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I'm back from that tax course which as I expected had a lot of useful information. There were about 50 of us though hardly any of us said or asked anything during the course (excluding the lecturer of course). There was someone in the front who said a couple of things but was mumbling so no-one other than the lecturer could work out what he was saying. There was someone who did chip in with a few things (the lecturer hadn't mentioned that the employment allowance of ÂĢ2000 for employers was being abolished for one person companies where no employees other than the director from next April), asking when regulations were coming in which would require us to notify all clients of offshore income penalties for non-disclosure even if the client has zero foreign income. the person also mentioned that a couple of days after the announcement that tax returns would be abolsihed by 2020 by replacement with digital tax accounts for everyone, that it was announced that the online grant application system for farmers was being put on hold because it was too complicated for farmers to use and they were going back to paper applications by post. The lecturer hadn'r heard that and was quite amused - I think he may mention that in future when he's talking about the intent to abolish tax returns.

No prizes for guessing who that person was


Moonie, the weather is better here and has been dry for most of the day. The forecast for tomorrow afternoon and evening is bad, with plenty of rain, Affects virtually all of England and Wales. I'm not expecting to need to go out tomorrow so won't affect me as such.


El Loro

Good morning everyone


Fair weather here at present but rain forecast by mid-day.


Alas poor greenhouse, we knew it well Yogi But, like a phoenix, something truly magnificent will, one day, rise from the ashes.

Yogi, I hope you have a good two days with PB


Summer, I hope you've had a good time with family and friends


El Loro

Good morning everyone, I wonder why on earth Amazon want to get into space exploration, it's a funny old world.


Sounds like you are having a great time visiting friends and family Summer, look forward to hearing all about it.


Poor greenhouse, it did its best, as EL says exciting new things to come, new visits to the garden centre called for as the new raised bed is planned.  Enjoy your PB time Yogi.


Enjoy your day everyone


Afternoon peeps

Cold but occasional sun here. Still dry but rain is forecast  

Hope you day goes well 


Sweet, I hope you have had a great time with family and friends 


El, hopefully your rain hasn't arrived yet 


Squiggle, hope your day is going well 


Yogi, hope you are having a super day with the lovely PB 

I have a feeling the birds will be happy 

RIP your greenhouse  

But 'welcome' to the new raised flowerbed when it arrives 

Have a great afternoon friends 


Good afternoon moonie

The rain hasn't started yet but it's got a lot darker than it was. Looking at the Met Office rain map, my area is right on the border of the band of rain as it moves north so I could miss it altogether or get the rain. 10 miles further east and it will rain there,


Got one of those silly recorded phone messages saying I would get a refund of my bank charges if I pressed 5, or press 9 if I've alreafy made a claim, no option to stop getting such a call. As I have hardly ever paid bank charges I would be wasting my time if I tried and in any case I wouldn't use one of those claim outfits.

I'd be more inclined to use the advice from Martin Lewis:


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good afternoon moonie

The rain hasn't started yet but it's got a lot darker than it was. Looking at the Met Office rain map, my area is right on the border of the band of rain as it moves north so I could miss it altogether or get the rain. 10 miles further east and it will rain there,


Got one of those silly recorded phone messages saying I would get a refund of my bank charges if I pressed 5, or press 9 if I've alreafy made a claim, no option to stop getting such a call. As I have hardly ever paid bank charges I would be wasting my time if I tried and in any case I wouldn't use one of those claim outfits.

I'd be more inclined to use the advice from Martin Lewis:


Hi El 

Glad you haven't had that rain. We have had our promised rain yet either 


Good morning everyone, aww poor PB, Frosties are so comforting when you're poorly, I hope she manages to keep them down and she has fought off the bug.


Your poor doctor EL I hope someone else will soon phone you to tell you all your results are just fine.


A dry day here I think which is just as well because Mr Badger decided to pay a visit and the lawn needs some attention now.  He must have been hungry because I see he has dug up next door's lawn as well.


Enjoy your day everyone


A couple of weeks ago Radio Gloucestershire broadcast a short drama written for it. It was transmitted as part of the regular local programme in 5 parts, the first one being about 7 minutes long.

Link to the first of these programmes:

The whole programme is included so it's necessary to move forward by amount 30 minutes. Links to the later epsiodes shown there.


Where is Alice Jenner? She hasn't been seen for four days


The reason for mentioning this is because it's written by Emma Samms (who also is in it) who is best known for Dynasty. It also features Jon Culshaw and Lisa Maxwell (Loose Women and The Bill). All three of them live in Gloucestershire

El Loro
*night owls* I'm back home and have had a busy but wonderful trip. I've loved catching up with everyone and have eaten out constantly! Oddly, I've eaten a lot of fish instead of red meat, well done me

El, I've bookmarked the article about saturda moon, I'll enjoy reading that tomorrow. I'm pleased your health check results are good

Moonie, you've been a productive busy bee! Well done on the 2 extra owls I'll go visit your Fred to see them

I hope PB is feeling better by now, bless her x
~Sparkling Summer~
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