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Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Afternoon all. 


Housework, ironing and washing done and dinner is prepped for tonight. 

The rain went off for a while, although there are dark clouds which look threatening atm. I managed to get the front lawn cut and walk the dog while the rain was off, so I don't care it it rains now.


El, I used to live in a small village up north which was like your clients. People didn't lock doors and everyone was welcoming and had a great community spirit. I loved it, and 24 years later, I still miss it.


Skylark, I hope you get your washing dried and don't have to do a mad dash!

Holiday clubs are a great idea during the long summer holidays. It helps to quell the "I'm bored, what can I do?!" moans.


Squiggle, were there any cakes in your Sainsbury delivery?


Moonie, that's good news about the chimney breast, and great that they will sort out the redecorating for you.



No Yogi I am being very good


You have had a good day, well done especially on getting the lawn done, that would have seemed improbable first thing.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Afternoon all. 


Housework, ironing and washing done and dinner is prepped for tonight. 

The rain went off for a while, although there are dark clouds which look threatening atm. I managed to get the front lawn cut and walk the dog while the rain was off, so I don't care it it rains now.


El, I used to live in a small village up north which was like your clients. People didn't lock doors and everyone was welcoming and had a great community spirit. I loved it, and 24 years later, I still miss it.


Skylark, I hope you get your washing dried and don't have to do a mad dash!

Holiday clubs are a great idea during the long summer holidays. It helps to quell the "I'm bored, what can I do?!" moans.


Squiggle, were there any cakes in your Sainsbury delivery?


Moonie, that's good news about the chimney breast, and great that they will sort out the redecorating for you.



No Yogi I am being very good


You have had a good day, well done especially on getting the lawn done, that would have seemed improbable first thing.

Well done on your restraint, Squiggle.

This morning, I would have said there wasn't a hope of cutting the grass. I still need to do some weeding in the borders but that can wait till the next sunny day - whenever that might be! 


Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Hi Yogi  

You have been a busy bee  
Dog walked too

And cake supplied. Good day for us all  

Sometimes my council do show a modicum common sense, for which I am very grateful indeed this time  

 It's good when you deal with someone sensible, who knows what they are doing.

Makes a change for my council Yogi



Not surpringly, the clients I saw this morning (husband does farm fencing, wife does catering) are among my more favourite clients - hospitable and nice people.

I too had a rock cake, and a young man who was doing some work on their shower had one as well. Still warm from the oven. Yum


My very old HP printer (I bought it in 2001) decided to call it a day whne I installed a new cartridge - grinding noises and flashing lights. Pointless trying to get it repaired, probably can't be and I would be wasting time and money. Already had bought another HP printer last year so am now using that.

Got a small supply of unused unopened boxed HP original cartridges for the old printer and those cartridges are still within their warranty period.

So I've been in touch with HP to see if there's any chance of some sort of exchange of cartridges for the new printer in place of those for the old one. It's obviously discretionary on their part so I mightn't get anything but at least it's worth trying. (Bought the cartridges from Viking but their return policy is 30 days from when bought and it's too late for that). I'll let you know what I hear.



El Loro
Good morning *sends lots of sunshine*
I'm having a wonderful, wonderful time my sister is lovely, we share a lot of the same personality traits and have the same eyes & hands. Her family are also wonderful, I'm very fond and proud of all of them already

Moonie That's a great result from the council well done you! I hope the damp will be forever gone, and your room will look fab all freshly painted - can you have a choice of colour?

El I'm glad your brother & yourself had a good weekend

Leaving good morning hugs for the girls of the group

Have a good day
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone.


Weather is to be a mix of sunny spells and cloudy spells. ATM, the sun is shining.


Summer, I couldn't be more pleased for you that it is all going well.

Enjoy every minute of your time together and take lots of pics to remind you of everything when you get home.


El, I hope it goes well at the client's today. Is this the client who lives where the flies are?


Sorry I missed you last night, Moonie.


Middle son and DiL have been away for a couple of days and will be popping in at some point today.


Have a good day everyone.


Good morning everyone, lovely to hear from you Summer, so glad you are having a wonderful time, thanks for the sunshine >>>>>>>


I hope all goes well with your client EL, I wonder if its a nice drive there and back.


It's very windy here Yogi and we are promised (threatened with) lots of heavy showers.  Have a lovely visit.


Enjoy your day everyone




Good morning Buddies  

Started off sunny but now it's clouding over and we are promised a deluge at sometime during the day. Breezy and quite cool too 

Sweet, glad your holiday is going well 

Yogi, it was me who didn't turn up until late 

El, hope the trip to the clients goes well 

Squiggle, hope it you get some good weather at sometime today 

Skylark, good luck with your errands 

Last edited by Moonie

Good afternoon everyone


I'm back from the client at Hereford. Straightfoward client, and no downpours during my drive there and back


Yogi, it is that client who did until a year ago live in the middle of nowhere where those flies were. Now lives in town.


Squiggle, it's a pleasant drive though there's several miles of fairly sharp bends so I can't take much notice of the scenery,


Still a fair amount of blue sky though hefty showers are forecast for the afternoon, rather as for squiggle.

Skylark, I hope your lovely weather spreads to the rest of us


El Loro

Interesting comments by Simon Pegg (who was born in Gloucester):

He criticises the dumbing down of cinema over the years since the original Star Wars film.


I have thought for many years that the success of Star Wars was detrimental to Hollywood films and it paved the way for the greater emphasis on special effects rather than story and acting in films.

El Loro

Lovely pics El. I particularly like the Tree of Life window and the one of Skipton castle.


Safari is being a pain in the neck. 

First of all, it kept signing me in here, after I had signed out. Then when that stopped, I couldn't open a second window otherwise it signed me out of here.  That seems to have stopped and now the phantom signing in thing is happening again!


Good morning everyone, wow great photos EL.


Builders were here at sparrow's first cough, replacing the extension roof and the back door today.  My they have ripped the guts out of the old (hideous) roof I thought they would leave the centre beam but it's all gone.


Yesterday wasn't as bad as they forecast and today is dry and a little sunny, not a patch on what Summer is basking in though.


Enjoy your day everyone

Originally Posted by Skylark:

Afternoon all, lovely weather here, sun shining in the windows and highlighting the dust     . Once i have my 3rd cuppa, will get started!!
Lovely pics El x
Squiggle you busy , hope you bearing up! 
Hope Summer is having a great time. 
Have a good day all 

Haha, a woman after my own heart! Hi Skylark.

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