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Good morning everyone, no the weather isn't as bad as that weather forecast showed.  The thing is they show rain for every day but you might only get a bit and on other days it sluices down all day so its hard to distinguish.

I loved Sabrina, Audrey her usual gorgeous self and Humphry Bogart played a very touching role as a big business man reluctantly showing his softer side. But I never ever did 'get' Breakfast at Tiffany's
Good morning squiggle and Yogi

Yogi, you are right, the Radio Times website now shows racing on Friday instead of Breakfast. They must have changed it after the current Radio Times was printed.

squiggle, the first time I saw Breakfast was years ago with my parents. We did not get it at all and found it very disappointing with the Mickey Rooney character irritatingly stupid. My parents never saw the film again, but years later I did resee it and found it magical. I think it helped that I knew what to expect from the Mickey Rooney character, so it didn't irritate me. I was also older so could have a better understanding of what superficially is a romantic comedy, but underneath is much more serious.
El Loro
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Cant get into it, really, probably because i dont know who anyone is. i may just hint for the box set for Mothers Day

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Good idea, Skylark. It is very good, once you get into it.
I think if you have missed the start its quite confusing, well worth getting the box set though its a great series (much better IMO than the re-make of Upstairs Downstairs) and I agree about series link, how would I ever manage without it now?
Good morning everyone

Yogi, I hope the fog lifts quickly, it's horrible driving in it.

I have to confess that I have not seen Downton Abbey and have no intention of seeing it. It's because I cannot stand the writer and creator of it Julian Fellowes. At the recommendation of a friend, I did see Gosford Park which he wrote, and I detested everything about it. Oh, and he is now Julian Kitchener-Fellowes, Baron Fellowes of West Stafford, having married a descendant of Lord Kitchener  (she being a lady in waiting to Princess Michael of Kent). His elevation to Baron was recent, but he was already the Lord of the Manor of Tattershall. So he is better qualified than any other writer to write Downton Abbey. But the reason I dislike him is that when I have seen him on television as himself, he comes across as patronising and chauvinistic. I sense that he firmly believes in the class system, upper, middle, and I suspect in his mind lower rather than working.
El Loro
Good morning everyone.    It's misty here today,and getting colder.  Hope this finds you all well.  Sorry I didn't manage to get here yesterday.

I really enjoyed Downton Abbey.  I believe I read somewhere that there is either going to be a second series or a couple of Christmas specials.  Having said that I might just have imagined reading that so don't take my word for it. 

El Loro, I understand exactly how you feel about Julian Fellowes.  He does give you that impression when he's on the TV.  However if you do like period, upstairs/downstairs plays then it is well worth watching.

Hope to be back later. 
Yogi and Skylark, you may find over the next couple of days that you see the Aurora Borealis, I see on the BBC website that the biggest solar flare in 4 years has been seen, and this is expected to affect the magnetic fields around the Earth over this time. The sun has been very quiet over the past few years and has sprung back into action.

There is a possibility that in some parts of the world this could disrupt power and telecommunications systems for a time, but don't assume it will happen here. It could also affect GPS systems.
El Loro
Good morning everyone, weather-wise not at all bad here.  I do hope Yogi and Skylark get to see the Aurora Borealis, how thrilling.  Re Gosford Park, I loved the music, Jeremy Northam who played Ivor Novello was brilliant.  I loved the way all these silly aristocrats had such a genius playing piano in their midst and took hardly any notice of his brilliance. 

As for Downton Abbey, EL there is no snobbery in it whatsoever, I think that's what people like, the main character Lord Grantham, brilliantly played by Hugh Bonneville, is completely down to earth and treats everyone the same. One of his daughters is a snob but as she is a complete fool as well that goes to show how misguided she is.
Good afternoon everyone.    I shall be SO jealous if Skylark and Yogi get to see the Northern Lights (you are right Skylark - much easier to spell).

The day turned out a little brighter than expected but the days ahead don't look that good.

Probably won't be back again today but will (hopefully) catch up with you all tomorrow. 
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