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I have the same reservations about David Walliams as you do. A lot depends as to whether or not he can restrain his personality from taking over the role. Jessica Raine should be alright though.

Just found out that the 6 episodes are 2 3-part stories, not 6 stories. First is N or M and the second is The Secret Adversary, both of which are book adaptations. There were two other books and a collection of short stories so a lot less than Poirot and Miss Marple.


El Loro
Good afternoon we've had a sunny morning here but it's very dark now and it's going to rain any minute now

Are you all enjoying your weekend?
Those spikes are unbelievable El- how on earth has that happened?!

I had an incredibly busy day yesterday, followed by lots of paperwork and laundry, followed by a very heavy sleep. Today I walked Bramble and gave her a fur cut
~Sparkling Summer~

Summer, the local council is investigating how those spikes were left like that. The 3 roads they were left in are in roads with Victorian terraced houses and in a densely populated area with lots of children so there is no doubt that it's putting children's safety at risk as well as adults.


I'm glad you've been able to take things easier today.


I've got a client coming to see me in a while. I know it's a Sunday afternoon but he doesn't have a lot of spare time and needs the accounts and tax return as he's got the tax credits application to do before the deadline on Friday. I've done all the work, it's just him signing off, so it won't take long.


El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Good afternoon we've had a sunny morning here but it's very dark now and it's going to rain any minute now

Are you all enjoying your weekend?
Those spikes are unbelievable El- how on earth has that happened?!

I had an incredibly busy day yesterday, followed by lots of paperwork and laundry, followed by a very heavy sleep. Today I walked Bramble and gave her a fur cut

Hi Summer.  Does Bramble mind getting a fur cut?


I hope the meeting with the client went well, El.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Summer, for a split second I thought you had given Bramble a fur coat

I can just imagine it


Good morning everyone, I see the long term forecast is pretty much what we're getting now, a really wash-out summer


The Buddies thread even crept into my dream last night , for some reason I was in Germany but still trying to post on the thread, and then I bought a German boiler for some reason - very odd


Enjoy your day everyone


Squiggle, I was posting a few days ago about my meters being changed and the auditor getting funny about the engineer not checking my boiler worked so that could be where your boiler came from, and a day or so later we had those problems with being unable to get on the forum so I can see how those could have got into your dream. Don't know about the Germany part though,


Yogi, I hope your visit to nurse goes OK and that the weather improves

El Loro
Good afternoon all bad weather has been obstructing my coverage here today- what a wash out of a summer! We've got heating on and I'm back in my jumpers.

Yogi, bramble isn't keen on the process but let's me do it anyway, and is very happy afterwards. She looks adorable again and will be easier to dry off now.

Lol at squiggle's dream- maybe you read the forum shortly before bedtime..? I often have childhood dreams if I look on Facebook before bedtime

El, quite rightly so at the investigation. I hope the spikes are secured and can be removed asap
~Sparkling Summer~

The weather is such that I wouldn't be surprised if the leaves on trees start turning brown and falling off.


Summer, the local councillor for the area with those spikes did report it so something will get done about them. It seems that the spikes have been left on at least 2 more roads in the same area. When I was very young I lived in that area so I remember the names of the roads mentioned.


El Loro

I'll be going out shortly to a meeting at the vicarage to discuss a new website that our church is in the process of developing. I'm one of the people involved in updating the existing site with things such as the times of services for the coming week. (The updating of the exisitng site is rather like making posts on this forum so doesn't involve anything complicated such as writing HTML code)


El Loro

Wow the green woodpecker was just pottering about stabbing my lawn looking for dinner, he suddenly looked up into the sky - he leaned back so far I thought he was going to fall over backwards - and then he shot off.  What could he see?  I can't see anything up there at all.


Mystery solved I think, now there are two of 'em and I think I saw a third flitting about, aww I've just put my glasses on to have a better look, it's a huge great woodpecker chick, the parent is feeding it. This is turning into a story, now there are two chicks, the poor parent is feeding both.

Last edited by squiggle

Good morning everyone


Some cloud and blue sky here, breezy.


Squiggle, I would be very lucky to see one woodpecker in my area let alone three. You are lucky.


The website meeting went OK. The new site has some way to go before it goes live and we weren't able to see it as it is at present,


Yogi, I hope you have a nice day with PB and that the rain eventually ceases

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Skylark, I'm glad all is well with you and take care

From me too, hi Skylark, I am glad all is well.


There's a tiny patch of blue sky but loads of clouds and showers, very breezy still, I am sure the weather forecast said the wind was going to die down at about 9 yesterday evening - WRONG!


Have a lovely day with your little sweetie Yogi and I hope the day goes well for everyone else - take care

Good morning sorry I didn't get back yesterday, I'm feeling rotten with a cold. I had plans to catch up with a friend and didn't want to cancel on her so muddled through, and went straight to bed afterwards.

Yogi I hope you have a lovely PB day

Skylark, good to see all is well your end

Squiggle, how very exciting having a family of woodpeckers! I hope you see plenty of them
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Good morning sorry I didn't get back yesterday, I'm feeling rotten with a cold. I had plans to catch up with a friend and didn't want to cancel on her so muddled through, and went straight to bed afterwards.

Yogi I hope you have a lovely PB day

Skylark, good to see all is well your end

Squiggle, how very exciting having a family of woodpeckers! I hope you see plenty of them

So sorry to hear you have a rotten cold this awful weather doesn't help.  Can you take the day off and wrap up warm?


I love to see the chicks, they are so daft, they know they have to peck at the lawn but you can see they really have no idea why they are doing it

Last edited by squiggle
Lol it must be their programming

I've taken some lemsip capsules to help me get through work, luckily it hasn't been too busy this morning, but I can have an early night tonight and I'm off tomorrow so will rest well then I've got 2 of Bramble's doggy friends coming to stay overnight tomorrow so I'm hoping that after a walk, we'll all snuggle up together

No moonie this week?

El, how is your day going?
~Sparkling Summer~

Summer, I've been preparing for a client meeting which I need to go to in a few minutes. There's some major changes from next April in the way that dividend income is taxed. Most people won't be affected but the client I'm meeting will be. She won't be happy with the changes but at least I can warn her well in advance.


El Loro

Summer, the meeting went as well as it could considering that I had to tell her some bad news. She gets a tax refund on the return I've just done, probably will do again when I do the 2015/16 return next year. It's from 2016/17 when she will have to start paying tax instead of getting refunds. The only people affected by the changes are those who get over ÂĢ5,000 in dividends so is not likely to affect most people.

(the days of accountants suggesting clients switch from self-employment to incorporating as a company, taking out a small salary and a large dividend to avoid paying national insurance could well be over as a result of the change - comes into effect from next April)


El Loro

By a strange coincidence on the BBC news at lunchtime they mentioned that a panda in a zoo in Hong Kong was celebrating a 37th birthday (which is equivalent to 100 for humans).

Clip on the BBC website (which is different to the one shown on the news):

Nowhere near as cute as the 3 triplets I posted yesterday.


As a passing observation I wonder if the panda's keeper's hair really is that colour considering he's presumably Chinese?


El Loro

I've had a busy but really lovely day today.

Youngest son, his fiancÃĐe and her 5 year old nephew visited this afternoon. PB was absolutely smitten with the nephew, who is a little sweetheart


Summer, I hope the Lemsip helps your cold. I'm not surprised people are getting colds, considering the awful weather we've been having.


Squiggle, my dad sometimes sees a woodpecker on his daily walks in the countryside, but I've never seen one in RL. I have woodpecker envy.


El, I liked the panda video, even though it wasn't as cute as the triplet one.


Skylark, good to see you posting and glad all is well with you.


Good morning everyone.


Weather is dry and bright, but chilly.


Moonie, if you're reading the forum, I hope you are on the mend and back with us soon.


Summer, how is the cold this morning, are you feeling any better?


At the nurse for B12 injection number 5 this morning.

Sixth on Friday, then three monthly after that.


DiL is working down south for a couple of days and son is also working, so Harv is coming to us for a visit. Keira will be very happy to see him.

PB will be staying with DiL's parents, but she is staying with us for an overnight next week.


Have a good day everyone.







Good morning everyone


Some blue sky and clouds here. Not particularly warm out there. Forecast to be cloudy and some rain this afternoon.


Yogi, I'm glad you had a really good day yesterday and hope your injection today isn't too tingly Keira will be very happy


Many many years ago I think I saw a woodpecker in some woods somewhere - at least my dad said it was a woodpecker.


Summer, I hope you are getting over your cold


I hope Moonie is getting better

El Loro

Good morning everyone, distinctly on the nippy side, we still have that brisk cold wind.


Nearly there with the injections Yogi, be nice to have it all over and done with.


I too had never seen a woodpecker until we moved down here.  We see two types, both very different in their habits.  The black and white one with the red head (great spotted) comes to the bird feeder during the winter months when I put food out.  The green one can come anytime and seems to like my lawn very much which is good news for me as it's right by where I sit.  One of the huge benefits of this house is the almost constant flow of wildlife which is why it was perfect for us after my hubby's stroke - my daughter always says that from our house is the only place the rain looks pretty.  My hubby used to love to watch the birds fly when the wind is high - being blown sideways.


Enjoy your day everyone

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