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Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Hi Ros x   Yes he is out, got money for a taxi blah blah , but i still worry !
How is life treating you?
OMG - that was my life before son went to uni - i still worry now and he is 21
i am fine thank you
going to bed now as we are decorating the kitchen
night sky lark - hope your son isn't too late home
Rocking Ros Rose
Good morning everyone

At present it's sunny, but colder than recently as I can see frost on the car.

Skylark, the chances are that one of the fans which coolsyour computer is starting to fail. That was the cause of my computer turning off by itself a few months ago. I took it to the local computer repair shop and I they charged me ÂĢ50+VAT for replacing the fan and giving the innards of the computer a good clean out of the dust.

If the computer is running slowly it will be either too many processes running at the same time or that the disk drive is getting full. It may be worth seeing if there are programs on the computer drive which you no longer use so can unistall them. It's also worth after deleting any old programs to run a defragmentation. But don't attempt to run other programs at the same time and it could easily take a couple of hours.
El Loro
Hi everyone, I've been offline all weekend, my router is really odd, I am still getting used to it, you have to turn it off about once a month which was easy with my old one but this one seems to sign right out and then I have to log in again.  So I have spent the weekend feeling frustrated and thinking I'd better get the computer guy in again (more expense ) but then I had a thought (light bulb moment) perhaps I need to re-configure the router again and log back in and hey presto here I am.  Hope you've all been very good without me , nice to be back, I can't stand being offline
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Hi Squggle, good to have you back.
We have been during your absence.
Why do you have to turn off your router once a month? Ours runs constantly and only goes off if we have a powercut.
Well I'm listening to my computer guy he said they need turning off once a month to re-boot and I am blindly following his advice, am I being daft here or what?   I am probably over-reacting but I felt it and it felt hot and I thought I had better turn it off and did and cut myself off   I'll try never turning it off and see how that goes.  I could see that the DSL light was working and that packets were being sent and received but it didn't occur to me until just now that the blessed thing had logged out again
Thank you for your birthday picture aquiggle

I had noticed that you had been missing over the weekend. The router that I have now (Virgin cable) stays on the whole time, and it's clearly not intended to be switched off as there is no on/off switch. I did turn off the old one when I was with Orange, but that was more to do with the connection problems I had with them. Neither the current or the older router ever got warm. The power adaptor stays cool for my current Virgin router, but did get warm (but not hot) for the Orange one. But if you read the posts on this link, it doesn't look as if you should worry.

The important thing to remember with a router is to make sure that it has adquate ventilation and not to block the openings.
El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Hi Squggle, good to have you back.
We have been during your absence.
Why do you have to turn off your router once a month? Ours runs constantly and only goes off if we have a powercut.
Well I'm listening to my computer guy he said they need turning off once a month to re-boot and I am blindly following his advice, am I being daft here or what?   I am probably over-reacting but I felt it and it felt hot and I thought I had better turn it off and did and cut myself off   I'll try never turning it off and see how that goes.  I could see that the DSL light was working and that packets were being sent and received but it didn't occur to me until just now that the blessed thing had logged out again
I'd have done what the computer guy said too.
My youngest son is my computer guy and he leaves our Belken Wireless Router on all the time - so far, no problems.
I think El's advice ^^^^ is good.
Originally Posted by El Loro:

The important thing to remember with a router is to make sure that it has adquate ventilation and not to block the openings.
I've taken your advice and moved the router to a new position (I have a computer cupboard and the router was alongside the tower unit before) I have now put it on top of the tower unit and I don't see why it should get too hot there.  Thank you and Yogi for your advice, and I think trying to follow the advice I was given with my old router (which had an off button) is probably wrong with this new router.  Hugs to you both
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Why this thread doesn't have five stars I'll never know.

Pathetic really!

Hi all - El Loro hope you're enjoying your day 
Hi Velvet I agree about the 5 stars but I think that downgrading of this lovely thread is by people who never actually post in it still everyone is entitled to their opinion I suppose.
I don't know how the star rating works as you can only vote for it not against it.

I've just had a surprise birthday present. I was drawing my curtains when I noticed a rainbow. So I dashed outside to see the whole rainbow. It was spectacular, possibly the best I have seen. This is the closest I can find, but the one I saw had stronger colours (possibly as it's dusk) and seemed to be closer. I could also see a partial double. Thank you God.
El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
I don't know how the star rating works as you can only vote for it not against it.

I've just had a surprise birthday present. I was drawing my curtains when I noticed a rainbow. So I dashed outside to see the whole rainbow. It was spectacular, possibly the best I have seen. This is the closest I can find, but the one I saw had stronger colours (possibly as it's dusk) and seemed to be closer. I could also see a partial double. Thank you God.
EL I am glad God sent you a rainbow to wish you happy birthday, yours sounds like a real beauty, you could say a 5 star rainbow
Link copied to your clipboard.