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Good luck at the hospital, Skylark.


El, my mum and dad have a lovely rowan tree in their front garden. It was grown from a random seed that a bird must have dropped.


Squiggle, I had some good success with chilli plants a year or two ago, so I hope your daughter and grandson have similar results.


Summer, I hope you have a good day.


I came back from the garden centre with nuts and dried meal worms (yuch!) for the birds. No plants.


Good morning everyone


Cloudy here but dry. May brighten up later.


I went to the second meeting yesterday evening to discuss the implementation of our new church website. At the first meeting I had been asked to look at gaps in the existing website and so I had prepared and circulated a paper on this. At present the site is mainly informative - such as who's who, types of services, weekly calendar, and notices/news. One idea I had was to start the equivalent of a vicar's blog which would be the letter she includes each month in the magazine. That appears to be a certainty for the new site as it will make the site more interesting and attractive to those who look at the site, a form of outreach.



El Loro

Good morning everyone, dry with high cloud this morning.


There was a heartbreaking minister's blog that I have been reading recently EL in which he was battling a life threatening illness, and while he was undergoing chemo suddenly his youngest son died.  The rawness of the pain the whole family were enduring - they all took turns to add to the blog - and the faith that shone through the struggles was very moving.  It was entitled The Rainbow Through The Rain which will no doubt remind you of the hymn.  As you say a blog like this can be an outreach for we all have struggles and it's good to know that Christians do not walk a primrose path.


The virtual reality vicar reminded me of Startrek Voyager, I don't know whether you ever watched it but in that because there wasn't a real doctor on the ship there was a holographic doctor, maybe there could be an emergency holographic vicar.


Enjoy your day everyone


Squiggle, I did watch Startrek Voyager and remember Robert Picardo as the holographic doctor. Some of the episodes were extraordinary, going beyond just science fiction.

The same can be said of the other Star Trek series. The City on the Edge of Forever from the first series of the original Star Trek (the one with Joan Collins) is as good as television gets and is still highly regarded after all these years, William Shatner and Joan Collins both exceptional in that episode.

El Loro

Afternoon all.


Sorry to hear about Moonie. Let's hope he gets well and is able to join us again.


Skylark, how did you get on at the hospital last week?


I took Keira to the vets for her boosters this afternoon.

Why does a dog that behaves beautifully at home, turn into a nervous, mad dog at the vets.

Anyway, the vet says she is still at the perfect weight, so my diet and exercise plan for her is working. Shame I'm not so good when it comes to my own diet and exercise plan.


Hi Skylark

I'm fine and I hope you are

It's quite a warm day and quite sunny.

I'll being going out to see a couple of clients later this afternoon. I think it will take time to get back due to the roadworks on the A40. I had hoped to go early afternoon but one of the clients won't get back until later so the traffic will be heavier. Due to the forecast weather for tomorrow and Friday I need to go today as the roads where they live may become flooded. The amount of rain expected is very uncertain, forecasts seem to vary between 20cm and 100cm.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Hi Skylark

I'm fine and I hope you are

It's quite a warm day and quite sunny.

I'll being going out to see a couple of clients later this afternoon. I think it will take time to get back due to the roadworks on the A40. I had hoped to go early afternoon but one of the clients won't get back until later so the traffic will be heavier. Due to the forecast weather for tomorrow and Friday I need to go today as the roads where they live may become flooded. The amount of rain expected is very uncertain, forecasts seem to vary between 20cm and 100cm.

 I hope you've got your umbrella and wellies at the ready, El?

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Hi Skylark

I'm fine and I hope you are

It's quite a warm day and quite sunny.

I'll being going out to see a couple of clients later this afternoon. I think it will take time to get back due to the roadworks on the A40. I had hoped to go early afternoon but one of the clients won't get back until later so the traffic will be heavier. Due to the forecast weather for tomorrow and Friday I need to go today as the roads where they live may become flooded. The amount of rain expected is very uncertain, forecasts seem to vary between 20cm and 100cm.

 I hope you've got your umbrella and wellies at the ready, El?

I'm not intending to go out tomorrow or Friday.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Hi Skylark

I'm fine and I hope you are

It's quite a warm day and quite sunny.

I'll being going out to see a couple of clients later this afternoon. I think it will take time to get back due to the roadworks on the A40. I had hoped to go early afternoon but one of the clients won't get back until later so the traffic will be heavier. Due to the forecast weather for tomorrow and Friday I need to go today as the roads where they live may become flooded. The amount of rain expected is very uncertain, forecasts seem to vary between 20cm and 100cm.

 I hope you've got your umbrella and wellies at the ready, El?

I'm not intending to go out tomorrow or Friday.

 Good plan.


Hi, again having a few probs today with computer , it keeps sticking grrrrr. 

Re my ear/ vertigo. It was rather horrific to be honest. Lay on a bed with my head much lower than my body, and had my head spun around. Hoping to move any blockage. I have to stop the medication i am on just now, which scares me , as attacks are awful. I have to have my head scanned on the 17th. 8pm appointment !! We do do night /weekend appointments here. Still not sure of the cause, but certainly, lights moving dont help. One cause can be stress  


Food for thought:


I don't like throwing food away unless I have to. The other day I had to throw away half a packet of vegetables I bought from M&S. I had noticed an odd taste when I ate the first half on the previous day. On the second day I noticed an unpleasant smell coming from the fridge and identified it coming from the pack. Although the use by date had not expired it was obvious that something in the pack was decomposing.

El Loro
Originally Posted by Skylark:

Hi, again having a few probs today with computer , it keeps sticking grrrrr. 

Re my ear/ vertigo. It was rather horrific to be honest. Lay on a bed with my head much lower than my body, and had my head spun around. Hoping to move any blockage. I have to stop the medication i am on just now, which scares me , as attacks are awful. I have to have my head scanned on the 17th. 8pm appointment !! We do do night /weekend appointments here. Still not sure of the cause, but certainly, lights moving dont help. One cause can be stress  

 Not very pleasant for you.

I know they were doing weekend scans in my area, but don't know about evenings. No doubt it's to ensure they meet waiting time targets.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Food for thought:


I don't like throwing food away unless I have to. The other day I had to throw away half a packet of vegetables I bought from M&S. I had noticed an odd taste when I ate the first half on the previous day. On the second day I noticed an unpleasant smell coming from the fridge and identified it coming from the pack. Although the use by date had not expired it was obvious that something in the pack was decomposing.

I'm afraid I belong to the "If in doubt, chuck it out" brigade.

Originally Posted by Skylark:

Hi, again having a few probs today with computer , it keeps sticking grrrrr. 

Re my ear/ vertigo. It was rather horrific to be honest. Lay on a bed with my head much lower than my body, and had my head spun around. Hoping to move any blockage. I have to stop the medication i am on just now, which scares me , as attacks are awful. I have to have my head scanned on the 17th. 8pm appointment !! We do do night /weekend appointments here. Still not sure of the cause, but certainly, lights moving dont help. One cause can be stress  

That sounds awful Why do you have to stop the medication you are on?  My goodness that's late for an appointment


Like you EL I got my shopping in today and don't intend to go out tomorrow or the day after.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Food for thought:


I don't like throwing food away unless I have to. The other day I had to throw away half a packet of vegetables I bought from M&S. I had noticed an odd taste when I ate the first half on the previous day. On the second day I noticed an unpleasant smell coming from the fridge and identified it coming from the pack. Although the use by date had not expired it was obvious that something in the pack was decomposing.

I'm afraid I belong to the "If in doubt, chuck it out" brigade.

That's not good, I would phone and complain if I were you.  I think the sense of smell is a much better indicator than sell by dates and like you I am definitely in the 'if in doubt, chuck it out' brigade.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Skylark:

Hi, again having a few probs today with computer , it keeps sticking grrrrr. 

Re my ear/ vertigo. It was rather horrific to be honest. Lay on a bed with my head much lower than my body, and had my head spun around. Hoping to move any blockage. I have to stop the medication i am on just now, which scares me , as attacks are awful. I have to have my head scanned on the 17th. 8pm appointment !! We do do night /weekend appointments here. Still not sure of the cause, but certainly, lights moving dont help. One cause can be stress  

That sounds awful Why do you have to stop the medication you are on?  My goodness that's late for an appointment


Like you EL I got my shopping in today and don't intend to go out tomorrow or the day after.

Squiggle, I think with medication for vertigo that it's intended for short term use rather than for long term use.


El Loro
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