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I'm not sure I want to see A Song for Jenny tonight on BBC1. Unflinching honest account of the death of Jenny in the 7/7 London bombings 10 years ago and the aftermath on her family. Scriped by Frank McGuiness from the book by Jenny's mother Julie Nicholson. Julie Nicholson was an Anglican priest at the time who was and is unable to forgive the bomber so is no longer a priest.

Emily Watson is an exceptional actress and I imagine will get a BAFTA award for best television actress. I doubt if there's another actress living who would be better than her for the role. But it will be emotionally shattering.



Entertainment value 0/100

Emotionally shattering value 100/100


Award for best acting ever in a television drama - Emily Watson


El Loro

Good morning everyone


At present there's some blue sky and clouds here. Some forecasts say it turns wet for the rest of the day from 11am, others it's a dry day.


Yogi, I think you were sensible not to tell PB about your dinner

The subject of your dinner often appears on the IMDB fil website:

You may need to refresh the page a couple of times as the background varies.


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning everyone


At present there's some blue sky and clouds here. Some forecasts say it turns wet for the rest of the day from 11am, others it's a dry day.


Yogi, I think you were sensible not to tell PB about your dinner

The subject of your dinner often appears on the IMDB fil website:

You may need to refresh the page a couple of times as the background varies.


I thought so too, El.

She eats pork, she is just too young to realise it comes from a pig.


I refreshed the page six times on the link, but can't see anything related to pork/pig.


Good morning everyone.


Weather is sunny, for now.


I have a big shrub in the front garden which I don't like. We inherited it when we bought the house and I have no idea what it is. It's prickly and not particularly pretty, even when it flowers, so I think it might be time for it to go! 

Weather permitting, today might be the day.


Have a good day everyone.




Good morning everyone, the IMDB background is just plain for me no matter how many times I refresh it


Talk about ugly prickly plants I inherited a gorse bush here Yogi, I hated it as you can imagine and it was the most awkward thing to deal with.  It's gone now finally my grandson dug it's roots up after we had managed to 'prune' it down to the ground.  Just think what a beautiful shrub could go in its place.  One of my favourite types of browsing - looking through shrub books.


Enjoy your day everyone



PS I am not missing watching BB one bit, amazing isn't it?


I think most probably the gorse was self-seeded EL. I don't think anyone would plant it here but once entrenched they are difficult to shift.


We have just had a young fox stroll through the garden, worryingly he headed down the slope towards the sheep field at the bottom.  There are no young lambs and the sheep currently there are the ones with the curly horns which look more than capable of dealing with him.


Aww Summer I am so pleased you are able to log in again and get goodnight hugs


I should finish Teashop on the Corner today, what a lovely read.  I couldn't really say whose story I enjoyed the most, they are all so lovely.  Thank goodness for Milly Johnson


Grey and cold and rainy this morning.  It's the holidaymakers I feel sorry for, imagine if you are down here with children hoping to be on the beach.  I know from past experience that it can cost a fortune on a day like today shelling out for this and that, I do hope it cheers up for them.


Enjoy your day everyone


I'm back from a client who lives in a house at the foot of a hill the other side of Gloucester. I always park in a small car park there which is there for people wanting to walk their dogs or walk up the hill.

I saw a sign on the car park entrance saying that it was up for sale with a view to being built over with a few houses. Not surprsingly it's not going down well with those who want to walk their dogs etc or with my client.

It's a sign that councils are getting desparately short of money and are having to do this sort of thing.


El Loro

Some good news for those fed up with wet or cold winters and indifferent summers according to a study by the Met Office.


Some key conclusions from the study include:

  • By 2100, the chances of a summer being hotter than the one in 2003 are 89% - that's odds of roughly 9-out-of-10
  • There is still a 35-40% chance of getting a wetter-than-average summer until 2035 but that risk falls to 20% by 2100
  • The chances of a winter with the same kind of rainfall as in 2013-14 fall to just under 10% by the end of the century
  • And the odds of a very cold winter similar to 2009-10 fall to less than 1% over the same period

So if any of us are still around then we could have some good weather.

But that's a big if


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Some good news for those fed up with wet or cold winters and indifferent summers according to a study by the Met Office.


Some key conclusions from the study include:

  • By 2100, the chances of a summer being hotter than the one in 2003 are 89% - that's odds of roughly 9-out-of-10
  • There is still a 35-40% chance of getting a wetter-than-average summer until 2035 but that risk falls to 20% by 2100
  • The chances of a winter with the same kind of rainfall as in 2013-14 fall to just under 10% by the end of the century
  • And the odds of a very cold winter similar to 2009-10 fall to less than 1% over the same period

So if any of us are still around then we could have some good weather.

But that's a big if


 I doubt I'll still be here!

Good morning all overcast here, Miss Bramble will be delighted that its cooled down im expecting a washing machine delivery later this afternoon (thank goodness!) and will be getting some gloss work painted in the mean time

El, that's sad about the council's money troubles, it's awful when beautiful properties & places get sold off
How's work lately? And your brother?

Squiggle, I'm glad you enjoyed tea shop on the corner, the friendships are heart warming aren't they

Yogi I hope you have a lovely day & sleepover with PB & pepper

Hugs for moonie, velvet & skylark hope to catch up with you all soon
~Sparkling Summer~

Summer, I hope your washing machine arrives when expected and that your painting goes smoothly


Work is fairly busy. The really big job I do once a year looks as if it's a bit delayed this time so I'm trying to do other clients' accounts and tax returns sooner. Brother's OK. He visited me the weekend before last. He's due to visit again first weekend in August but that could be affected by First Great Western industrial action - you may have heard on the news today about a 2 day strike starting. Action is over the introduction of new trains which the union believes will lead to job losses and say there is a safety issue resulting that. The two sides seem to be miles apart and the dispute could drag on for a long time.


El Loro
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