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We went to M&S EL and there was a lovely selection reasonably priced.  My friend bought 2 in the end, a really lovely Meadow Cake with icing and a stylised flowers and butterflies theme with the butterflies in 3D looking as if they were flying.  She is going to carry on the theme and personalise it with a message of love and a bible quotation.  She also bought a huge chocolate cake just to offer a little change.  We had a nice lunch out and met some holidaymakers from near where she lived and some of my family still live.  They are staying at Lee Abbey a Christian retreat near Lynton, which you may know is very near The Valley of The Rocks where wild goats live.  As my friend is downsizing a little and has some lovely books to find homes for she took their address and is going to send them a book she has had for 25 years about Lee Abbey.


Hi Skylark I hope all is well with you too

Last edited by squiggle

Squiggle, that sounds an excellent cake - I have seen it in M&S though haven;t ever bought one as it's too much for one person (unless you're Moonie )

The Valley of the Rocks sounds almost as if it's a biblical place thought I know it's not - it's mentioned in Lorna Doone.

I wouldn't be surprised in the vicar who retired from our church a few years ago has been to Lee Abbey as he did go on a retreat for some time somewhere in that part of the country.


El Loro

I think it would probably be Lee Abbey that he went to, it is very well-known and quite a landmark both from the land and from the sea.  A really beautiful part of the world, Lynton (which is called Little Switzerland because of the houses built up the hills) and Lynmouth - there is a water operated cliff railway between the two.


This is the view of Lee Abbey from the sea



Interesting article on a survey into the happiest place in the UK:

Of the 130 places included in the survey, Harrogate is the happiest (good old Betty's).

And at the bottom is Barking and Dagenham (bottom for things such as area upkeep, neighbourliness, community, safety, and amenities). I doubt if that would come as any surprise to my brother having worked there for many years though he lives elsewhere.


The index with interactive map is:


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Hi Moonie


Thanks for the cakes, the chocolate one looks very yummy


Yogi is looking after PB yesterday and today which is why she isn't around, could be back here later today.

Hi El  most welcome and and thanks for the info 

Methinks Yogi will be sick of the sight of Peppa Pig 

A pessie for PB.....



*beats a hasty retreat before Yogi returns*  

Last edited by Moonie
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Hi Moonie


Thanks for the cakes, the chocolate one looks very yummy


Yogi is looking after PB yesterday and today which is why she isn't around, could be back here later today.

Hi El  most welcome and and thanks for the info 

Methinks Yogi will be sick of the sight of Peppa Pig 

A pessie for PB.....



*beats a hasty retreat before Yogi returns*  

 Run, Moonie, run!!!


Afternoon everyone.


Our minding duties for this week are over. 

We kept PB an extra night, then dropped her off at her other granny's house this morning. DiL will pick her up tonight after work. DiL has started a new job which means a couple of overnight stays per month, but she's having to do a few extra ones in her first couple of months in the job. Luckily, PB is happy to stay with both sets of grandparents.

Last edited by Yogi19

Good morning everyone


Forecast to be sunny and dry here.


My brother is arriving this afternoon for another week end visit, I think it likely that he will bring the usual Thorntons chocolate bars and toffee bars There's an ongoing industrial dispute between First Great Western and the RMT union but the next lot of industrial action isn't this weekend. The dispute looks as if it will go on for a long time and my brother therefore only books a ticket a few days before he intends to travel due to the uncertainty.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, lots of blue skies this morning.


I hope you have a great weekend with your brother EL - what game are you playing this weekend?  I didn't realise the strike involved the main line trains, I knew about the underground strike.


Sounds like you had a lovely time with PB Yogi, she brings her own sunshine with her doesn't she?


Great video clips moonie, you are very clever


Enjoy your day everyone


Thank you squiggle


We'll continue playing Book of Unwrtitten Tales 2. I think it's a longer game than some and I'm not expecting us to finish it this weekend. There's very little in the way of new adventure games nowadays so we're not in a rush to finish.


The dispute between First Great Western and the RMT is a different one to the one affecting the underground. FGW intend to introduce a new type of train in 2017 which they say is better than the exisitng one. The RMT believe that the new trains will have fewer guards on board and are therefore less safe. Although the two sides do have talks from time to time, they break down and this is a dispute which could last for a long time. Next walk out is timed for the August bank holiday.

El Loro

Morning Buddies

Dull and overcast here but still dry 


Yogi, I have some more videos of the cygnets when they where little. I will put one or two here some time today 


El, I hope you have a great weekend with your brother 


Squiggle, fankoo but the videos are more by luck than judgement or skill  


Toodles for now  


Lovely day here, for a change! 

Aw lovely clips moonie, i shall show them to my Granddaughter too x
Glad to read you had nice time with PB Yogi, i have been having a clear out, and was going to put the Peppa Pig DVD,s in a charity shop but GD wants to watch them again  She still has her PP duvet cover! She is only 7 mind you . I like kids to be kids for as long as possible. She enjoyed her Brownie camp and back safe and sound. 
Have a good weekend all, enjoy your brothers visit El.  

Last edited by Former Member
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