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 Everyone, hope you all well. 
Havent been around as went down with a chest infection, on the mend now. Hoping Yogi,s PB other Gran getting better. Hope too you have a nice time with PB, Yogi.
What a beautiful house, yes i read the Beckhams were interested in the property. 
Hope you all having a good day and the weather fine for you all, not bad here, chilly but nice and fresh. 
Take care all 


Aww Skylark sorry to hear you have a chest infection, there are so many suffering with that at the moment.  Wish you better soon.


The nuthatch is back, same bird different nut.  Heaven knows what nut he has, it's not a peanut, it's huge, he can hardly get his beak around it, and it's very round.  This one looks pale, the other one was brown, but the same size.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
If I did have that much money, I would want to buy Chatsworth

Squiggle, I don't recall any dreams from last night but I certainly did sleep week after my curry

I hope you all sleep well tonight leaving night owl hugs for yogi, Ros & moonie and get well soon hugs for skylark

night summer-sorry to have missed you yogi

Rocking Ros Rose

I have to have professional indemnity insurance and there's been a broker who has been emailing me to see if I was interested in getting a quote from them. I wasn't and have recently renewed the policy for the coming year.

The broker rang me the other day so I told him that I had already renewed the policy with the exisiting insurers.


Got an email this morning from the broker with a quote for the next year. I'm not impressed and replied accordingly.

(in any case their quote was higher than what I'm paying )


El Loro

In Village Road in Cheltenham there is a small cottage called Box Cottage. It's sandwiched between two ordinary houses. A Google street view link to this


You can't get much of a view from this because a tree is blocking the view.
Few people would know that it's there.


There's a nearby lane called Tanners Lane. I found this article about the history of Tanners Lane. It mentions Box Cottage but doesn't show a picture of it.

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
It's been rather busy yogi, and then I went to an exercise class after, so I'm treating myself to some early duvet time now

How was your day? Is PB as charming as ever?

 I'm under the duvet too.


PB was great. She is going through a very helpful stage and wants to "help" with all the housework. However, Keira didn't appreciate her help, when she used Keira's waterbowl for water to mop the kitchen floor!

Good morning overcast here this morning

I slept so heavy that I've awoken with a headache (and miss bramble on my pillow )

Yogi I hope your errands don't take long and that you can have a relaxing afternoon

El, when are the new neighbours moving in?

I see moonie wasn't around yesterday, hope he's ok

Leaving good morning hugs for squiggle & skylark
~Sparkling Summer~

Collects good morning hug from Summer - thank you I needed it. I hope your headache clears up soon.


Very rainy and miserable here, I am planning on staying in but miserable weather for anyone having to trudge around in it.


I love the story of Little Miss Helpful and can just picture Keira's face


Enjoy your day everyone


Yogi, I hope you don't ger rained on when you have to go out 


Summer, I hope your headache goes bow that you are up

The new "neighbours" house is about 25 miles away from me so I'm not expecting to see them when they move in


Squiggle, the weather is much the same here as for you but the rain has eased and the clouds aren't so dark. As the change in the weather had been well predicted I cut my grass yesterday. It was damp but not as wet as it would be now.


El Loro
Oh my goodness, I hope he's going to be safe!

The sun came out beautifully here, so we stayed out a while longer than normal and then Bramble got top marks at her quarterly check up
Now, I'm relaxing with a cup of tea and watching a movie on True Christmas channel

Squiggle, I've always got a hug for you should you need one I hope you're alright
~Sparkling Summer~
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