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Good morning everyone


Blue sky here at present, forecast to be dry until it rains on Saturday onwards.


Haven't heard back from British Gas about the smartmeter readings though when I checked my account online I can see that there are some days with usage data but not all. So the data is getting through but it looks to be intermittent.


Yogi, I hope you have a nice day with hubby


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning everyone


Blue sky here at present, forecast to be dry until it rains on Saturday onwards.


Haven't heard back from British Gas about the smartmeter readings though when I checked my account online I can see that there are some days with usage data but not all. So the data is getting through but it looks to be intermittent.


Yogi, I hope you have a nice day with hubby


Thanks El.


Do British Gas know what the problem is, and can they fix it?


Good morning everyone, dry but cloudy with a heavy dew this morning.


I think if it were me I would phone British Gas to get to the bottom of it EL, no point going through all that if your meter readings aren't consistently getting through.


I hope you and hubby have a lovely day Yogi.  I am certain the pairing of Kristina and Daniel was very deliberate, she did look a little taken aback.


Enjoy your day everyone


Make sure you keep an eye on the email coming though EL.  I'm with Sainsburys Energy which is basically British Gas and I find I can get through reasonably quickly if I phone at the right time.  For instance this morning would be a terrible time to ring as everyone will probably be reporting something from over the weekend.


Squiggle, I will keep an eye out for the British Gas email. A couple of weeks ago I discovered that a standing order for the gas hadn't gone through so I notified them. That was sorted out (a widespread problem affecting many of their customers). They rang me shortly after I had notified them of the smart meter issue about the direct debit. I mentioned the issue and they did put me through to discuss it. But I gave up after waiting quite some time.

El Loro
Afternoon all it's been a steady start here today

Good to see you moonie we miss you! Thanks for the lovely video, I hope you're getting to see the swans regularly

I too thought that about kristina & Daniel, I've no doubt that's because of recent publicity but she's had a decent partner for the last couple of years so it's her turn anyway to have one of the lesser likely ones
~Sparkling Summer~

Hope you all had a lovely weekend.
Weather here has been very pleasant.
Nice to see you moonie, hope you keeping well. 
Not been watching CBB, but watched Strictly. Cant stand Jamelia, nor Peter Andre. I like Daniel , he lives near my sisters in laws at Donegal . They say he is a bit flash and drives around in a cream Rolls Royce, but a friendly and approachable kind of person. Staunch Catholic , so no nonsense there with his dancing partner 
Hope you all having a nice day 


Summer, I'm working on some accounts at present. It's a charity rather than an individual.


ISIL's ultimate objective is to wage war against the army of Rome (effectively all those who oppose it) in Dabiq, a town in Northern Syria, which according to a prophecy will result in victory for them and the start of the end of the world which is ruled by them and those who share their views.

El Loro

Yogi, well done It reminded me of this parable:

Luke 15:8-10King James Version (KJV)

Either what woman having ten pieces of silver, if she lose one piece, doth not light a candle, and sweep the house, and seek diligently till she find it?

And when she hath found it, she calleth her friends and her neighbours together, saying, Rejoice with me; for I have found the piece which I had lost.

10 Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, well done It reminded me of this parable:

Luke 15:8-10King James Version (KJV)

Either what woman having ten pieces of silver, if she lose one piece, doth not light a candle, and sweep the house, and seek diligently till she find it?

And when she hath found it, she calleth her friends and her neighbours together, saying, Rejoice with me; for I have found the piece which I had lost.

10 Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.

Good morning and absolutely- I love the queen and I'm excited for her today

Interesting about the prophecy El, I certainly hope that doesn't come true. Who's prophecy is it, and is there various references to it through different places & religions??

Yogi, have a wonderful day with PB

Squiggle, how's your conservatory looking this week?
~Sparkling Summer~

Summer, more information about ISIL and Dabiq on this chiiling article on website. I've no knowledge of that site as to its credentials though.


Squiggle's reference to Megiddo is to the Book of Revelation, the last book in the New Testament. That contains a series of prophetic visions which contain references to Armageddon which is the Greek word for Megiddo.



El Loro

Good morning everyone, I hope the housework went well Yogi.  I got my windows done, they were the ones in the conservatory and they really needed doing as I haven't done them since the roof was replaced.  It looks lovely Summer and I am thrilled every time I go out there.  For so long I had to put up with the roof leaking, and the insects (especially wood lice which I hate) getting in as the bottom of the door had gone rotten.  We had a large conservatory in our last house which my hubby was forever trying to stop leaking and I vowed I wouldn't have another house with the same problem when we moved.  Then we saw this house and fell in love, what can you do?


A fascinating topic about the various prophecies, I did some research after you told us about Dabiq yesterday EL which led me onto the prophecy about Damascus laying in ruins which has never happened in all its long history.  The one thing we can be sure of is that God has it all in hand, very comforting.


Enjoy your day everyone

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