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Originally Posted by Joyron:
Good morning everyone.    It's grey and miserable here at the moment but there is a small chance we might get some sunshine later. 

Squiggle and El Loro you certainly do lead exciting lives.  I really envy you!! 

I'm pleased to say I'm feeling a little brighter today.  Had a little "rant" with Yogi last night, through PMs, and things don't seem quite so bad this morning. 
That's good to hear . I think a lot of it is down to the cold north-easterly wind we've been getting. Here temperatures will struggle up to about 4 today, but it gets a bit warmer later this week.
El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
I've been having trouble posting here today and I keep getting thrown off the site.
I have changed browser and it seems okay now that I've changed to IE, I wonder if there is a problem with FF.
Anyway, I disappear into the ether, you'll know I've got posting problems again.
I use FF and I haven't had any problems today. Mozilla has just released an update on FF which came through yesterday afternoon on my computer, but I wouldn't expect that to the cause. Let's hope it's just a temporary blip as we don't want you disappearing into the ether
El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Squiggle and El, I updated FF this morning but the site had been playing up a little bit over the last few days, so I don't think FF is at the root of the problem.
I'm back on FF ATM, and (touch wood) everything seeems to be okay.
Long may it contimue to be OK
Thanks El, I get all panicky when I get locked out.
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Squiggle and El, I updated FF this morning but the site had been playing up a little bit over the last few days, so I don't think FF is at the root of the problem.
I'm back on FF ATM, and (touch wood) everything seeems to be okay.
Long may it contimue to be OK
Thanks El, I get all panicky when I get locked out.
Oh me too Yogi, I was so miserable last weekend, kept trying this and trying that, I deleted my firewall and anti-virus because sometimes if they are playing up or need re-registering they can stop you getting online.  You feel cut off don't you its ridiculous
Originally Posted by Joyron:
Good afternoon everyone.    The sun did come out so it's been quite a nice day.  The forecast for the weekend is pretty grim though. 

Hope you have all had a good day. 
Glad the sun came out for you Joyron, hope the forecast for the weekend is wrong and you are bathed in sunshine instead
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Squiggle and El, I updated FF this morning but the site had been playing up a little bit over the last few days, so I don't think FF is at the root of the problem.
I'm back on FF ATM, and (touch wood) everything seeems to be okay.
Long may it contimue to be OK
Thanks El, I get all panicky when I get locked out.
Oh me too Yogi, I was so miserable last weekend, kept trying this and trying that, I deleted my firewall and anti-virus because sometimes if they are playing up or need re-registering they can stop you getting online.  You feel cut off don't you its ridiculous
I know what you mean, Squiggle, it really is a horrible feeling. 
I am back on IE because I can't reply again, when I'm on FF.
Never mind, as long as I can get here, the browser isn't important.

Joyron, glad the weather brightened up for you. It's been a lovely day here, although it is still quite chilly.
Joyron, I'm pleased that it brightened up for you today. Like you, my weekend doesn't look too promising, but I think you will find that Sunday is better than Saturday, and Monday looks really sunny at present.

Yogi, it's strange that you are having problems with Firefox, I haven't had any problems today. I have recently cleared the browser cache, so I wonder if you cleared that it might help. Tools - Options - Advanced tab - click on Clear Now, then on OK to do this.

I'm fairly certain that Firefox and IE use different caches, so clearing the cache on one browser doesn't clear on the other one.

squiggle, it's a nightmare if you have to delete the firewall and anti-virus to get online, and rather risky. I've never needed to do that. Sometimes if I have installed a new program, I need to switch them off during installation, but before I go back on the web, I switch them back on. Switching off the antivirus s/w is less serious as it is used for checking stuff on your computer, so unless you are looking at emails and other things you can get away with it for a short time. But if you have to switch off the firewall, that is much more serious and if I have to do that I actually take the broadband cable out of my computer so that whilst the firewall is off, it is impossible for baddies to get access to my computer. I get frequent firewall messages that it has prevented access from certain hacking sites. In my case, it's always the same criminals - they are based in China which makes it near impossible for the authorities outside China to do anything about it. It's not known who is behind these attacks, though the Chinese authorities may have an idea, but  - I'm not going to start speculating as to who it may be. What I do know is that if I switched off my broadband, my computer would be infected within a few minutes, possibly seconds.

I have to sign off now as I'm off to see another new client - very small and a one-off.
El Loro
Good morning everyone Here, it's more of the same - cold and grey but dry. There may be some sun later on for a time, but the weekend looks set to be grey, but things are looking promising for Monday onwards And I think that's the case for squiggle and Joyron as well

Yogi, let's hope your reply problems have been sorted out.

All went well with that new client.Thanks
El Loro
Good afternoon everyone.    The sun is shing here today and quite a few of my daffodils are just about to burst into flower.  Hopefully if the weather is better next week, as El Loro says it might be, they will come out.

Just received an email from my penfriend for the last 50 years to confirm she and her husband will be visiting from 19th to 29th September.  Now I have to get busy planning where to take them.  Hopefully any surgery on my knee/hip will be well out of the way by then and walking should be a lot easier. 

Yogi, my grandaughter loves creating scrapbooks.  She's always cutting out bits and pieces to fill the pages.

Hope to be back later. 
Is this the first time your penfriend has visited you, or have you met before, Joyron?
Either way, I'm sure you'll be pleased to meet up with her.

As I remember, most of my scraps seemed to be of Victorian ladies, angels and sparkly baskets of flowers. We could buy them from the newsagents and they were sold in sheets and you had to cut them out individually. I spent many happy hours with scissors and glue, just like your granddaughter.
Originally Posted by Joyron:
This will be their fourth visit Yogi.  They last came to visit eight years ago so we will all have changed considerably in that time!!  They have asked many times for us to visit them but unfortunately I cannot/will not fly and two transatlantic crossing on a cruise liner would be rather expensive!!
I could try to fly you across at a low level across the Atlantic but I'm not sure my wings are up to it
El Loro
Originally Posted by Joyron:
This will be their fourth visit Yogi.  They last came to visit eight years ago so we will all have changed considerably in that time!!  They have asked many times for us to visit them but unfortunately I cannot/will not fly and two transatlantic crossing on a cruise liner would be rather expensive!!
It's great that you have kept up the friendship for all these years.
Good evening everyone.    Yogi, it started with airmail letters, while we we were both in secondary school,  back and forth across the Atlantic Ocean for many years.  It's much easier now with email.  We correspond a couple of times each over the weekend.  I won't go into details (as it will bore everyone rigid) but there are so many similarities between us that even our husbands find it "spooky".

I'm an quite sure that your wings would never be able to carry me across the Atlantic El Loro   Many thanks for thinking about it in any event. 

Have a very busy weekend coming up but I will drop in when I can.  Have a great weekend all my lovely buddies, whatever you are getting up to. 
Hi everyone
Hi Joyron, thats nice with your friends coming, September is usually a nice month, weather wise, plus it gives you time to get things sorted x
Oh scrapbooks, loved them
I see we have a new search thing, cant see me using it to be honest, and i can see many an old thread being dug up !
Thank goodness its Friday, no work at the weekend !
Thanks Yogi, will have to get the red noses in and i usually get the tshirts and whatever else is on the go.
I work strange shifts TBH! When the system changed to 12 hour shifts 4 on and 4 off, i found it very hard, with my bad knee. I am trying to get a permanent 7 till 3 shift , Monday to Friday.
I usually work the weekends, one in 3 , so not working this weekend. I have ruled out night shift, not keen on my son being home alone during the night, The house is safe enough, but i would just worry, he tends to put things on but not off i.e the iron etc
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