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Good morning everyone. Flying visit, I'm afraid.


Sun is shining, so PB and I might get to the park - when she wakes up.


Keira and Harvey are having a good time together and the dogs are great with PB. As a child who has grown up with dogs in every house she stays, she is quite Alpha with them. The dogs are almost as tall as her, but she is in charge and they do her bidding.


Have a good day everyone.


Good morning everyone, looks like a beautiful summer day in prospect, I shall try and make the most of it.


Yogi your comment made me really smile.  I can just imagine PB standing no nonsense with Keira and Harvey, I bet she won't let them get away with a thing!  Hi Skylark I am glad all is well with you, I hope your day is good too.


EL I loved the free range cakes, might be quite fun going out to catch one (or two).


Enjoy your day everyone, Summer I hope you are nearly all done now, just paint colours to choose I guess.  I have various colours of turquoise stuck up in my kitchen and have chosen a really pale one, hopefully my grandson will move on to that room next.


My computer antivirus scan showed that the windows.edb file had been corrupted. That file is for Windows fast indexing searches. I had a look on the web to see what to do and it seemed a bit complicated. So I decided to have a look at the Control Panel (I'm using Windows 7) and saw something called Indexing Options and clicked on that. Clicked on the Advanced tab and there was an option to delete and rebuild the index. So I did that, (checked in the appropriate Windows directory that the windows.edb file was now showing the current time for creation - that step didn't need to be done but I wanted to see that the file had changed), reran the computer scan and this time it came up with a clear result.

Just thought I'd mention it in case any of you ever have the same issue.


El Loro

Evening all.


I've had a lovely day with PB, and she's been tucked up in bed, fast asleep, since 8pm.


Moonie, sending you a get well hug, hope you are back soon.


Sorry to hear the badger has returned and done some damage, Squiggle. Have the moles been back recently, or have they moved on?


El, it was good to see a glimpse of Ben And Rachel in this BB - a reminder of the good old days before CH5 took over!

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Evening Yogi  


Glad you are having a fab week with PB  


Hope it wasn't roast pork tonight with your Peppa Pig supplies from Sainsbury's  

Evening Velvet.


 No roast pork on the menu this week.

Mind you, PB is partial to a bacon sandwich - I daren't tell her it's made with a little piggy


Good morning everyone, looks like it could be a nice day ahead.  I am expecting 2 workmen this morning, my washing machine is pouring water when it fills up from the soap drawer - never heard of that one before, the repairman thinks it might be the inlet hose and my adjustable bed broke and the guy is coming to look at it, busy morning ahead but you've got to take the appointments when they're offered otherwise it could be ages before you get another chance.  I hope they don't both come at once.


I am glad you had a lovely day Yogi.  EL your remark reminded me of my daughter in her teens helping to serve up tea to all the family gathered together "who wants a dead pig sandwich" !! Honestly what can you do with them


Enjoy your day everyone


Squiggle, I hope your workmen sort out the problems with your washing machine and your bed this morning

With my washing machine I need to clean out the soap drawer from time to time otherwise when the drying cycle is on, the clothes etc don't dry. Don't know why as the two things don't seem to be related but it does.


El Loro

Until I had studied where the water was coming from I cleaned the filter yesterday which is so low down that it is almost impossible to get anything underneath it to catch the water, it was as clean as a whistle so at least I eliminated that.  I sat down to watch it as it fills up and there was the water gushing out, very odd.  The bed workmen are here now so as the other one is coming late morning hopefully they won't clash.  Very weird about the soap drawer, I can take mine out and run it under the tap which is very useful.


Mine's a Miele Novotronic W1512 so they are not the same but certainly sound similar.  When I spoke to the Miele engineer yesterday he referred to my machine as 'one of the new ones' even though it's 8 years old!  My Miele vacuum is over 20 years old and so far as good as new.


Well the bed is fixed, just waiting for the washing machine engineer now.


Good afternoon and a get well hug for moonie

It's humid here today, I'm trying to hydrate myself well

Squiggle I'm glad your things are half fixed I too would take the early appointments.

I'm having trouble getting online at my new home- the hub still hasn't arrived and I've spent far too long on the phone to bt on too many occasions. I'll be complaining officially because I've even had to buy extra data usage for my mobile!
~Sparkling Summer~
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