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~Sweet Winter Wonderland~ posted:

Sweet dreams to all who've gone to bed  


tonight I've been a busy bee, I've wrapped more gifts and prepared parcels to send to family & friends. 


I'll try again to post a pic, I hope it's possible because I love posting them. 


Lovely to see skylark about today  

Hi Sweet

Well done on getting those gifts wrapped. I got a lot of Christmas cards written
Take care and stay warm and safe

El Loro posted:

Moonie, there was no effect on the video for me, either the original or the copy. May be it was just a temporary glitch for you ?

Hi El
It was when I posted my reply to your post in quotes, your video in your original post disappeared. However, it has come back again this morning so, as you say, just a temporary glitch. A  in the machine
Thanks El


It's a Wonderful Life is one of my all time favourite films as well. Not surprisingly, it was the director Frank Capra's film of the ones he made, and James Stewart's favourite films of the ones he made. Not surprisingly, it was voted by the American Film Institute as the most inspirational film ever made.

It was originally going to be released in the States in early 1947 but because the film studio's intended film for Christmas got delayed, the studio released It's.. instead on 20 December 1946. That's why the credits mistakenly show copyright of 1947 instead of 1946. When the film was first released, it was a flop.

The most loved film flop of all time.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

That's a lovely picture squiggle and I'm glad it worked

Moonie, that's odd, it sounds like a pop up box taking you to a facebook page or the red 1 which appears when you get an alert. If it happend again you could take a screenshot and post it so we cam see where it appears and what it looks like.

I hope Bax doesn't see this news item:

Yep, will do El 

Bazzy doesn't pop in here very often, so I think your are safe  

El Loro posted:

Looks as if it's parts of Cumbria getting the worst of storm Desmond - Allerdale, Appleby, Sedbergh affected. Record river levels in Kendal. North East England also hit though the red weather warning is for Cumbria.

I am glad, for once, I am in the Midlands El 

Take care and stay safe you people in those areas 


Cheltenham Town beat Chester 3-1 to take advantage of Forest Green being involved in the FA cup this weekend to move 4 points ahead at the top. Cheltenham also have a superior goal difference to Forest Green (31 to 17) and that could be the deciding factor as to which team gets automatic promotion. It's only just half way through the season so anything could happen but it's still encouraging.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

Cheltenham Town beat Chester 3-1 to take advantage of Forest Green being involved in the FA cup this weekend to move 4 points ahead at the top. Cheltenham also have a superior goal difference to Forest Green (31 to 17) and that could be the deciding factor as to which team gets automatic promotion. It's only just half way through the season so anything could happen but it's still encouraging.

Yep, notice that El  


*night owls* thanks for the goodnight hugs I hope you're all warm, dry and sound asleep. I've successfully managed to not get drunk at our staff night owl, despite drinking several vodka's- plenty of food & lemonade did the trick

the food was delicious, but the places after we're crowded and the music wasn't my kind of thing lol I'm happy to be home, in my pj's and watching a Xmas movie 

looking forward to properly catching up with you tomorrow  

~Sparkling Summer~
~Sweet Winter Wonderland~ posted:

*night owls* thanks for the goodnight hugs I hope you're all warm, dry and sound asleep. I've successfully managed to not get drunk at our staff night owl, despite drinking several vodka's- plenty of food & lemonade did the trick

the food was delicious, but the places after we're crowded and the music wasn't my kind of thing lol I'm happy to be home, in my pj's and watching a Xmas movie 

looking forward to properly catching up with you tomorrow  

Hi Sweet
Glad you had such a good time

*puts paracetamol on standby for tomorrow morning*

Pleased you are home safe and sound

Enjoy the film, then sleep well and have sweet dreams  


Good morning everyone
Cloudy amd windy here with a bit of rain but nothing exceptional. I hope those up north are alright and that none of you have been adversely affected by Desmond.

I had one of those M&S iced Christmas pudding buns last night as part of my scientific research into the effect of food on people and can report it's rather nice

El Loro
~Sweet Winter Wonderland~ posted:

*night owls* thanks for the goodnight hugs I hope you're all warm, dry and sound asleep. I've successfully managed to not get drunk at our staff night owl, despite drinking several vodka's- plenty of food & lemonade did the trick

the food was delicious, but the places after we're crowded and the music wasn't my kind of thing lol I'm happy to be home, in my pj's and watching a Xmas movie 

looking forward to properly catching up with you tomorrow  

I'm glad you enjoyed the food, if not the music, Summer.

Good morning everyone.

The rain has stopped for the moment, but I'm not sure how long it will last.

I feel so sorry for the poor people in Cumbria, with all that flooding.

Have a good day everyone.


Good morning everyone,windy and drizzly here sadly, I hope it's going to clear up soon as I have a friend coming over for a visit and the forecast was for it to be dry at least.

I agree Yogi so awful for people who have been flooded and even evacuated and had their journeys disrupted.

I am glad you had a good time with good food Summer, and well done on not getting drunk.

Scientific research eh EL? What a good idea

Enjoy your day everyone

El Loro posted:

Good morning everyone
Cloudy amd windy here with a bit of rain but nothing exceptional. I hope those up north are alright and that none of you have been adversely affected by Desmond.

I had one of those M&S iced Christmas pudding buns last night as part of my scientific research into the effect of food on people and can report it's rather nice

very well done on your important scientific research El, thank goodness for people like yourself  


good morning all, no paracetamol needed here this morning, thank goodness  

it's a much nicer day than yesterday so I'm heading out so enjoy some daylight, back soon  


what at are you all doing today?

~Sparkling Summer~

Yogi and squiggle, I too feel for the people in Cumbria as well. Prayers were said in church today for them.

Squiggle, I hope the drizzle has eased and that you have a nice time with your friend. There was some drizzle here as well first thing but that's eased now and there's a bit of blue sky. I think it's important for me to continue my food research so that I can share my findings with you.

Summer, I'm glad you had no need for the paramedicscetamol this morning and hope you have a nice walk

El Loro

Afternoon everyone.

Weather has been a lot better today. It is dry and bright.

El, well done on your scientific research.

Squiggle, I hope you and your friend have a nice visit.

Summer, I'm glad you didn't require headache tablets. Enjoy your walk with Bramble.

Moonie, you are doing a brilliant job of sussing out the new forum set up.

Yogi19 posted:

Afternoon everyone.

Weather has been a lot better today. It is dry and bright.

El, well done on your scientific research.

Squiggle, I hope you and your friend have a nice visit.

Summer, I'm glad you didn't require headache tablets. Enjoy your walk with Bramble.

Moonie, you are doing a brilliant job of sussing out the new forum set up.

Thanks Yogi but it really was more by luck than any kind of skill  

I hope your day is going well. Good to see you are having better weather too 

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