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Good morning everyone, sorry I did not reply to you last night Ros but I had already logged off, so a big Hi now Its a lovely clear morning and it really does look like Spring

My dear hubby was a Leap Year baby and so we would have been celebrating his birthday today.  Next year he would have had a proper birthday, so this bouquet is for all of you but in special remembrance of him          
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Good morning everyone, sorry I did not reply to you last night Ros but I had already logged off, so a big Hi now Its a lovely clear morning and it really does look like Spring

My dear hubby was a Leap Year baby and so we would have been celebrating his birthday today.  Next year he would have had a proper birthday, so this bouquet is for all of you but in special remembrance of him          
El Loro
Hi everyone  Lovely morning here just had the dog for a walk nice to see the sun and some spring flowers budding at last
Had a nice meal at my sister,s and some cans of Cream Soda! Never tasted it for years, but alas didnt taste the same as i remember
Glad you had a lovely birthday El
As for Vanilla being knocked out...well
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
I didnt know you can vote against a thread, there are more to vote against than this one
I think that people can choose 1 to 5 stars to click on to vote so for example if 4 people vote 5 stars and 1 person votes 1 star (can't vote 0 stars), then 4 stars would be shown, but the system must have some way of remembering who has voted, otherwise I could vote 50 times for 5 stars here and singlehandedly get the rating up to 5.
El Loro
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
So if a thread has 5 stars, how can it be reduced to 4 stars? (i am thick!)
Going out shopping may not reply till later xxx
You are not thick I don't know how the star system works, so my example was based on guesswork.
What I worked on was what is called a weighted average. So if 4 people vote 5 stars each that's 20 stars in all. Then if another person votes only 1 star, that's added to the 20 to make 21 stars. That 21 gets divided by the total number of people who voted - 5 and that works at just over 4, so 4 stars gets shown.

Not that it matters, but the current rating for this thread is 3.96 (but you would have to look at the programming code behind the scenes to find that out)
El Loro
Last edited by El Loro
Love those big twinkly stars, Squiggle.
I forget about rating the threads and clicking on stars. Are you supposed to do it, after you have posted in the thread?

I've been on a shopping trip and I can't believe how bad the road surfaces are. The snow and ice really have caused a lot of damage.
People were swerving all over the roads to miss big potholes and rutted surfaces.
It looked like a load of drunk drivers on a day out.
My local council asks people to report potholes, so I take them at their word and call them.  Youngest son says the council people will have already nicknamed me "The Polehole Woman".
I don't care though, I've previously had a burst tyre, thanks to a huuuuuuuuuge and unavoidable pothole, and I don't want another one.
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

It looked like a load of drunk drivers on a day out.
My local council asks people to report potholes, so I take them at their word and call them.  Youngest son says the council people will have already nicknamed me "The Polehole Woman".
I don't care though, I've previously had a burst tyre, thanks to a huuuuuuuuuge and unavoidable pothole, and I don't want another one.
You do well to report 'em Yogi, some of them big ones are frightening.  We do get quite a few down our lane as it isn't maintained by the council (although the guy next door fills them in quite regularly, that's what his business is amongst other things) and there was quite a large one just a bit down the lane from me until recently.  Anyway I managed to avoid it by swinging to the right and just clearing it but recently there were people walking up the lane and they politely pulled to the side of the lane to let me pass and as I swung to the right to avoid the pothole I think they thought I was trying to run them over

Glad you like the twinkly stars, I reckon that even if the thread isn't 5 stars you and Joyron El Loro, Skylark and Rosgirl certainly are
Good afternoon everyone.    Dull, wet and dismal here today (again). 

Sorry I've not been about.  After a busy weekend with the grandchildren I've been trying to catch up on my chores, only to be disturbed time and again either by the telephone or unexpected visitors.  Think I'm nearly sorted now.

I did manage to pop in early yesterday morning when it was quiet and saw that it was El Loro's birthday so posted a quick greeting in his birthday thread.  Hope you had a really happy day El Loro.  Other than that I've not had chance to visit.

I've looked back over everyone's entries and can only agree that our lovely little thread is certainly worthy of five stars and all the people that contribute to it are five star people in any event, so we don't need anyone to confirm that. 

Will try and get back later but not sure what time hubby will be home. 
Originally Posted by squiggle:
You do well to report 'em Yogi, some of them big ones are frightening.  We do get quite a few down our lane as it isn't maintained by the council (although the guy next door fills them in quite regularly, that's what his business is amongst other things) and there was quite a large one just a bit down the lane from me until recently.  Anyway I managed to avoid it by swinging to the right and just clearing it but recently there were people walking up the lane and they politely pulled to the side of the lane to let me pass and as I swung to the right to avoid the pothole I think they thought I was trying to run them over

Glad you like the twinkly stars, I reckon that even if the thread isn't 5 stars you and Joyron El Loro, Skylark and Rosgirl certainly are
Have you been scaring the locals again with your crazy driving?

Originally Posted by El Loro:
Yogi, here's a link to a site for reporting potholes throughout the UK  There's a map where you can see which potholes have already been reported.
Thanks for the link, El.

Hello and cheerio Joyron, you're a busy woman today.
Hello to Skylark, too.
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Hi Yogi, yes thanks, had a nice meal and watched DOI, and came home to watch the skate off. Its nice to have a meal cooked for you. She got us Cream Soda, it reminded her of when we were kids. Its wasnt very nice! Funny how things are never as good as you remember them
That's very true.
Wagon Wheels aren't what they used to be either.
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