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Good morning everyone, sounds like sticker heaven at your place Yogi.  I am glad you got to see a shooting star Summer, I have never seen one but my grandson says he was watching loads of them recently.


Off to get some more paint soon and get my free car wash - my garage has a card and stamp thingy where every 6th wash is free.


Enjoy your day everyone


Back from seeing a client. Sorting out her tax affairs, HMRC have done a tax calculation saying she owes them money. I reckon it's them who owe her money. She's the widow of a client I used to do returns for and is the same person I mentioned a year or so ago where HMRC had sent her a huge tax bill in respect of her husband evne though a previous self assessment tax calculation on the same income had resulted in a refund.


Squiggle, I don't think I've ever seen a shooting star either. I might have seen a UFO when I was very young (but it probably wasn't )


Skylark As you say time flies by.


El Loro

Good morning everyone


Some blue sky here at present, forecast to be the last dry day for some time in my part of the country.


It will take time for my client to get a refund as I have to write to HMRC rather than ring them. She's on their PAYE system rather than self assessment, and my agent 64-8 form has to therefore be posted to them rather than done online.


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, I hope your hubby and you have many happy years of retirement together (or at least semi-retirement)

Me too, I hope that is a happy time for you both, maybe the forecast won't be quite as bad as they say for your lovely PB day tomorrow


Yes the car is all gleaming inside and out and my lovely grandson came with me so the tyre pressures are all correct now too Summer.


Enjoy your day everyone

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, I hope your hubby and you have many happy years of retirement together (or at least semi-retirement)

Thanks El.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, I hope your hubby and you have many happy years of retirement together (or at least semi-retirement)

Me too, I hope that is a happy time for you both, maybe the forecast won't be quite as bad as they say for your lovely PB day tomorrow


Yes the car is all gleaming inside and out and my lovely grandson came with me so the tyre pressures are all correct now too Summer.


Enjoy your day everyone

Thanks Squiggle.

 At your gleaming car, and your helpful grandson.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Summer, that was clever of you to get the towels dried yesterday


I'm off to see a husband and wife client just down the road. And I do walk there, I wouldn't drive that short a distance. It's to get their signatures on their tax returns (and my cheque ).



Originally Posted by El Loro:

I got the clients to sign their tax returns without problem not that I was expecting any.

Also got a small piece of paper from them with a signaure on it. No prizes for guessing what I mean

Cut the grass today not that it had grown much as the forecast isn't that great from tomorrow for the next week or so.


Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Good morning it's a wash out type of day here, thank goodness I got my towels washed & dried yesterday while it was sunny

Yogi that's lovely, I hope you & hubby have lots of retirement adventures together

Thanks Summer. We took a trip to the seaside today as the weather was so nice.

aaawwww lovely yogi

Rocking Ros Rose
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Good morning it's a wash out type of day here, thank goodness I got my towels washed & dried yesterday while it was sunny

Yogi that's lovely, I hope you & hubby have lots of retirement adventures together

Thanks Summer. We took a trip to the seaside today as the weather was so nice.

aaawwww lovely yogi


Good morning everyone, it's been very rainy but is beginning to clear now - sadly it's moving your way EL and then up country   I hope by the time it reaches you Yogi and you Skylark it will be late afternoon and you will have had a lovely day.  Enjoy your PB day Yogi and your busy day Skylark.


I've just coloured my hair, it's nice to have that out of the way for a few weeks.


Enjoy your day everyone

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