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Hi everyone, its a pearly grey morning here grey but not dismal if you get my drift.  I have visions now of Yogi and Skylark in their jammies (Santa and Winnie The Pooh) fending off hordes of canvassers   I think its probably going to be interesting down here in the South West too with the May elections as this is quite a Lib Dem voting region.

Yogi that thread with the Yeoman of the Guard at the Tower of London was great, did you catch the other 3 bits of it on U Tube? What a great guy.
Good afternoon everyone

The day started frosty but sunny, and it's now cloudy with the possibility of a bit of rain, but I think it may brighten up tomorrow afternoon, and Monday and Tuesday could be nice and sunny.

After shopping this morning, I went to the church hall where they had a table top sale. Not so much looking to buy things, though I got a bit, but more to help out at the end with putting the tables and chairs away. The strangest item I saw, but didn't buy, was an antique serving plate. The base part of the plate was round as normal, but the upper part was square and engraved. It must have been used in something like a manor, but as it was made of brass with no hallmarks, it's unlikely to be of any value, just unusual.
El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:
  I have visions now of Yogi and Skylark in their jammies (Santa and Winnie The Pooh) fending off hordes of canvassers   I think its probably going to be interesting down here in the South West too with the May elections as this is quite a Lib Dem voting region.

Yogi that thread with the Yeoman of the Guard at the Tower of London was great, did you catch the other 3 bits of it on U Tube? What a great guy.
I'm a scary enough sight without the Winnie the Pooh jammies.
I haven't seen the other thee vids with the Yeoman of the Guard, but I will watch them soon. I thought he was great - a real character.

El, did you manage to pick up a few bargains at ther tabletop sale?
Good morning everyone

It's cloudy at present, but I think things will brighten up later.

I have a box set of Buster Keaton DVDs and started watching them yesterday evening. I'm seeing them in DVD order otherwise I would lose track of which ones I'd seen, so the better known films are later on. The first was a short, but the second was called The Saphead which was his first feature film (75 minutes long), but I had never seen it before. It was very different to his better known films as it was closer to a drama rather than a comedy. There were some comic moments, but it was unusual it that we actually saw him smiling. He was famous for never smiling in his films.
El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Hi Squiggle, I bought a couple of planters with primroses for my mum, and a Gardeners World magazine for me.
Goodnight, sleep well.
Thanks Yogi, I did .  I love primroses I always look forward to seeing them pop out in my garden.

Good morning everyone, its grey but dry here, but I know the forecast is for the weather to improve as the week starts.

I don't know much about Buster Keaton but was he the one who, in one of his films, hung from the hands of a huge clock and did his own stuntwork?  I seem to remember seeing that one. And I am going way back now but I seem to remember when I was really young seeing a film where an elevator in a building didn't stop at the top of the building but kept on going was that one of his I wonder?
squiggle, I don't know if that elevator film is one I've seen. It almost sounds like the climax to Willy Wonka, but it isn't. I will keep an eye out for it if it is one of the Keaton films I've got.

The film with the hero hanging from the hands of a huge clock is Safety Last which starred Harold Lloyd.

Both Harold Lloyd and Buster Keaton did films with lots of stuntwork, but although they did their own work, Lloyd tended to use a certain amount of trick photography (he's not really hanging 50 foot from the ground), but Keaton's stunts were for real. He actually broke his neck in one stunt, carried on working for a few weeks until a doctor told him that he was lucky to be alive.

Lloyd always wore glasses, Keaton didn't. Both brilliant at what they did, but Keaton has generally been regarded as the greatest comedian, and it is accepted that he is the model which all stuntsmen try to follow.
El Loro
The weather has improved quite a bit now, quite sunny.  Thanks for the interesting information EL.  I know Buster Keaton's face, he had a real deadpan didn't he?  But I don't think I've ever watched one of his films.  I think Charlie and the Chocolate Factory must have pinched the idea of the elevator from that earlier film.  I was fascinated when I was a child by the thought of it, the elevator not stopping but just keeping going.

Me and my brother loved Laurel and Hardy when we were kids.  You know that Stan Laurel was born in Cumbria (well I think it was part of Lancashire at that time) I could have got that wrong I am not so hot on geography.  Me and my hubby went to this tiny museum of his life when we were in the Lake District which was interesting but the thing I found most fascinating was that the guy who ran it sounded exactly like Stan Laurel, quite a distinctive accent.
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