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Morning everyone  

Another flying visit 

Sings...I'm forever blowing bubbles, pretty bubbles in the air...that's enough of that  hope you're feeling better today Sweet  

Yogi, hope you get some decent weather at sometime today 

Its sunny and dry here atm  

El, Squiggle and Skylark have a good day each 

Toodles for now 

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Today's cutish video clip:

Just don't let Bramble, Keira, or Harvey see it in case they get ideas

Love it!

No fear of Keira trying it, as she is frightened of the sea - but Harv might give it a go.


Remember those cabbage and cauliflower plants I said I bought?

Well, they are cauliflower and broccoli!

Close enough  

One out of two ain't bad  

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Today's cutish video clip:

Just don't let Bramble, Keira, or Harvey see it in case they get ideas

Love it!

No fear of Keira trying it, as she is frightened of the sea - but Harv might give it a go.


Remember those cabbage and cauliflower plants I said I bought?

Well, they are cauliflower and broccoli!

Close enough  

One out of two ain't bad  

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Today's cutish video clip:

Just don't let Bramble, Keira, or Harvey see it in case they get ideas

Love it!

No fear of Keira trying it, as she is frightened of the sea - but Harv might give it a go.


Remember those cabbage and cauliflower plants I said I bought?

Well, they are cauliflower and broccoli!

Close enough  

One out of two ain't bad  

I hope you like broccoli

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Today's cutish video clip:

Just don't let Bramble, Keira, or Harvey see it in case they get ideas

Love it!

No fear of Keira trying it, as she is frightened of the sea - but Harv might give it a go.


Remember those cabbage and cauliflower plants I said I bought?

Well, they are cauliflower and broccoli!

Close enough  

One out of two ain't bad  

I hope you like broccoli

 I love it.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Today's cutish video clip:

Just don't let Bramble, Keira, or Harvey see it in case they get ideas

Love it!

No fear of Keira trying it, as she is frightened of the sea - but Harv might give it a go.


Remember those cabbage and cauliflower plants I said I bought?

Well, they are cauliflower and broccoli!

Close enough  

One out of two ain't bad  

I hope you like broccoli

 I love it.

So do I

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning everyone


Cloudy here but not much in the way of rain expected.


Apparently 3 horses went on to a large grassy roundabout near where I live. Didn't see them when I went past on saturday morning and I doubt if they are still there:


Had they escaped from somewhere, or left there by travellers?


Good morning all.


Weather is dreich.


I had a terrible night's sleep - two hours between 5-7am - so I'm going to be very tired later on.


Have a good day everyone.


Yogi, I hope you get a much better night's sleep tonight  I think it was quite a warm night last night which might not have helped.


The horses probably belong to travellers - two of their caravans were seen close by - the roundabout is close to fields on one side and travellers have been know to go there before.


El Loro

Good morning everyone, I couldn't get onto the site yesterday.  It was very odd, my ISP are being taken over by another firm, in stages, and they are due to take over my account tomorrow.  Yesterday I could access some parts of the internet but not this site and their support line was down.  I thought it might last until tomorrow but luckily this morning all seems to be back to normal.


Very cloudy here today.  They certainly do look like travellers' ponies, they graze them wherever they can.


So sorry to hear you had a terrible night's sleep Yogi will you try and have a nap this afternoon to make up?


Enjoy your day everyone

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, I hope you get a much better night's sleep tonight  I think it was quite a warm night last night which might not have helped.


The horses probably belong to travellers - two of their caravans were seen close by - the roundabout is close to fields on one side and travellers have been know to go there before.


Thanks El.


They did look like travellers' horses.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, I couldn't get onto the site yesterday.  It was very odd, my ISP are being taken over by another firm, in stages, and they are due to take over my account tomorrow.  Yesterday I could access some parts of the internet but not this site and their support line was down.  I thought it might last until tomorrow but luckily this morning all seems to be back to normal.


Very cloudy here today.  They certainly do look like travellers' ponies, they graze them wherever they can.


So sorry to hear you had a terrible night's sleep Yogi will you try and have a nap this afternoon to make up?


Enjoy your day everyone

I thought I had posted yesterday, asking where you were. I must have just thought it instead.

I hope the ISP stuff gets sorted quickly.


I'll try not to nap and hopefully get a good night's sleep tonight.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning everyone


Cloudy here but not much in the way of rain expected.


Apparently 3 horses went on to a large grassy roundabout near where I live. Didn't see them when I went past on saturday morning and I doubt if they are still there:


Had they escaped from somewhere, or left there by travellers?


Good morning all.


Weather is dreich.


I had a terrible night's sleep - two hours between 5-7am - so I'm going to be very tired later on.


Have a good day everyone.

*opens book of translation of Scottish words and phrases to "d" *

Translation of "dreich" please  

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, I couldn't get onto the site yesterday.  It was very odd, my ISP are being taken over by another firm, in stages, and they are due to take over my account tomorrow.  Yesterday I could access some parts of the internet but not this site and their support line was down.  I thought it might last until tomorrow but luckily this morning all seems to be back to normal.


Very cloudy here today.  They certainly do look like travellers' ponies, they graze them wherever they can.


So sorry to hear you had a terrible night's sleep Yogi will you try and have a nap this afternoon to make up?


Enjoy your day everyone

I thought I had posted yesterday, asking where you were. I must have just thought it instead.

I hope the ISP stuff gets sorted quickly.


I'll try not to nap and hopefully get a good night's sleep tonight.

*warms Moonie's Magic Patented Sleep Inducer(Mallet) for use later tonight*  


Sunny day here, better than yesterday. We had some heavy rain so our BBQ was a bit of a washout . Difficult to plan any out door things just now, with the weather being so changeable. 

Thats Granddaughter way to Brownie camp till Thursday, hope the weather holds. She was away with them not that long ago and wanted to go again. This time its with other Brownie groups. 
Hope you get a better sleep tonight Yogi, its not pleasant feeling tired through the day. 
Have a good day all 

Originally Posted by moonie:

Hi Skylark 

Sorry to hear about your BBQ 

Better luck with the next one 

Hope your GD has a good time 

Sunny and moderately warm here in the West Midlands. A high of 20 degrees promised 

Hi moonie, thanks x
We still enjoyed ourselves, just made the best of it. We are a hardy bunch up here. Must be the Irn Bru 
Hope you enjoy the sunshine, always find it cheers to see the sun x

Good afternoon all bright & breezy here today (at last!)

I hope you've all had a good weekend yogi you must be tired, 2 hours isn't enough. Hopefully you'll sleep well tonight now
Skylark what a shame about the BBQ Sod's law isn't it- did you still enjoy the company?

Squiggle I hope your transition has no further problems, what would we do without our internet!
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by Skylark:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Skylark, your granddaughter may bring back some nibbles with her which she's made for you

Hi El, thats a frightening thought as she loves spiders, flies and various other nasties .....

Off now, enjoy the rest of your day all xx

I agree that's terrifying, especially as you will have to show how much you like 'em so as not to hurt her feelings.  Things we have to do eh!


Summer I am an optimistic person so I just hope it's all going to go through without a hitch, I hate re-logging into the router.  I have a step by step I made of how to do it but I get nervous.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

My email was another thing I couldn't access yesterday as well, although emails did come through on my 'phone - very confusing.  I spoke to the new ISP support yesterday and they sound very good so here's hoping.

 That's a positive.


Originally Posted by El Loro:

Hi Moonie


Dreich = dull, overcast, drizzling/wet, cold and just generally miserable weather.


Thanks for supplying the translation, El.


Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, I couldn't get onto the site yesterday.  It was very odd, my ISP are being taken over by another firm, in stages, and they are due to take over my account tomorrow.  Yesterday I could access some parts of the internet but not this site and their support line was down.  I thought it might last until tomorrow but luckily this morning all seems to be back to normal.


Very cloudy here today.  They certainly do look like travellers' ponies, they graze them wherever they can.


So sorry to hear you had a terrible night's sleep Yogi will you try and have a nap this afternoon to make up?


Enjoy your day everyone

I thought I had posted yesterday, asking where you were. I must have just thought it instead.

I hope the ISP stuff gets sorted quickly.


I'll try not to nap and hopefully get a good night's sleep tonight.

*warms Moonie's Magic Patented Sleep Inducer(Mallet) for use later tonight*  

 If I can't get to sleep tonight, I'll give you a shout.

Originally Posted by Skylark:

Hi El and squiggle, yes not much of a summer is it? 
Granddaughter got her wellies with her as well as summer clothes . They have to make their own tea tonight, with supervision of course , should be interesting! She has munchies anyway in her suitcase incase it all goes pear shaped 

Summer has been a wash out, and so chilly too.

I wonder what culinary delight they'll make for tea?

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Good afternoon all bright & breezy here today (at last!)

I hope you've all had a good weekend yogi you must be tired, 2 hours isn't enough. Hopefully you'll sleep well tonight now
Skylark what a shame about the BBQ Sod's law isn't it- did you still enjoy the company?

Squiggle I hope your transition has no further problems, what would we do without our internet!

Hi Summer, I don't feel too bad atm, but it might hit me later.

Has your cold gone yet?

Last edited by Yogi19
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