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On the radio just now they were asking if Jesus ever laughed.

There's little doubt that he had a sense of humour.

For instance here's an extract from Luke 9:

53 And they did not receive him, because his face was as though he would go to Jerusalem.

54 And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did?

55 But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of.

56 For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. And they went to another village.


Nothing humerous there, but then here's Mark 3.17:

and James the son of Zebedee, and John the brother of James; and he surnamed them Boanerges, which is, The sons of thunder.


El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

I'm keeping out of everyone's way Skylark, there's about 6 or 7 workmen out there and my grandson doing the ceiling inside.

Sounds like it's all going well.


Moonie, I hope it's a bit warmer for you now. The sun is shining up here but there's a chilly wind.

Likewise here too now Yogi 

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

I'm keeping out of everyone's way Skylark, there's about 6 or 7 workmen out there and my grandson doing the ceiling inside.

Sounds like it's all going well.


Moonie, I hope it's a bit warmer for you now. The sun is shining up here but there's a chilly wind.

Likewise here too now Yogi 

 Hope you are cosy now, Moonie.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

I'm keeping out of everyone's way Skylark, there's about 6 or 7 workmen out there and my grandson doing the ceiling inside.

Sounds like it's all going well.


Moonie, I hope it's a bit warmer for you now. The sun is shining up here but there's a chilly wind.

Likewise here too now Yogi 

 Hope you are cosy now, Moonie.

Yes, I was indeed ta muchly Yogi 

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Good morning everyone.


Weather is cloudy and rain is forecast for later. When is summer going to arrive?!


Grocery shopping today and I am minding PB for a couple of hours. I might combine the two.


Have a good day everyone.

Good morning peeps   

Its sunny but breezy here. Weather forecast says cloudy but dry 

*wafts some good weather Yogis way* 


Have a good time with PB Yogi. Hope you both enjoy shopping together 



Have a good day everyone  


Last edited by Moonie
Originally Posted by Skylark:

Morning all. Weather here back to winter

Have a lot to do today, so may not be back. Have a good day and hope PB behaves, anything like mine at her age, all things got fired in the trolley

Morning Skylark  

As long as *they* are cakes I will be a happy bunny 

Have a good and hopefully warmer day as it goes on 



Good morning everyone, it's not so cold today and there is even a hint of sunshine - I hope we're all in for a good weekend weatherwise.  I am sure PB will be a wonderful help to her gran, why she might even find things that you've not thought of to add to your trolley Yogi, how helpful   I agree Skylark all sorts of things can suddenly find their way into your trolley - they can be very useful at the checkout though.


I hope you are warmer today moonie, it makes all the difference when the sun shines doesn't it?


I hope your good weather lasts EL and you have a good day.


Enjoy your day everyone


Skylark, I hope the weather gets warmer for you

I seem to be getting the best weather for those in the UK at present. Sunshine and warmer than recently.

Summer, I hope you continue to get good weather and enjoy the food


Just returned from one of my clients and it turns out that she's long term friends with the ex-senior partner (he's now retired) of the firm I used to work for and his wife.


El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Evening all.


Had a lovely afternoon with PB.


Some Thornton's Mini Caramel Shortcake Bites ended up in my trolley.

Did someone mention...Thornton's Mini Caramel Shortcake Bites? 


Gald you you had a lovely afternoon with PB Yogi 

 <- help yourself, Moonie.

*takes one* yummy...ta muchly  


Good morning everyone, a thick blanket of cloud everywhere and no hint of sun at all.  On the other hand I think we are promised a better day tomorrow


Good news about your bed moonie, I trawled back but couldn't see what was wrong with your bed though   A furniture technician sounds a useful sort of person to know


Enjoy your day everyone, whatever you're doing, especially Summer who is basking in lovely sunshine

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Well that's a sight I thought I never would see, looking out of my window I see something coming up the slope from the bottom of the garden and as it comes into view I see it's a young female deer! Wow! I tried to get a picture but I don't know where she's gone.

You are very fortunate to be able to get visitors like that in your garden

El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, a thick blanket of cloud everywhere and no hint of sun at all.  On the other hand I think we are promised a better day tomorrow


Good news about your bed moonie, I trawled back but couldn't see what was wrong with your bed though   A furniture technician sounds a useful sort of person to know


Enjoy your day everyone, whatever you're doing, especially Summer who is basking in lovely sunshine

Hi Squiggle 

My bed had two visible marks on the headboard 

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Good morning everyone.


Grey sky and rain up here.


Squiggle, Moonie's new bed had marks on it. I think I read about it in the Darnies, not in here.


Off to get my hair cut this afternoon, and banking to do before that.


Have a good day everyone.

Quite right Yogi 

Thought I had said in here so apologies for that 

We require a twirl when you return from the hairdressers   

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Well that's a sight I thought I never would see, looking out of my window I see something coming up the slope from the bottom of the garden and as it comes into view I see it's a young female deer! Wow! I tried to get a picture but I don't know where she's gone.

Awwww that's really lovely to see one in the wild Squiggle  


Skylarkm I'm sure seagulls do sleep at night, probably where they are unlikely to be disturbed by us humans. They are noisy birds and somehwat messy.

One of my clients owns a small office building in the centre of Cheltenham which she lets out. She had to get the roof repaired and cleared out a couple of years ago due to the seagulls. It cost her ÂĢ6,500 Whilst one of the workmen was working up a ladder on the roof he was being attacked by seagulls and was fending them off with a large spirit level he was carrying - could have been a scene from Hitchcock's The Birds.


El Loro
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