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Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Catch you later Yogi   

Sorry I missed you last night.  Good to see you posting again, I've missed you.


Afternoon everyone. 


A bit cloudy up here with the sun trying to peep through.


Thanks El, the chocolate and hazelnut tart looks delicious. I have to be careful with nuts in RL as they can give me stomach spasms, but as this is virtual, I can tuck in.


El, I downloaded The Rector's Wife by Joanna Trollope. I've read it several times but it's one of my favourite books and I wanted to have it on my Kindle too. I couldn't resist and started reading it last night.

I also downloaded the second in the Granchester books by James Runcie.


Squiggle, I hope you are having a relaxing weekend.


Moonie, were you temped in by the tart?


Summer, I hope work isn't too busy today and you have a good weekend.


Popped over to eldest son and DiL's this morning (no PB, she was out with her gran and uncle) and middle son and DiL are coming for tea tonight.


Have a good say everyone.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Summer, I hope you have a nice time with your mum.


El, I'm sure I read that there is to be a second series on Grantchester.  

I really enjoyed the first one.

Hi Yogi  

Hi Moonie. How are you feeling?

Not much better tbh but thought I would have an hour on the forum  

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Summer, I hope you have a nice time with your mum.


El, I'm sure I read that there is to be a second series on Grantchester.  

I really enjoyed the first one.

Hi Yogi  

Hi Moonie. How are you feeling?

Not much better tbh but thought I would have an hour on the forum  

Aww, an hour on here can be as good as a tonic.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Summer, I hope you have a nice time with your mum.


El, I'm sure I read that there is to be a second series on Grantchester.  

I really enjoyed the first one.

Hi Yogi  

Hi Moonie. How are you feeling?

Not much better tbh but thought I would have an hour on the forum  

Aww, an hour on here can be as good as a tonic.

An hour spent with lovely friends is always a good tonic Yogi  

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Summer, I hope you have a nice time with your mum.


El, I'm sure I read that there is to be a second series on Grantchester.  

I really enjoyed the first one.

Hi Yogi  

Hi Moonie. How are you feeling?

Not much better tbh but thought I would have an hour on the forum  

Aww, an hour on here can be as good as a tonic.

An hour spent with lovely friends is always a good tonic Yogi  

 Can be better medicine than anything the docs give us.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Summer, I hope you have a nice time with your mum.


El, I'm sure I read that there is to be a second series on Grantchester.  

I really enjoyed the first one.

Hi Yogi  

Hi Moonie. How are you feeling?

Not much better tbh but thought I would have an hour on the forum  

Aww, an hour on here can be as good as a tonic.

An hour spent with lovely friends is always a good tonic Yogi  

 Can be better medicine than anything the docs give us.

Very true and no side effects either  

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

 That's true!

What are you watching tonight?

I've got a Midsomer Murders on in the background. I actually think it's one I haven't seen before.

Sorry Yogi, my sister rang 

Currently I have live baseball on but was watching a Lewis I had records earlier 

No problem Moonie. When my mum rings, she is on for at least an hour.

El was saying there is to be another series of Lewis but it's likely to be the last. I'll need to dig out my DVDs to feed my Lewis and Hathaway addiction once it ends.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

 That's true!

What are you watching tonight?

I've got a Midsomer Murders on in the background. I actually think it's one I haven't seen before.

Sorry Yogi, my sister rang 

Currently I have live baseball on but was watching a Lewis I had records earlier 

No problem Moonie. When my mum rings, she is on for at least an hour.

El was saying there is to be another series of Lewis but it's likely to be the last. I'll need to dig out my DVDs to feed my Lewis and Hathaway addiction once it ends.


It's always ashame when the good series come to an end 

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

 That's true!

What are you watching tonight?

I've got a Midsomer Murders on in the background. I actually think it's one I haven't seen before.

Sorry Yogi, my sister rang 

Currently I have live baseball on but was watching a Lewis I had records earlier 

No problem Moonie. When my mum rings, she is on for at least an hour.

El was saying there is to be another series of Lewis but it's likely to be the last. I'll need to dig out my DVDs to feed my Lewis and Hathaway addiction once it ends.


It's always ashame when the good series come to an end 

I know, I was down in the dumps when Rebus, Wire In The Blood, Waking The Dead and Spooks all ended.

At least I'll still have the DVDs, and Silent Witness, Endeavour and Grantchester to watch.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

 That's true!

What are you watching tonight?

I've got a Midsomer Murders on in the background. I actually think it's one I haven't seen before.

Sorry Yogi, my sister rang 

Currently I have live baseball on but was watching a Lewis I had records earlier 

No problem Moonie. When my mum rings, she is on for at least an hour.

El was saying there is to be another series of Lewis but it's likely to be the last. I'll need to dig out my DVDs to feed my Lewis and Hathaway addiction once it ends.


It's always ashame when the good series come to an end 

I know, I was down in the dumps when Rebus, Wire In The Blood, Waking The Dead and Spooks all ended.

At least I'll still have the DVDs, and Silent Witness, Endeavour and Grantchester to watch.

Isn't there a new series of Endeavour on soon?

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

 That's true!

What are you watching tonight?

I've got a Midsomer Murders on in the background. I actually think it's one I haven't seen before.

Sorry Yogi, my sister rang 

Currently I have live baseball on but was watching a Lewis I had records earlier 

No problem Moonie. When my mum rings, she is on for at least an hour.

El was saying there is to be another series of Lewis but it's likely to be the last. I'll need to dig out my DVDs to feed my Lewis and Hathaway addiction once it ends.


It's always ashame when the good series come to an end 

I know, I was down in the dumps when Rebus, Wire In The Blood, Waking The Dead and Spooks all ended.

At least I'll still have the DVDs, and Silent Witness, Endeavour and Grantchester to watch.

Isn't there a new series of Endeavour on soon?

Yes, I think so.


Have you noticed all the programmes I like involve crime and police.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

 That's true!

What are you watching tonight?

I've got a Midsomer Murders on in the background. I actually think it's one I haven't seen before.

Sorry Yogi, my sister rang 

Currently I have live baseball on but was watching a Lewis I had records earlier 

No problem Moonie. When my mum rings, she is on for at least an hour.

El was saying there is to be another series of Lewis but it's likely to be the last. I'll need to dig out my DVDs to feed my Lewis and Hathaway addiction once it ends.


It's always ashame when the good series come to an end 

I know, I was down in the dumps when Rebus, Wire In The Blood, Waking The Dead and Spooks all ended.

At least I'll still have the DVDs, and Silent Witness, Endeavour and Grantchester to watch.

Isn't there a new series of Endeavour on soon?

Yes, I think so.


Have you noticed all the programmes I like involve crime and police.

I have indeed  

*night owls*
Lovely to pop in and catch up, good to see moonie around and I hope a little forum time was a good tonic for you

My mum arrived safely, we had some friends round for wine & nibbles and enjoyed some laughs. I've gained a few too many pounds lately so tomorrow I must start being good again

I hope you're all sleeping soundly and wish you all a good sunday
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Cloudy here, some rain during the night, and may be some more this morning.


Good to see moonie around yesterday evening


I think James Norton will start on the second series of Grantchester once he's finished working the BBC adaptations of 2 world famous books which everyone has heard of even if they've never read them. One of the books is a Russian book with lots of battles, and the other is an English book though I should point out that in that one he plays the husband rather than the gamekeeper. And that's all the clues you should need to guesss which books


Summer, I'm glad your mum arrive safely and had a good time with your friends


El Loro

Good morning everyone.


Rain overnight but dry for now. Showers forecast later.


El, my guesses are War and Peace and Lady Chatterley's Lover.

I think the casting for Granchester was spot on and would love another series.


Summer, sounds like a good night with your mum and friends.

I wish I only had a few pounds to shift!


Have a good day everyone.


Good morning everyone, rainy here but I have a new umbrella to try out one of those see-through ones that cover your shoulders (like the Queen has - I'm so posh now )


Aww moonie I am glad you were able to spend time on the forum, I hope it really was a tonic for you.  Summer have a great time with your mum.


Enjoy your day everyone


The gospel reading in my church today was from Mark about the beheading of John the Baptist. John the Baptist was in prison, Herod was the ruler and his wife was Herodias. Their daughter dances and Herod is so pleased that he says he will grant her whatever she wants. The daughter has been told beforehand by Herodias to ask for the head of John the Baptist so Herod reluctantly ordered the beheading,

In the Gospel according to St Mark, the daugher is described in the King James version as the daughter of Herodias. But in the version read in church the daughter was called Herodias. I was a bit confused by this and asked the vicar and the curate about this. The curate didn't have an answer and though it might be a misprint but the vicar said that Herodias was a family name so that both mother and daughter were called Herodias.


Researching this shows that in some ancient Greek versions it reads Herod's daughter Herodias, but in the Latin Vulgate version as the daughter of Herodias.(the Vulgate version is after the anciant Greek ones and was adopted by the Catholic church).


Confusing isn't it. And you're thinking wasn't she called Salome. In St Mark's and St Matthew's gospels she's not called Salome.

But the Roman historian Josephus did record in his Jewish histories that the daughter was called Salome. So to get over the confusion, artists, writers and composers use Salome.


Oh, in Mark 15 v 40, at the crucifixion, it reads:

There were also women looking on afar off: among whom was Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James the less and of Joses, and Salome.

But that;s a different Salome.



El Loro

i had to briefly go to school (for a few weeks) when i was about 11-went to history class, got told about dinosaurs being the first creatures to inhabit the planet, went to an Religious class not long after, adam & eve were discussed as first creatures on the planet

so there you go

its ALL confusing


and that didnt help one bit did it?


Good morning everyone


Rain overnight here, very cloudy and light rain possible at times today.


Pirate, I'm not surprised you were confused at that school as both your history teacher and your religious studies teacher were wrong The creation story in Genesis has whales, fish and birds created first, then animals on the land, and lastly humans.


I know someone named Salome.


El Loro

Good morning everyone, it's raining again and I'm off out in it again, but the good news is the new umbrella is great, Her Majesty definitely has the right idea!


Summer the first part of Genesis in particular is a wonderful read and one of my favourite bits of the bible.  I bought this for my step-granddaughter for Christmas and she adores it and constantly asks to read from 'her book'.


Do the 'look inside' thing on that page, the book is just adorable and a big plus gets the message over really well


I hope your mum slept well and you both have a great day.


How odd, I had never heard of Josephus yet you mention him EL and yesterday's sermon from that wonderful preacher showed slides describing Herod's temple, discussing Jesus's teaching of 'I am the vine' to His apostles quoting the words of Josephus, and then my dear Christian friend phoned last night and also mentioned Josephus Mind you there are no coincidences with God.


Enjoy your day everyone


Good morning everyone.


It's raining, up here.


*curtsey's to Queen Squiggle* 

I must have a look at that book on Amazon.


After reading El's post, I checked my King James Bible and it doesn't name Herodias' daughter. I did a search, and like you El, found her referred to as Salome - although she was supposed to have been called Herodias like her mother.


lol Pirate, love the taxi.


Summer, I hope you had a good day with your mum. How long is her visit this time?


Have a good day everyone.


Squiggle, Jospehus was an important Roman historian and one of his books called Antiquities of the Jews (wrtiien about 93/94AD) contains this passage:


"About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man. For he was one who performed surprising deeds and was a teacher of such people as accept the truth gladly. He won over many Jews and many of the Greeks. He was the Christ. And when, upon the accusation of the principal men among us, Pilate had condemned him to a cross, those who had first come to love him did not cease. He appeared to them spending a third day restored to life, for the prophets of God had foretold these things and a thousand other marvels about him. And the tribe of the Christians, so called after him, has still to this day not disappeared."


Considering that Josephus was a Jew rather than a Christian, and was a major historian of his time, this is accepted as indpenedent evidence.


El Loro
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