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Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Good morning everyone  

Cool and looking like a wet one today but no shopping to do, so I am happy --> 

El, a little garish that shop front 

Yogi, have a lovely. Any sign of a PB visit this week? 

Squiggle, hope you have a good day too 


Toodles for now  

Hi Moonie.

PB is coming on Friday.

Hi Yogi 

You have been busy today 

Its been damp and miserable all day here 


Bet you are looking forward to Friday  

To make up for it, I'm doing nothing tonight.

Friday will be a busy day. As well as PB, I've got youngest son and his fiancee staying over on Thursday night and the nurse coming to give me my next lot of injections.

 That does sound like a busy one Yogi but a happy one bar the injections, which I hope will go okay

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

We must have been posting at the same time, El.


My sleep pattern has gone  - I fell asleep early but was awake from midnight till around 4am.

I think we were


I had wondered about your sleep pattern as you were nodding off quite early yesterday evening. I hope it settles down back to a normal pattern soon.


El Loro

Good morning everyone.  Oh no Yogi, I absolutely hate that.  I hope your sleep pattern gets back to normal quickly   Is your sleep affected by your digestion?  I find that I have to have digested thoroughly otherwise I don't sleep deeply which is why I have my last meal so early.  And I have a 'nervous tummy' so if I am anxious about anything I don't digest at all - very annoying.  The 'fight or flight' mechanism I think.


Good luck with bathing Keira and getting the weeding done too.


I think we are in for mostly better days weatherwise for a while now.


Enjoy your day everyone

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Good morning wow Pluto looks graceful. Are we going to land on it?

Yogi I hope your sleep patterns settles back to normal asap, that's a rotten time of night to be awake

When does CBB start? I'm likely to watch that one

I'm heading off to the solicitors, back shortly

Hi Sweet  

Nope, not landing on Pluto, it's just a 'fly past' taking loads of piccies 

Apparently it will take 18 months for all the data to get back here 

Hope the solicitors goes well 


Squiggle, it would be nice if you are right and we get some better weather


Summer, the New Horizons craft wasn't intended to land on Pluto and flew by taking lots of photos and data of Pluto and the moons. The data is being transmitted back here but becuase of the distance and the slow pace of transmitting the data it will take months for all of the data to arrive. Some of it is expected to arrive soon and it's posible that some close up pictures will be released today or tomorrow.


I hope the visit to the solicitors is satisfactory.


Moonie, have a great day yourself

El Loro

Logged in earlier but Google Chrome told me to update, then Adobe, so all the computer housework done 
Glad you got your business done swiftly El 

Talking about sleep, i am awful, i can fall asleep fairly easily, staying asleep is the problem. I am usually wide awake around 3am. I try not to disturb the kids so i try to read. I dont know if years of doing shift work the cause, but its terribly annoying . By 9pm or so my brain shuts down with exhaustion, then the circle continues 

Anyway hope you all well, weather here not too bad today, a bit fresher. The city is getting ready for the Festival so very busy. The opening parade on Sunday, wont be going , far too crowdy for me, but will take GD later to see a childrens show, havent sorted it out yet. its quite enjoyable just watching the pavement artists and listening to the bands playing in the streets. 


Afternoon all. Flying visit!


I've bathed the dog, done the weeding and the weekly grocery shopping. 


El, I love the lego birds.


Moonie, if I can't get to sleep tonight, I'll call for your mallet.


Skylark, you could be right, it could be years of doing shifts that has mucked about with your body clock.


Squiggle, I hadn't thought about my dodgy digestive system interfering with my sleep pattern. I usually put it down to the steroids - but I'll keep a check on whether there is a link.


Summer, I hope all went well at the solicitors.


Be back later.


Skylark, there's been big problems with Adobe's Flash Player with security issues and they've been issuing patches every few days. Mozilla froze access to the player on Firefox yesterday for all versions and to get over that you have to update Player to v Any version before then is potentially risky.

It's quite likely that's why you had to do an update on Chrome and Adobe.

I did a thread about this with a link to the update for Player:


El Loro

El, that animation you posted above. I am having trouble with it on my mobile. Everytime I come into this thread my mobile asks me if I want to download or view the animation. Can't seem to get rid of it. I have tried rebooting my mobile but it's still the same. Any suggestions?


its getting annoying now  


Its okay on my iPad 

Originally Posted by moonie:

El, that animation you posted above. I am having trouble with it on my mobile. Everytime I come into this thread my mobile asks me if I want to download or view the animation. Can't seem to get rid of it. I have tried rebooting my mobile but it's still the same. Any suggestions?


its getting annoying now  


Its okay on my iPad 

EDIT....On my iPad the page seems to stop at the animation and not go to the bottom of the page as it does in other threads 

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Skylark, there's been big problems with Adobe's Flash Player with security issues and they've been issuing patches every few days. Mozilla froze access to the player on Firefox yesterday for all versions and to get over that you have to update Player to v Any version before then is potentially risky.

It's quite likely that's why you had to do an update on Chrome and Adobe.

I did a thread about this with a link to the update for Player:


Ah ok, thanks for that El x

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Moonie, I've deleted the video clip as requested.

Sorry about the problems it caused you. I don't know why it was causing problems - it was a mp4 video clip rather than an animated gif.


Thanks El, my IPad and mobile are both okay now  

And no need for an apology, it's just one of those things 

Originally Posted by Skylark:
Originally Posted by moonie:

El. I think that animation may need deleting. I don't know if anyone else is having the problems with it that I seem to be...

I saw it, and just liked it ! Sorry wasnt getting what you meant. 
Just a thought as advice given me before, check your cookies and delete x

Sorted now fankoo Skylark. I dunno what was going on 

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Skylark:

Glad you got it sorted, moonie i am not very computer techy. We all have our gifts, computers and how they work not mine 
Away now to the park , letting Granddaughter kick a ball about. 
Goodnight all, and hope you all sleep well 

Skylark you are not on your own. I am technically inept 

Have a lovely time with your granddaughter in the park 

Nite nite and you sleep well too  


Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Evening all.


* sits with Skylark and Moonie in the technically challenged corner* 

Welcome friend   

 Hi Moonie.  I didn't think anyone was around so I nipped for a quick bath.

Hi Yogi 

No probs, hope you enjoyed your bath 

I did thanks, my post-weeding aches and pains have gone.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Evening all.


* sits with Skylark and Moonie in the technically challenged corner* 

Welcome friend   

 Hi Moonie.  I didn't think anyone was around so I nipped for a quick bath.

Hi Yogi 

No probs, hope you enjoyed your bath 

I did thanks, my post-weeding aches and pains have gone.

Yeeey! that's good 

Link copied to your clipboard.