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Good morning everyone, the rain starts this evening and tomorrow is just one long downpour.  Luckily the gardener is here today which is good timing and a good soaking will probably do the garden good - you can tell I'm not planning to venture out can't you


I am glad you had a lovely PB day Yogi.


Ros I hope you have a lovely relaxing holiday, Kent has a lot of lovely places to visit.  You certainly sound as if you need the break.


Enjoy your day everyone 




Thank you squiggle

The new client had some of the papers I needed but I have her a list of the other things I need so that she can get tax relief on some expenses.

You'll be needing some baby gates at the foot of your stairs if the baby comes to your house and starts trying to crawl up them. As you say, time flies by.


El Loro

Evening all.


Squiggle, time really does fly, it seems no time since the baby was born!

I've got stair gates fixed at the top and bottom of my stairs, to keep a certain little lady safe.


Summer, it's lovely to hear you so positive about the future.


Off to watch a documentary about killer whales in captivity. Catch up tomorrow.

Goodnight and sweet dreams everyone.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, the rain starts this evening and tomorrow is just one long downpour.  Luckily the gardener is here today which is good timing and a good soaking will probably do the garden good - you can tell I'm not planning to venture out can't you


I am glad you had a lovely PB day Yogi.


Ros I hope you have a lovely relaxing holiday, Kent has a lot of lovely places to visit.  You certainly sound as if you need the break.


Enjoy your day everyone 



thanks squiggle

Rocking Ros Rose

Good morning everyone, very rainy but due to get slightly less heavy later on, I am not intending to go out at all EL.  And it's very cold too, I can't remember being this cold in July.


Thank goodness you did your homework, it sounds very dodgy that a bank could be set up outside of the financial protection umbrella.


Try to enjoy your day everyone, despite the weather



Squiggle, I'm glad you don't have to go out today. As you say it's cold for July - the wind is coming from the north east which is why. Tomorrow should be a lot better though Sunday is another wet day (though not quite as wet as today).


That bank is outside the Uk. Although there's no UK protection, there is EEC protection. The concern is that it's seen as being of greater credit risk than UK banks are. Also if that bank did go under although the protection covers your bank balance up to 100,000 euros, it does not cover any interest which has been earned but not yet credited to the account. So if anyone did go ahead and put money in they would be safer to go for the option of getting the interest credited monthly rather than annually.


A client of mine who died a few years ago did have money put in one of those Icelandic banks which went bust when the financial crisis first started. Although she got the capital back after several months the accrued interest was lost.


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning everyone


Cloudy and damp conditions here. The rain is forecast to get heavier during the day and continue all day.


Squiggle, I hope you don't need to go out today in the heavy rain.


Ros, I hope the weather doesn't spoil things for you.


thanks EL -we lovelooking around and at castles etc but a bit of sunshine would still be nice

Rocking Ros Rose

Good morning everyone


Better conditions here than yesterday with some sunshine. Temperature is certainly below normal for July as my central heating switched on for a short time first thing. Temperature is rising though closer to normal today.


Ros, I hope it's a lot sunnier for you today


Summer, I've never had a pampering evening like that


Yogi, that was one spectacular twirl - my monitor almost fell off the table


El Loro

Good morning everyone, my what a smart looking lot we are this morning.  Fabulous hair Yogi - take a bow and Summer how polished you are today - groomed to perfection I can see we are going to have to buck our ideas up EL.


The weather is certainly better than yesterday but I sure hope it warms up a bit, I don't like being too hot but for July this is a little on the chilly side.


Enjoy your day everyone


Good morning everyone.


It's dry atm but no doubt there will be showers at some point. As you say, Squiggle, it's chilly for July.


I hope you feel better for your pampering session, Summer.


lol El, I'll need to make my "twirl" less twirly next time.


I've spent an hour clearing out some paperwork but now I have the dreaded shredding to do.


Have a good weekend everyone.


I was having a look at the average monthly temperature figures for Cheltenham on the Met Office site.

Average high 22.8 Average low 13.1

Forecast high for today 19 (yesterday's high 13.7)

Actual low for today 9.2

So about 4 degrees cooler than average today, and yesterday way below.

Forecast temperature highs seem to be below average for some days though not as cold as first thing this morning.


Yogi, I hope you've succeeded in your shredding and haven't been shredded yourself.

El Loro

Yogi, I'm glad you are still in one piece rather than little bits and pieces


The weather has been a lot better here than yesterday though tomorrow looks as if it's going to be wet for some hours though not like yesterday when it rained all day.


If anyone heard on the news that HMRC is looking at targeting people who sell things on the internet on sites like Ebay to get tax out of them, they are not going after people who sell personal items they have but after people and businesses who actively sell things on a regular basis in order to make profit.


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, I'm glad you are still in one piece rather than little bits and pieces


The weather has been a lot better here than yesterday though tomorrow looks as if it's going to be wet for some hours though not like yesterday when it rained all day.


If anyone heard on the news that HMRC is looking at targeting people who sell things on the internet on sites like Ebay to get tax out of them, they are not going after people who sell personal items they have but after people and businesses who actively sell things on a regular basis in order to make profit.


I hadn't heard that, El, but I don't sell stuff on Ebay anyway.


Good morning everyone


Cloudy here and has started raining. A wet day is forecast though less rain than on Friday.


Partners in Crime starts tonight on BBC1 at 9 - 6 part series. Could be worth watching. Based on Agatha Christie's characters Tommy (David Walliams) and Tuppence Beresford (Jessica Raine). For those of you with long memories ITV made a series back in 1983/84 starring James Warwick and Francesca Annis. More recently in 2006 the characters featured in the Miss Marple - "By the Pricking of My Thumbs" (Anthony Andrews and Greta Scacchi.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, wet down here too and the forecast for the week is not good, cool and showery, more like Autumn than Summer.


I always enjoyed the Tommy & Tuppence stories so I am looking forward to the new series.  The only fly in the ointment is that they have cast David Walliams who I am not keen on.  I just hope he doesn't spoil the whole thing, he has a rather overpowering personality.


Enjoy your day everyone

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