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Good morning everyone, we've had grey clouds, then blue skies then grey clouds again, every time you looked out the window it changed but it seems to be settling down now to mostly blue sky so I hope that's a good sign of a sunny day ahead.  Quite a stiff breeze though.


We did see the baby yesterday, he is so tall now and he loves standing on his feet.  He hasn't quite got the knack of crawling yet, in fact I think he might think he's Superman because he stretches his arms forward and I think he expects to zoom forward.  He loves this ball that I bought, I can't remember whether I told you all about it but it moves a little, rolls around and has a spinning butterfly on the top and various buttons that you can push and they make animal noises. 


Yogi I hope you slept well last night


Enjoy your day everyone

Good afternoon all I hope you're having a good weekend, it's been a sunny day here. I'm just waiting for the washing machine to finish before I go out, I'm going to see a local band tonight.

Squiggle I'm glad you did get to see the baby, his ball sounds fabulous and I was giggling at your superman reference

Yogi I'm glad you slept better last night, do you know why you were awake all night the previous one?
~Sparkling Summer~

Squiggle, I'm so pleased that your visit from the baby went ahead. lol at his Superman impression - from now on he shall be known as SB, (Superbaby)!


Enjoy the band, Summer, hope it's a good evening.


El, I hope you've got some earplugs for tonight!


Signing out early tonight, goodnight and sweet dreams. Night owl hugs.


Good morning everyone


Mainly cloud here. It wasn't that watm here first thing, outside temperature of 7C.


Yogi, while the Sportsbeat is on, if I want to watch television I use some headphones:

which has a switch which can cut out 81% of external noise. It's the sort people might use on planes.


I hope you have a nice day with your family and PB if she's there

for SB.




El Loro

Squiggle, I'm not surprised your central heating came on this morning. Mine wouldn't been far off. There have been other years when it has come on for a short time in August so it's not unique. That's the thing with these thermostatically controlled boilers that they will come on automatically unless you switch the heating side off. It doesn't happem often enough to warrant swithcing it off though. Even though it does sometimes come on at unespected times of the year there's no doubt that overall I have saved gas as a result of changing the boiler as it's more efficiient.


The music hasn't disturbed me, it's just when I want to watch some television that I use the headphones.


Summer, I'm having some lemon and parmesan chichen tenders from M&S for lunch. They are new. The covering has a lemon and slightly cheesy taste to it. Quite pleasant. There are others in the same range to try out. The ones I've had include cajun chicken (nice and spicy but squiggle would find them too hot. Also southern fried chicken. M&S have had southern fried chicken for a long time but some weeks ago they changed the recipe and I think the supplier as well - I would get a pack of 2. The old version was very nice. The new version is not so good. One week, the covering was coming away. Another week, one of the 2 pieces was very tough though tasted OK. These new tenders do seem to be more reliable and as the name says, they are tender,


El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
I did thank you, I did some reading outside and then finally saw the last episode of home fires

Are you relaxing now? Hows PB?

Yay, did you manage to get Home Fires on Youtube?


I'm relaxing now, thanks.

PB was great. She watered granny's plants, took her dolls for a walk in their pram (in the garden), and put stickers on everyone! And no Peppa Pig dvd!!!

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Phew! did they happen to be pepper pig stickers though..?

Yes I did, thank goodness for YouTube! The itv player is rubbish.

 No, they were just mixed stickers of lots of different things, from rainbows to jumpers! lol

ITV Player and CH4 Player are rubbish, and you need to register with them before you can watch anything.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Oooh pretty- I'd like the rainbow ones
Guess what yogi, I saw a shooting star last night!

Ugh yes, and limited options. I wanted to catch up on gino's italian adventures but it's not even on the itv player

Middle auntie got the rainbow one.

Lucky you! I've never seen a shooting star.


I've been enjoying Gino's programme. I wonder why it isn't on ITV Player?

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