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~Sweet Winter Wonderland~ posted:

Ah hello you 3!  


lol at the polar bear, that's sweet. Yogi, just say Santa dropped it off, then DIL can't complain about it  

I've watched "the family stone" it's one of my favourites. Bramble wanted to eat my twiglets and did a rare thing by laying on me upside down and letting me stroke her tummy for aaaaaaages  



Awwwwwwwwwwww lovely


PB was great, Summer. We can take her anywhere and she is as good as gold.

She's coming on a sleepover next week and we are going to put up my tree together, and we are going to make an elf's enchanted cottage! (A bit like a gingerbread house).

Goodnight all, I'm off to catch up with The Apprentice.

Hugs for Summer, Moonie, Velvet and Ros.

Yogi19 posted:

PB was great, Summer. We can take her anywhere and she is as good as gold.

She's coming on a sleepover next week and we are going to put up my tree together, and we are going to make an elf's enchanted cottage! (A bit like a gingerbread house).

Goodnight all, I'm off to catch up with The Apprentice.

Hugs for Summer, Moonie, Velvet and Ros.

Awwwwww she will so love that Yogi
Nite nite, sleep well and have sweet dreams


Good morning everyone, dry this morning rain this afternoon is the forecast so I must try and put the rubbish out this morning.

Sounds like a lovely evening Summer you and Bramble snuggled up together, as EL says fillings don't last for ever but usually it's quite quick to replace one.

I had to smile at the polar bear Yogi, I hope all goes well at the dentist.

Moonie you are doing so well with the new format, and you were so worried

Enjoy your day everyone

El Loro posted:
Moonie posted:
El Loro posted:

Squiggle and Moonie, I think we are all getting quite a lot of rain - in my area coming up to an inch in the next week but I think it will be more in other areas, most in the Welsh hills and mountains.

Makes you glad you aren't in the Welsh hills then doesn't it El 


Sings, the hills are alive with the sound of rainfall 

~Sweet Winter Wonderland~ posted:

Good morning, I thought I had posted earlier but it's not there

El, is that a lesser known story from Irving? 

I love holiday inn too, even though it's very similar to white Christmas. 

Yogi, good luck at the dentist 


hi moonie & squiggle  

Hi Sweet

I think there are still a few  in the machine unless you used a norty word(knows you didn't)


On Monday I ordered a few things from Amazon. They weren't related to their Cyber Monday thing, their follow up to Black Friday. Some things would be delivered by their Amazon Logistics, and these should have arrived yesterday. Amazon have apologised since saying that because of the quantity of orders they were late and so the parcel would arrive today or tomorrow.

The other thing would be from one of their market sellers and would be delivered by Royal Mail some time between tomorrow and next Tuesday.

I've received a parcel an hour ago. Guess which one

El Loro
El Loro posted:

On Monday I ordered a few things from Amazon. They weren't related to their Cyber Monday thing, their follow up to Black Friday. Some things would be delivered by their Amazon Logistics, and these should have arrived yesterday. Amazon have apologised since saying that because of the quantity of orders they were late and so the parcel would arrive today or tomorrow.

The other thing would be from one of their market sellers and would be delivered by Royal Mail some time between tomorrow and next Tuesday.

I've received a parcel an hour ago. Guess which one

Seems like the "left arm, and right arm" syndrome El. One not knowing what the other one is doing  

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