loved Scotland, we stayed near Pitlochry and travelled up as far as Glen Ness and it was the glens of Scotland that I really loved, I remember coming over the mountains up from Glen Clova at past 10 at night and it was still light, this was in June I think.  Down in the glen we had seen 2 heifers having a friendly head bashing contest, simply glorious scenery and the people were a lot friendlier than they were in North Wales. I will catch up again tomorrow, I doubt I will ever see Scotland again now
Good morning everyone

Frosty at present, but not a cloud in the sky

squiggle, I'm intrigued as to which film about the Western Isles you saw. The ones I can remember are The Edge of the World a doumentary, but that's about the Shetlands. Then there's I Know Where I'm Going which I think showed that the Brits could match Hollywood in romantic comedies. And then there's Whisky Galore.
El Loro
Good morning everyone, a beautiful morning here, hope you have one too. Sorry to have missed you Ros  The forsythia near my gate has suddenly sprung into glorious flower and its all looking very spring-like. 

El Loro its the second one you mention 'I know where I'm going'.  Quite dated but I enjoyed it.  Fascinating to see actors I have only seen as elderly in their youth.  Wendy Hillier and Roger Livesey.  And Finlay Currie who I have only ever seen in films as a really elderly gentleman, about middle-aged in this film I guess.  Ooh and Petula Clark playing a rather spoilt and precocious little girl.

I have made a really daft thread following on a silly email I got this morning about half-price I Pads, its called Let me know quickly, and I hope I don't pick up too many insults from aggrieved bargain hunters, its just a bit of fun for Monday morning. 

Oh and talking of emails there was a fascinating one went round last week about printer cartridges.  There was a short clip that went with it but basically it said that in each printer cartridge there is a small 'reset' hole and if you press a paper clip end into that it will re-set it.  In the clip they showed it re-setting from 'empty' to 'half-full' so certainly worth looking into.  I can't think of a way I can copy the clip into here but it might be worth a search for 'Re-setting Printer Ink'  Good Luck!
squiggle, I thought it might be I Know Where I'm Going. I've always been a fan of Michael Powell who directed this. I rate him as the best British film director there has been, as he made a number of memorable films which cross genres and are original. I know that David Lean is also highly regarded, but his films tend to be adaptations of books rather than original. Powell also made films such as 49th Parallel, A Canterbury Tale, A Matter of Life and Death, Black Narcissus and The Red Shoes. His career came to a halt with the savage mauling by critics and politicians of Peeping Tom, and for years he was in the wilderness.

For a time Pamela Brown lived with him in Avening which is not that far from me. She was in I Know Where I'm Going as Catriona:

She died 15 years before Powell and is buried next to Powell in the churchyard at Avening. Martin Scorcese had seen some of Powell's films, and when he heard that Powell was living in obscurity decided that this was wrong. He spearheaded a campaign to restore his reputation. He also took Powell to Hollywood as an advisor on his films. Whilst there Powell married Thelma Schoonmaker who is Scorcese's film editor.
El Loro
That's very interesting EL.  I did notice the character Catriona but I didn't know the name of the actress.  Such an interesting face, on the screen you really noticed her, a strong and attractive face rather than prettiness.  Its a pity in a way that the film was in black and white because of course you cannot see the beauty of the scenery.  The film, as you probably know, had a major scene involving the famous whirlpool the Corryvreckan. For its time it made some valid points regarding those who value money against those who value family values, friendship and community spirit.
Good morning everyone.    Beautiful day here although it was very frosty first thing.  Hope you all a good weekend.

Saw the doctor this morning and he is going to write the referral letter to the private hospital.  I have made an appointment for Friday, 18th March, so that's two steps forward on the way to sorting my knee out!!

Hope to be back later. 
I have raved on so often about my lovely little car, I thought you might like to see it. It looked so lovely out of the kitchen window this morning I thought I would take a snap of it. I have smudged the number plate for obvious reasons

Good afternoon everyone.    Sun still shining I'm pleased to say. 
Red car Squiggle - just what No.2 son wants!!

Been busy booking tickets to see Les Miserables in September (penfriend's choice).  Picked best seats available - front row of the Dress Circle so we should have a good view.  Rather expensive but what the heck.  Only be doing it once!!

Probably won't be back tonight but will catch up with you all tomorrow. 
Originally Posted by El Loro:
You'll be interested to know that Waking the Dead returns this coming Sunday.

I am very interested, thanks El Loro. I'll set my V+ to record it.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Hi everyone  Whats going on now? The print looks different (IE)
Anyway hope you are all well and had a good weekend.
Hello to squiggles car
Hi Skylark, how are you doing?
My text doesn't look any different, but I'm on FF.
Originally Posted by Joyron:
Good afternoon everyone.    Sun still shining I'm pleased to say. 
Red car Squiggle - just what No.2 son wants!!

Been busy booking tickets to see Les Miserables in September (penfriend's choice).  Picked best seats available - front row of the Dress Circle so we should have a good view.  Rather expensive but what the heck.  Only be doing it once!!

Probably won't be back tonight but will catch up with you all tomorrow. 
Very nice  It was here a while back but unfortunately i was too late for tickets
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Sorry to hear your computer is on a go-slow again.
I'm getting fed up with all these twists on DOI, although I think the right person left last night.
Its driving me mad!!!!!!!    Yes glad Denise went, what about her hubby?
Some people though it had been pre-arranged by Tim and Denise. It was a bit OTT.
Jason, of course, was his usual rude self.
Right gardeners i need advice, i dont particularly have green fingers. I moved into this flat over 2 years ago now, its a new build and we have had a lot of restrictions until the builders checked everything out.Now they have done their checks i can start getting things done. I have a balcony which gets the sun in the afternoon. I have bought some plant pots and tubs, a circular one and 3 long ones, if you know what i mean.  What do you suggest i plant in them? I have looked at lots of seeds i can put directly in the compost, but which ones do you think?
I would also like some greenary in the corner, that wouldnt grow too high. Thanks muchly x
Good morning everyone

Another very sunny day but frosty at present.

Skylark, as your computer is on the go slow again, it is too soon to need to do another defrag. Is the computer slow at everything or just when you are on the net? If it's just when on the net, try clearing the browser cache to see if that helps. If you don't know how to do this, have a look at the browser help pages. Different browsers have different methods.

If clearing the cache doesn't sort this out, then do a broadband speed test to see what that shows. It may be that the speed is slow causing the problems.Here's a link to try out the speed

Otherwise, it's time to get the computer looked over by someone with computer knowledge to see what is going wrong. It could be that your registry needs to be cleared up, or that there is conflicting software running in the background, that your hard drive has become too full, that with the number of programs running in the background the computer memory is being pushed to the limit, or something else, which is why someone with access to your computer would be needed.

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro
Good morning everyone, its really chilly here but it is lovely and sunny.

EL good advice to Skylark, can I suggest as well that you check how full your hard drive is. (If you were running Windows XP it would be click Start, click My Computer, highlight your C drive and right click, then scroll down in the drop down menu and click Properties).  It will show you how full your hard drive is, and from there you can also do Disk Cleanup to get rid of unnecessary files. If it looks rather full then uninstall unnecessary programmes to clear the drive a bit.  It can really slow down your computer if it is overfull
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