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Evening all.


Squiggle, I don't blame you for hoping Mr Badger finds somewhere else to be happy. I hope your gardener can block off his point of entry.

The Ikea orange and elderflower marmalade is lovely, but it isn't as tangy as orange marmalade. I love it, but I like lime, and orange marmalade too.

The owl and the moon pics are great.


El, I hope the big job is going well.

I listened to both pieces of music and can see what you mean.


Summer, I hope you've had a good day and not been too busy.


Skylark, I'm sorry I keep missing you. I'm glad all is well with you.



Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, I hadn't realised that Ikea sold food. I'm glad you like their Marmelad Apelsin & FlÃĪder


It's very early days in the huge job. I'll have a better idea how it's going in a month.


 They have a small selection of Swedish food.


How long do you think it will take you to complete it?


O/T I did the ios9 update on my Ipad earlier today, and now Safari signs me out every time I leave the page. If it isn't signing me out when I don't want it to, it's signing me back in when I'm not here!


Good morning everyone


Hazier blue sky here compared to yesterday.


Yogi, the huge job is equivalent to a solid month of time. It is spread over a longer period of time as I have to do other work as well. Also their office manager/accountant/etc will need to get more information for me to be able to complete. She's currently away and is recovering from an operation. She's supposed to be away until the start of November but was saying that she intends to come back next Monday. Obviously she's not going to be able to work at her normal level even if she does come back. I think it likely that I will be still working on it by the end of November as a result. 


I'll be out this afternoon on another course. This one is about changes in the way that company accounts have to be done in terms of layout and disclosure. This is another one where I will need to be alert. The previous course, this one, and the next one (on charity accounts) are some of the most important courses I've been on due to the major changes being brought in.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning everyone


Hazier blue sky here compared to yesterday.


Yogi, the huge job is equivalent to a solid month of time. It is spread over a longer period of time as I have to do other work as well. Also their office manager/accountant/etc will need to get more information for me to be able to complete. She's currently away and is recovering from an operation. She's supposed to be away until the start of November but was saying that she intends to come back next Monday. Obviously she's not going to be able to work at her normal level even if she does come back. I think it likely that I will be still working on it by the end of November as a result. 


I'll be out this afternoon on another course. This one is about changes in the way that company accounts have to be done in terms of layout and disclosure. This is another one where I will need to be alert. The previous course, this one, and the next one (on charity accounts) are some of the most important courses I've been on due to the major changes being brought in.

That sounds like a lot of work, El.

I hope the course is interesting and you aren't tempted to  (not that you would, I'm just joking)


Good morning everyone.


Weather is dry and sunny.


Once the dew has disappeared from the lawns, I might try to get them cut.


Have a good day everyone.


Good morning everyone, the sky is hazier than yesterday like your's EL.  The gardener is here and has cut the grass already, it is looking a bit battered despite my hard work.  He has found two holes and is going to try to block them both.  He says that of all his customers only one who has a walled garden hasn't had damage from the badgers.


I hope your course goes well EL and you find it interesting.  That is certainly an extremely large job, it must be nice when you have finally finished it (and are waiting for your cheque )


Enjoy your day everyone

Good evening very busy day, must have been the weather I hope you've all had a good day.

El, I hope you have a reward for yourself following that course

I wonder if Paddington would have liked marmalade with elderflower in
How's your update now yogi? I see there's another one to fix some issues with the ios9 update. I haven't updated my iPad yet but have done my phone
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Hazy blue sky here.


Summer, it's the power of Googgle search and the choice of words to search on, As Paddington came from Peru I did a search on Peru and elberberry to find the Amazon link.


Good news that one of the worst nuisance calling companies has been fined ÂĢ200k.

Many of us had calls from that company.

I hope the calls I reported last week result in a similar fine.


El Loro

Squiggle, as I'm an accountant doing tax returns etc I have to be able to research things. I may have mentioned before that when I was in the first year at the senior school just before the Easter break we were given a Shakespeare quiz to do over the break. My father had all the plays and had a couple of reference books on Shakespeare so I set to work on answering the quiz and went to the local library to look for further information. I handed the quiz in after the break and forgot all about it until the day came when I was summnnsed to the head of english literature and told that I had won the competition (I hadn't realised it was a competition) beating a 6th former who was studying Eng Lit for his A level. The teacher did get in touch with my father to ensure that my father hadn't been giving me the answers. My one and only scholastic achievement. But when I look back on it, doing that quiz made me realise that I had the ability to research.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, blue sky and a huge bank of white cloud over the sea, a bit breezier than yesterday but on the whole a pleasant morning.


Sounds like your day went well Yogi, enjoy your day with PB and her sleepover.


Mr Badger still managed to come by but only pulled one flap of grass back, which I have tucked back into place.  I am hopeful that if he didn't find anything to eat that will put him off.  Evidently they are very active at this time of the year putting on fat to prepare for the winter.


Moonie I hope you are OK, we miss you


Enjoy your day everyone

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