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A Gloucester man is attempting to swim the entire length of the River Severn to raise money for charity:

He would be the first person to do this if he succeeds. The river is 220 miles long and has the second biggest tidal range in the world which is why it's so hard. I know David Walliams swam the 140 miles of the River Thames some time ago but this is a lot tougher.


El Loro

Good morning everyone, cloudy and dull but I hope dry today as I've got house group this afternoon.


Lucky you seeing a rainbow Summer it seems ages since I saw one.  I hope the day goes well Yogi.


I wonder how the tidal effects on the Severn will affect that swim, it sounds a very difficult feat.


I am going to post my rainbow pic taken on Woolacombe Beach years and years ago, enjoy your day everyone



Don't have a photo of it but my most memorable weather sight was passing Bude where it had been raining, there were dark clouds, and there was a gap in the clouds where the sun sent down a beam to the wet beach.


The closest I can get to is this hybrid of two pictures near Bude on the web. It's not quite right but gives you some idea,




Images (1)
  • Bude
El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle, I think they still are:


Such is the power of Google images search, it only took me a moment to find it.

How clever of you EL I'd forgotten which firm it was, and fancy that it's a Somerset firm too so not that local to me.  Luckily I still have the negative here although I would never be too bothered about copyright.  It was a lucky fluke to get the picture I was just in the right place at the right time.


Afternoon all.


We had some sun, although a bit windy, but now the rain is back with a vengeance! Keira and I will have to postpone our walk.


Summer, you were very lucky to see a rainbow. I don't think I've seen one this year!


Squiggle, I love your rainbow pic, and those people were naughty to use it on their website.


El, the little clip is very cute, and I like the pic you posted too.



Heavy rain here, just stopped, sun shining but dark clouds in the distance, so maybe a rainbow, but cant see it from my window! 
Hope you all well. 
Just been watching "Who is Doing the Dishes "  ITV , quite entertaining. Josie Gibson was the last one, another on as Scotland was playing Japan yesterday , so it wasnt on. 
Did i say Scotland won, no,  well they did , and comfortably too! Well done them  



As you can guess I was aware of the Scotland Japan match yesterday as it took place about a mile away from where I live. Well done Scotland It would be quite a match if the final was between England and Scotland (both countries would need to be top of their group or both second in their group for that to be possible).


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:


As you can guess I was aware of the Scotland Japan match yesterday as it took place about a mile away from where I live. Well done Scotland It would be quite a match if the final was between England and Scotland (both countries would need to be top of their group or both second in their group for that to be possible).


Hi El, yes i knew that, hope the Scots behaved  Yes Scotland V England would be fab. I would need oxygen, screaming for my team, of course     
I do wish England well too, but not against us!     


I had an email from KPMG in my spam email folder. They are one of the large firms of accountants. First part of it reads:

Do you enjoy doing your accounts? We suspect the answer

will be no.


We believe entrepreneurs want to run and grow their

businesses - not be saddled with admin that could

constrain growth.

That’s why we’ve launched our Small Business Accounting

service. For a low monthly fixed fee (prices start at just ÂĢ145

a month) we provide you with unlimited access to your own

dedicated accountant who can help you with all your financial


I'll think I'll stay as I am and do my own accounts. I don't think I need my own dedicated accountant and don't want to spend upwards of ÂĢ145 a month

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I had an email from KPMG in my spam email folder. They are one of the large firms of accountants. First part of it reads:

Do you enjoy doing your accounts? We suspect the answer

will be no.


We believe entrepreneurs want to run and grow their

businesses - not be saddled with admin that could

constrain growth.

That’s why we’ve launched our Small Business Accounting

service. For a low monthly fixed fee (prices start at just ÂĢ145

a month) we provide you with unlimited access to your own

dedicated accountant who can help you with all your financial


I'll think I'll stay as I am and do my own accounts. I don't think I need my own dedicated accountant and don't want to spend upwards of ÂĢ145 a month

Drives you nuts. I have phone calls, twice daily for many weeks telling me a need a new boiler, no i dont and i cant stop these calls , tried everything 

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
What a charming little video

Squiggle that rainbow pic is stunning, what a wonderful sight that must have been in RL too
I've been lucky enough to see at least 5 this year, I feel very blessed in general but seeing a rainbow always reaffirms that feeling

Skylark I hope you're all well


Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Leaving goodnight/night owl, lark, hummingbird hugs for all enjoy CBB final and sleep well after

Sorry Summer, I'm in the CBB thread for the final.

You are sooo lucky to have seen all those rainbows.

Goodnight and sweet dreams, Summer.

Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

We made it to the end, Ros - even Anthea didn't put us off.

Goodnight and sweet dreams.

night yogi and yes -will miss the thread -roll on IAC night summer

The thread is much better than the show.


Good morning everyone.


A dry and bright start to the day.


lol El, I'm sure you don't need any help with your accounts.


Skylark, I'm sorry I missed you yesterday. I'm glad you enjoyed the rugby.


Out and about today, have a good day everyone.



Good morning everyone, looks as if it's going to be a nice day lots done already including driveway swept, the morning is running away with me


Oops looks as though KPMG needs to have a bit of a clear-out of their database if they are contacting accountants offering to do their accounts


Skylark I am glad all is well with you and that you are enjoying the rugby.


Yogi I hope all goes well today.


Enjoy your day everyone

Originally Posted by El Loro:

The other day I ordered some printer cartridges from Viking and there was a freeby of some Thorntons chocolates if I ordered at least 3. So I did that as I get through a number of black ones a year with clients' accounts etc.

It's a large box 685 grams so you are welcome to have some

I like Thornton's chocolates, thanks El.


I got a letter from my brother this morning. In it he mentioned a new Freeview channel (on 81) called "Talking Pictures TV". It's not available on older TVs though as the Freeview channel needs the tuner to be DVB-T2 rather than just DVB-T. No mention of it in the Radio Times.

It specialises in films which may have been shown in the past on other channels but rarely now. Older British films and American films are shown (1930s to 60s) though some a bit more recent.

For anyone who likes older films it's worth making a note of this link to their schedule to see if there's something of interest.

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro
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