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Cheltenham MP calling out for a share of the budget for Gloucestershire to tackle potholes to be allocated to Cheltenham.

In the clip, starting at 39 seconds is Vittoria Walk. I drive down that road nearly every time I go to Cheltenham. The state of the road as shown in that clip is like that almost the entire length of the road and has been like that for years. It's in the worst state of any road I know and maybe something will get done about it now.


El Loro

Good morning everyone, a lovely bright morning.  I think we too have rain forecast for a few days from Thursday onward but so far after that it brightens up again, I hope it does for you too EL.  I am glad you were not disturbed by the concert.


Good luck with the weeding Yogi, I can imagine its a busy time for Summer.


Skylark I hope you are feeling better this morning and moonie I hope no more cygnets have disappeared, quick hug for you all, and not forgetting our velvet too


Enjoy your day everyone


Yesterday at church I was talking with someone who is training to become a licenced reader at church. As part of the training he has to file online essays etc with the training centre's brand new training website. He's discovered that the website does not cope with Word 2013 documents though does for earlier versions.


Today a client rings me for some help. He's trying to download a PDF document from the HMRC website. It just goes in a never-ending loop. His son tried as well with no success. I tried it in Firefox with the same result. But I know from experience that quite often PDF documents on HMRC can only be accessed using Internet Explorer and that worked. The same goes for some Companies House documents and I think it quite likely for other governmental departments.


El Loro

Afternoon all.


Managed to get the weeding done, and walked Keira in the sunshine - made a nice change!

Eldest son popped in for a visit, on route to the dentist. He has another wisdom tooth pushing through and it's given him an abscess.


Skylark, I'm sorry you have been ill, and hope you feel better soon.


El, that cake sounds yummy.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, your poor son My wisdom teeth came through many years ago but one became so decayed it was removed years ago.


I hope the cake is yummy, it looks attractive but I won't be starting it until mid week.


The problem is due to not having enough room for the wisdom teeth to come through - I had the same problem. Our mouths are too small!


You can let us know if the cake is as yummy as it sounds.


Good morning Buddies  

Sunny but the clouds are gathering. Doesn't look like it's going to be wall to wall sunshine today 

Yogi, I haven't forgotten you said you would be interested to see more of the videos of the cygnets. I will put together some of them for you and anyone else who may be interested, to view  

Have a lovely day everyone  



Hi again everyone 

I have a feeling it's not going to be my day. The central heating boiler has sprung a leak. Just a drip drip atm. So rang the council. They will send someone out to fix it as an emergency, in the next 24 HOURS!! Their highest priority for emergency repairs 

Some of you may remember I had this problem within the last twelve months. Last time the council had to re plaster the ceiling in the hallway and send in an electrician to sort the electrics as it had got into them. 

So stuck here until they decide to come and sort things 

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Moonie, how dreadful

I hope they can get someone to sort out the leak in the the next couple of hours, well within the 24 hour limit.

Can you put something underneath the boiler to stop the drips going through the flooring, a bowl or pan or if little space a baking tray with raised edges?


Hi El 

I had left something under from the last time it leaked but the drips seemed to have missed the container  

I had the central heating on last night and this morning and it seems to me when the system is under pressure that's when it drips. I turned the system off and it has stopped again now. But that means no hot water as it's a combi boiler.

The only reason I noticed was when I went to get the wheely bins in after emptying this morning I noticed water running down the drain where the boiler overflow is. No rain here for several days and when I has switched the system off the water flow stopped...


Oh no Moonie I hope they send you a decent engineer this time and it gets fixed properly! Have they given you a time when someone can come? I don't like it when things go wrong
I have moonie and should be moving very soon, I'm busy packing, shifting and organising as well as working, but I've got a tremendous amount of support from everyone and I'm feeling very lucky
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Oh no Moonie I hope they send you a decent engineer this time and it gets fixed properly! Have they given you a time when someone can come? I don't like it when things go wrong
I have moonie and should be moving very soon, I'm busy packing, shifting and organising as well as working, but I've got a tremendous amount of support from everyone and I'm feeling very lucky

Hi Sweet 

The time frame is 24 hours and that's classed as top priorty emergency  


I am lucky in that I have never had to move from one house to another. But it's a terrible upheaval I would think. Glad to see you are cracking on with your packing and other stuff 

Best have things organised so you know what's what and are ready to go when you are able 

I would like to wish you good luck in your new life and new place. It's nice to see you are getting good support from everyone  


Moonie what a nuisance, he obviously didn't fix the problem properly last time.  It can be difficult to put the container in the right place to catch the drips, water seems to have a habit of wandering off and coming down where you least expect it.  I hope it gets fixed as quickly as possible tomorrow.  My boiler can be run for hot water only too, can you check your instruction manual to see if yours can and if this will stop the dripping?


I agree with moonie Summer I wish you a happy new life in your new place and I am glad you have so much support.


Summer, I'm pleased you are getting a lot of support from everyone


Moonie, my combi boiler is a Worcester one and there's a control panel at the front for adjusting the settings. If you know the type of boiler you could do an internet search for a operating manual for it or when the workman comes ask him/her.


El Loro
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