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Squiggle, I'm pleased that you are happy with the work on your conservatory


As you say, God has it all in hand. From Acts 1:


When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?

And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.


El Loro
That's so comforting squiggle it's so important for us to keep our faiths strong and our eyes on the bigger picture

Thank you for links El I'll come back to those in a while.

I've been to town, bought birthday gifts for various friends and come home with a slice of malteser cheesecake
I have a ham in the slower cooker and am making broth with it

My dog sitting duties are over, all is back to normal here now
~Sparkling Summer~

Congratulations to Her Majesty.


Aww, Dougie the donkey is very cute, El.


Squiggle, it must be great to have your conservatory all sorted and looking lovely.


Summer, ham broth sounds yummy - followed by maltereser cheescake is double yummy!

I'm glad your dog sitting duties have ended, with no escape from Houdini.


I had a brilliant day with PB, she is so funny, she cracks me up!

Today she said to me, "Thank you, your majesty", and bowed!, when I helped her through the bottom stair gate.


Good morning everyone


Supposedly a gloriously sunny day here but at present it's rather grey.


Your majesty, I am glad you had a good day with PB yesterday and hope you have a nice time with your friend


Intriguing website being set up by the BBC for youngsters to encourage more digital makers. Over the next few weeks online kits will be available for them including:

  • EastEnders soap factory - create animated, comic-style content based on the drama
  • Strictly Come Dancing - create dance routines for up to five Strictly robots

Doctor Who game maker - create and share adventures


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning everyone


Supposedly a gloriously sunny day here but at present it's rather grey.


Your majesty, I am glad you had a good day with PB yesterday and hope you have a nice time with your friend


Intriguing website being set up by the BBC for youngsters to encourage more digital makers. Over the next few weeks online kits will be available for them including:

  • EastEnders soap factory - create animated, comic-style content based on the drama
  • Strictly Come Dancing - create dance routines for up to five Strictly robots

Doctor Who game maker - create and share adventures


 Thanks El.


Youngsters might enjoy that website.


Since my post above, I've walked to the doctors for my annual checkup with nurse (blood pressure OK, sugar level OK, no change in weight, blood taken for routine tests, all within 8 minutes - receptionist hadn't booked me in for the annual checkup even though I had told her and always have it at this time of the year). May be the fastest annual check up in current times . Walked back and popped in the local shop for the Radio Times, and got myself a mid-morning drink (later than normal for me due to the appointment).

Doctor to ring me next Thursday with the results of the blood tests.


El Loro

Squiggle, yes, it's nice to have that over and done with. I'm likely to be busy once the real big job comes in so I didn't want to have to go back. Blood pressure at the surgery 128/82 compared to my own readings over the least couple of weeks 116/61. Nurse reading is always higher but still below the threshold regarded as high (over 140/90). I wouldn't want my medication increased as if the lower reading was below 60 that would be too low.

El Loro

Just had a lengthy call from British Gas about the smart meter readings problem. It seems that other customers had been having the same problem. Whilst they were on the phone I checked my online account for the electricity and gas smart meter daily record and it is showing daily figures since the beginning of the month so it does seem to be working as it should.


They mentioned the Warm Home Discount scheme they, through the government scheme, run for those over pensionable age. She seemed to think that although I haven't reached the state retirement age for men that as I'm over 60 I might be able to claim (ÂĢ140 off the heating bill).

Here's a link to the scheme if it's of interest:


I don't meet any of the criteria, but it's still worth knowing.



El Loro

Good evening everyone.


I had a great time catching up with my friend. As you can imagine, we spent a lot of time chatting about her grandson and PB.


Aww how lovely for your grandson, Squiggle, to have the baby saying Dada.


I'm glad your health check went well, El.


Haha Summer, I had a tiara when I got married.


Skylark, good to see you. I hope you are back with us soon.


Good morning everyone, I think we will probably get the rain a little earlier than you EL ours is due to start about 7.


Enjoy your shopping and your lunch Yogi, has cutting back on cakes paid off on the scales?


I have just taken down the bedroom curtains for washing, I probably won't put them up until next week as climbing up on stepladders takes it out of me a bit nowadays.  Never mind I never draw them anyway.


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