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BBC article about an artificial nose being used to identify how the various compunds in chocolate and other sweets interact when we eat them in terms of the taste.

Did you know that there are about 40 compounds in chocolate affecting the taste.

Did you know that for a very short time there's a cheesy taste when eating chocolate but we don't notice it.

and it's not just sweets.

It seems that if you open up a tea bag you may notice tiny white specks - they are flavour balls put in to enhance the tea taste.


El Loro

Afternoon everyone.


Had a lovely lunch with DiL and PB. There was a soft play area next to the restaurant, which PB loved. Grandad is having a nap to recover.

Doggy bags for Moonie and anyone else who would like some food.


Skylark, I'm glad the Gala Day went well, but a shame about the chilly weather.


Catch up later.

Originally Posted by Skylark:

Hope you all had a nice weekend. Weather here a bit chilly, enjoy the sunshine where you are. 
 @PB, she is such a character. 
We had our local Gala Day, on Saturday. A good day, but was a bit chilly, so not much fun having a picnic on the grass. Local charities made a bit money, so all good. 

Hi Skylark 

Shame about the weather but glad the charities profited 


Glad you had nice time Yogi . Hi to all. 
Had a cleaning bug, toilet, bathroom and kitchen gleaming ! 
Had a bit of Rod Stewart and Michael Buble to help me along ! I like music when i clean.
Going to have some tea now. Son off on hols and Granddaughter with nana, all good. Catch up later, hopefully . Have a good evening everyone xx

Originally Posted by Skylark:

Glad you had nice time Yogi . Hi to all. 
Had a cleaning bug, toilet, bathroom and kitchen gleaming ! 
Had a bit of Rod Stewart and Michael Buble to help me along ! I like music when i clean.
Going to have some tea now. Son off on hols and Granddaughter with nana, all good. Catch up later, hopefully . Have a good evening everyone xx

Can't beat a bit of BublÃĐ. 


Enjoy your time to yourself.

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Evening Yogi   


Nout to report but glad all is well     


I've been standing to attention so I shall fall out now  

Evening Velvet, hope all is well with you too?

Fingers crossed   

 I'll keep everything crossed too.



Good morning everyone  

It started off sunny here but a few clouds have bubbled up now. Though more sun than not so far  

Should stay dry according to the weather forecast 


Yogi, will your 'out and about' include a visit to local supermarket, where some cakes may accidentally find their way into you trolley?  


Have a good day Buddies  

Originally Posted by moonie:

Morning Squiggle

My garden isn't looking to bad since the de-weeding and grass cutting of a week or so ago. So no need for me to do any more gardening for the time being 


Have a good day 

What a lovely feeling I am simply amazed at the horrible things that have sprung up in my garden in the few weeks that my gardener hasn't been able to work.  I will ask him later what they are, great tall things that at first I thought were hartshorn ferns but now the grass is shorter I can see are not.  They have grown so quickly

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Morning Squiggle

My garden isn't looking to bad since the de-weeding and grass cutting of a week or so ago. So no need for me to do any more gardening for the time being 


Have a good day 

What a lovely feeling I am simply amazed at the horrible things that have sprung up in my garden in the few weeks that my gardener hasn't been able to work.  I will ask him later what they are, great tall things that at first I thought were hartshorn ferns but now the grass is shorter I can see are not.  They have grown so quickly

Got some weird things growing in my garden too
When they first start to grow they look like asparagus. If you try to pull them out they snap off and regrow in few days 

If you dig down and manage to find the bottom, there are no roots on 


lol Squiggle, I'm glad you don't have any triffids growing in your garden.


Moonie, could it be wild asparagus that's growing in your garden?

Didn't buy any cakes today but I do have a nice gingerbread cake that I bought yesterday. Help yourself -> 


El, I think I'll add chocolate to my repeat prescription request and see if the doc allows it.


Originally Posted by Yogi19:

lol Squiggle, I'm glad you don't have any triffids growing in your garden.


Moonie, could it be wild asparagus that's growing in your garden?

Didn't buy any cakes today but I do have a nice gingerbread cake that I bought yesterday. Help yourself -> 


El, I think I'll add chocolate to my repeat prescription request and see if the doc allows it.


I don't think so re the wild asparagus Yogi. We have never grown veg in our garden...I will take a piccie in a while and post here 


*helps self to piece of gingerbread cake* 

Ta muchly  

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

lol Squiggle, I'm glad you don't have any triffids growing in your garden.


Moonie, could it be wild asparagus that's growing in your garden?

Didn't buy any cakes today but I do have a nice gingerbread cake that I bought yesterday. Help yourself -> 


El, I think I'll add chocolate to my repeat prescription request and see if the doc allows it.


I don't think so re the wild asparagus Yogi. We have never grown veg in our garden...I will take a piccie in a while and post here 


*helps self to piece of gingerbread cake* 

Ta muchly  


You're welcome.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

lol Squiggle, I'm glad you don't have any triffids growing in your garden.


Moonie, could it be wild asparagus that's growing in your garden?

Didn't buy any cakes today but I do have a nice gingerbread cake that I bought yesterday. Help yourself -> 


El, I think I'll add chocolate to my repeat prescription request and see if the doc allows it.


I don't think so re the wild asparagus Yogi. We have never grown veg in our garden...I will take a piccie in a while and post here 


*helps self to piece of gingerbread cake* 

Ta muchly  


You're welcome.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Moonie, not sure it is wild asparagus. I tried to do a google image search on your picture and wild asparagus and one result was this which is of wild asparagus:

The picture clearly shows that it has roots.

Thanks for trying El but mine definitely has no roots like that and I have pulled/dug out loads of it  

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