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Squiggle, I'm not surprised by that plant cover being blown off as it's very windy here.


I didn't know that mustard gas was used in chemo but knew that chemicals which are poisonous can also be used for medical treatment, a well know one being warfarin used for vermin control and for preventing blood clots in people. The key difference being that in warfare the gas was/is used indiscriminately but the compound as used for your chemo would have been very carefully administered, monitored, and much smaller in quantity,


El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Just had a parcel delivered for my neighbour. I think the man who delivered it may have been one of the walking dead by his mannerism  


Did he look like this EL?     

That's him


Luckily I was able to close the door very quickly so I expect to be OK.


El Loro

I see that Google did something yesterday to mark what would have been Hedy Lamarr's 101st birthday with this clip:

Although it appeared on most country's Google homepage, for some reason not in this country.

She was Austrian, was a film actress, moved to the States in 1938 and became a Hollywood actress. But she was more interested in helping the Allied war effort as World War II broke out than in the roles she was being offered.  She had some background in military munitions, and together with a composer friend, George Antheil, used the principles of how pianos worked to identify a way to prevent German submarines from jamming Ally radio signals. The patent for “frequency hopping” Lamarr co-authored laid the groundwork for widely-used technologies like Bluetooth, GPS and wifi that we rely upon daily.


El Loro
Good morning a mixed bag here; mild, breezy, rainy, sunny!

I'm heading out to lunch with a friend, I haven't seen her for months so a jolly good catch up is in order!

Moonie, I hope you're ok, come back soon. We have much to talk about

Yogi, sounds gorgeous! I hope you're thoroughly enjoying yourselves

El & squiggle, have a good day, I'll be back this afternoon
Betamax reminds me of "baymax" from big hero 6
~Sparkling Summer~

Back from the hygienist and have to go again in 4 months.


Yogi, I hope you are having a great time


Summer, I hope you have a good lunch and chat with your friend


Squiggle, I hope all goes well with your check up next week I was surprised to hear that Betamax tapes were still being produced. They must have vanished in this country a long time ago so I assume that there are parts of the world which have still been using them.

El Loro

Been dealing with that client's tax investigation (my post on 31/10) and have contacted HMRC. Client had admitted making the mistakes. I've been able to explain how the mistakes arose. HMRC say they will amend his tax return and write to him (and me) with the result setting out how to pay the tax. They said "that will be the end of it".

Hopefully that will be the end of it. Client may get a penalty - could be up to 30% of the tax but if so I would expect that to be discounted as we have gone back to HMRC well within their time limit, have admitted that his figures were wrong so haven't been unco-operative or tried to procrastinate. He will get charged interest of course and accepts that I will be billing him.


El Loro
Aw, what a mess but it's a good thing that it's all been sorted out at last and your client knows where they stand, and hopefully the experience will teach them how to not make mistakes in future I hope they're able to set up a plan to pay the bills too

I've had a nice catch up with my friend, she has 2 little girls so it was lovely hearing what they'll be getting up to at Christmas this year
~Sparkling Summer~

Summer, I'm glad you had a good catch up with your friend.

I founnd out that the dental hygienist used to be in the RAF and trained their to be a dental assistant. So I asked her if she knew a client of mine who was also in the RAF as a dentist until recently and they know each other quite well.


Hopefully the amount of tax the client with the tax investigation isn't of the size where he will need to pay by instalments - it could have been much much worse if the investigation had exploded. I had had nothing to do with the incorrect tax return which he had done himself. By going to an accountant should mean that the sort of mistake made won't happen again. I did tell the HMRC that I had not been his agent for that year as the type of mistakes made were so obvious to me that I would be embarrassed if I made such a mistake.

I can understand how people do make mistakes if they do their own tax return. Interest and dividends get entered net, and pension income gross.


El Loro

Hi Skylark

I was in the local post office about noon and there was a young mother with her toddler in front of me. She was holding the toddler up to her with one arm while she was paying. She had a poppy on her coat and her child had a small poppy badge and she was talking to the child about their poppies. I didn't know her but I felt that she was a good mother and the poppies meant something to her.


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Hi Skylark

I was in the local post office about noon and there was a young mother with her toddler in front of me. She was holding the toddler up to her with one arm while she was paying. She had a poppy on her coat and her child had a small poppy badge and she was talking to the child about their poppies. I didn't know her but I felt that she was a good mother and the poppies meant something to her.


Aw lovely. My Grandaughter wearing her poppy too, and have told her what it means , as much as she understands xx

Originally Posted by Skylark:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Hi Skylark

I was in the local post office about noon and there was a young mother with her toddler in front of me. She was holding the toddler up to her with one arm while she was paying. She had a poppy on her coat and her child had a small poppy badge and she was talking to the child about their poppies. I didn't know her but I felt that she was a good mother and the poppies meant something to her.


Aw lovely. My Grandaughter wearing her poppy too, and have told her what it means , as much as she understands xx

aww that is lovely -its just so important

Rocking Ros Rose

Good morning everyone, I can see a bit of blue sky although there are some grey clouds as well.  Not much rain in the forecast today and I think our really wet weather arrives on Saturday.


Lovely stories about the little ones wearing poppies.  Well done that mum taking the time to explain, so important that we remember those who 'gave their yesterdays for our tomorrows'.


I hope you soak up the sunshine today Yogi


Enjoy your day everyone


In the world of astronomy, an interesting announcement today in that the equivalent of Venus has been discovered orbiting a star about 39 light years away.

It's the first planet found of its size which is close enough for scientists to be able to examine the atmosphere in detail. Until now only giant planets like Jupiter have been found close enough to examine, Although planets similar in size to Venus, Mars and Earth have been located they have been too far away to be able to do much research.


El Loro
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