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Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning everyone


Cloudier than yesterday but fairly bright and not much in the rain expected.


Yogi, I'm not surprised you are fed up with rain The house will seem empty without Harv. If you go to the garden centre you could buy some water lilies.


 I wouldn't need to dig a pond for them, they'd survive on top of the lawn!


I think Harv will be back next week when I have PB on an overnight, El, so we won't miss him for long.


I suspected that might be the case

El Loro

Good morning everyone, disappointingly grey this morning.  I am sure the weather forecasters promised us a nice day but no sign so far.


Keira will be missing Harvey I am sure.  I hope you spot something really lovely at the garden centre Yogi.  EL I hope your weekend goes well and you get some sunshine.


Enjoy your day everyone


Thank you squiggle and I hope you have a nice weekend as well

Don't think I'll get a lot of sunshine, though I may get some hazy sunshine.


I did get to see the blue moon yesterday evening though it wasn't of course blue. I saw this on the Guardian website about blue moons:

"In fact, all the full moons have names. They derive from the Native American Algonquin people. Aligned to the month they fall in, they are:

January: the Wolf Moon, February: the Snow Moon, March: the Worm Moon, April: the Pink Moon, May: the Flower Moon, June: the Strawberry Moon, July: the Buck Moon, August: the Sturgeon Moon, September: the Harvest Moon, October: the Hunter’s Moon, November: the Beaver Moon, December: the Cold Moon."


El Loro
Originally Posted by Skylark:

 Afternoon all, hope we all well. 
Just been up getting a few things to contribute to the BBQ tomorrow. Weather to be much the same, but sister has a gazebo so should be ok. Weather so changeable just now , the sun shining just now, but could change so quickly. 
Hope you all enjoying your day 

Hi Skylark

The gazebo should be fine for the BBQ. The vicar who used to be at out church had a gazebo in the vicarge garden for such things. The vicar after him but before the current one detested BBQs and never had one whilst he was here. The present vicar has gone back to havings BBQs.


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Skylark:

 Afternoon all, hope we all well. 
Just been up getting a few things to contribute to the BBQ tomorrow. Weather to be much the same, but sister has a gazebo so should be ok. Weather so changeable just now , the sun shining just now, but could change so quickly. 
Hope you all enjoying your day 

Hi Skylark

The gazebo should be fine for the BBQ. The vicar who used to be at out church had a gazebo in the vicarge garden for such things. The vicar after him but before the current one detested BBQs and never had one whilst he was here. The present vicar has gone back to havings BBQs.


Hi El, i think most people enjoy a BBQ, pity that last vicar didnt. Nice way for a get together i always think, as long as food is cooked properly 
Missed that last post moonie,   x

Originally Posted by moonie:

*sneaks in to make an observation* 


Lots of 'mooning' going on here this morning 


*declines to use this smiley -->  as it may cause offence* 


*sneaks out again* 

I never use that smiley, for the same reason How are you feeling now?


Hi Skylark, I am sure the gazebo will work fine, how is the weather where you are now?


Your plan worked EL


Skylark, although the vicar who hated BBQs so never had one, he did have other social gatherings. It may be that he didn't like the smell of them.


Moonie and squiggle, I have no idea whose idea it was to have that smiley. It's been there since the start and is on other Social Strata sites - it may have come over from the Channel 4 ones.


By the way the reason why there are two smileys is because the first one uses glance as the type in method. Someone wanted to have ninja as the type in word. That was done, but the glance one couldn't be removed as otherwise that would mess up all the posts which had already used it.

El Loro

  Onwards and upwards moonie, or backwards, get there in the end ! Take care x
I dont mind the  smilie, depending on the context of course, just a bit of fun, perhaps.... Personally i have more to worry about!

Just had a little walk. A neighbours cat has had kittens and was offered one. Very tempting as i am sure they very cute. Not ready to take on another animal, glad Granddaughter wasnt with me, i can tell you  

Recorded Now Voyager, excellent film, now i have a bit time to myself , going to watch it.
Enjoy the rest of your day everyone xx 

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Skylark, I've seen Now Yoyager a few times over the years, and it's a very good film with Bette Davis at her best.


The Untold Want by Walt Whitman:

"The untold want by life and land ne'er granted,

Now, voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find."

  Fabulous film, says so much each time i watch it . 

Have a good evening all xx

Originally Posted by Skylark:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Skylark, I've seen Now Yoyager a few times over the years, and it's a very good film with Bette Davis at her best.


The Untold Want by Walt Whitman:

"The untold want by life and land ne'er granted,

Now, voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find."

  Fabulous film, says so much each time i watch it . 

Have a good evening all xx

It is a fabulous film, and is a multi-layered film which is why one can watch it over and over again.

If you ever get the chance, you might like Dodsworth, a 1936 film. It's a very different film to Now, Voyager, but is one of the most mature and intelligent films of the 1930s.

El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Good evening all it's been a hectic working week, my cold relapsed and now I've completely lost my voice. But, I feel ok, have done all my post work tasks and am relaxing by the fire with 3 gorgeous doggies and a warm bowl of broth
I'm now going to read back to see what I've missed... I hope you're all having a good weekend

Take care of yourself, Summer.

Is Bramble enjoying the company of her doggy friends?

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Hi yogi thank you, I'm planning an easy sunday to rest . Oh very much so, the boy dog appears to be very much in love with her and I must say, she'll be lucky to have him

Did you go to the garden centre?

I'm hoping for an easy Sunday too - but you know what it's like in my house!

Aww, doggy romance, how sweet.


Yes, I eventually got to the garden centre! I bought some cauliflower and cabbage seedlings......never grown either before.

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