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Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Greetings from the airport lounge I love free wifi
Thank you very much, I only wish I could share the sunshine with you all

El, the game must take some hours to complete! I hope you're enjoying it

Hiya Sweet 

Hope you have your wings on if you are going to fly 

Have a lovely time, be happy and don't forget our pressies  

Last edited by Moonie

I've dropped my brother at the railway station. Nice weekend catching up. Hopefully his next visit is in 6 weeks, that depends on the trains working normally.


Squiggle, with Broken Sword 5 there's a built in hint option so there's no problem if you get really stuck. It is one of those games which requires you to have a Steam account (apart from the cost of the game, there's no subsctoption fee or anything like that though I know some people are put off with needing a Steam acount).


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I've dropped my brother at the railway station. Nice weekend catching up. Hopefully his next visit is in 6 weeks, that depends on the trains working normally.


Squiggle, with Broken Sword 5 there's a built in hint option so there's no problem if you get really stuck. It is one of those games which requires you to have a Steam account (apart from the cost of the game, there's no subsctoption fee or anything like that though I know some people are put off with needing a Steam acount).


But did you win El?

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I've dropped my brother at the railway station. Nice weekend catching up. Hopefully his next visit is in 6 weeks, that depends on the trains working normally.


Squiggle, with Broken Sword 5 there's a built in hint option so there's no problem if you get really stuck. It is one of those games which requires you to have a Steam account (apart from the cost of the game, there's no subsctoption fee or anything like that though I know some people are put off with needing a Steam acount).


But did you win El?

Broken Sword is a point and click adventure game rather than an action game - you are not competing against other players so there are no winners as such.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I've dropped my brother at the railway station. Nice weekend catching up. Hopefully his next visit is in 6 weeks, that depends on the trains working normally.


Squiggle, with Broken Sword 5 there's a built in hint option so there's no problem if you get really stuck. It is one of those games which requires you to have a Steam account (apart from the cost of the game, there's no subsctoption fee or anything like that though I know some people are put off with needing a Steam acount).


But did you win El?

Broken Sword is a point and click adventure game rather than an action game - you are not competing against other players so there are no winners as such.

Ah, right, thanks El

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Evening all. Hope Summer has landed and now enjoying some time with her sister.

Had a lovely but busy day, so I'm going to get off to bed.

Goodnight and sweet dreams everyone. Hugs for the night owls.

Hi Yogi  

*looks for cake* 


Glad you had a nice if day if busy 


Nite nite, sleep well and have sweet dreams  


Morning peeps   

The weather is dire here and more to come over the next two days too 

Awaiting a visit from the council inspector to have a look a damp patch in me front room. Been ongoing for quite a while now. Multiple inspector visits but no solution as yet. That's my local council for you 


Sweet, I hope you have arrived safely...not sure of the flight time to your destination...and have a great time  


Hope yoyu manage to have a good Monday despite the dire weather you no doubt are having  

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning everyone


Raining here.


Going off to meet a client in a bit.


Moonie, I hope the council inspector works out what is causing the damp patch and comes up with a solution. Ongoing damp problems can't be good for anybody's health.


I hope Summer is experiencing better weather than we are.


Morning El 

Hope your client meeting goes well 

Nope, not very satisfactory at all El 


Sweet is probably slapping on the sunscreen now 

On the other hand. Jet lag could be a factor too 

Last edited by Moonie

Good morning everyone.


The weather here is awful too, it's pouring down! Let's hope Summer is enjoying breakfast in the sun.


Moonie, I hope the Council Inspector can find out what's causing the damp patch. As El said, damp can cause health problems, so keep nipping their heads till they sort it out.

Apologies Moonie, PB decided she'd rather make a "Hungry Caterpillar" mask than do some baking! However, I bought a delicious lemon drizzle cake, so you can have some of that -> 


El, I'm glad you had a good weekend with your brother, and I hope all goes well with the client - stay dry while you are out and about.


Have a good day everyone.






Good morning everyone, horrible weather here too, we are supposed to have a drier bit in the middle of the day but tomorrow is horrendous - heavy rain all day.  So far dry on Wednesday and Thursday which is a relief as that is when they fit the roof on the little extension.


Sounds like a good day with PB, well done on buying lemon drizzle cake for uncle moonie - very thoughtful.  Moonie I do hope they can get that damp patch sorted, often working out where the rain is getting in is incredibly hard to do as I am sure you know.


Just had a call from the Sainsburys driver - he is an hour early and wants to make the delivery now, so catch you later


Glad you all had a good weekend. I had a very lazy day yesterday so will have to catch up on things today. 
Hope Summer arrived safely and enjoying herself.
Pouring rain here, got caught in it, had my brolly but gave up with it, as was carrying shopping and 2 hands not enough 
 @PB,s antics, she is a right wee character. 
Granddaughter will be breaking up for school summer hols at the end of June , no half term now here. 6 glorious weeks off,, but have her booked in for a holiday club a few days, so she has friends to play with, then she going to Spain with nana and granpa. 
Hope you get things sorted moonie, as said dampness isnt good for the health. 
Glad you had nice time with your brother , El. 
Love to everyone else and have a good day 


Back from my visit to the client - all went well. They live in a village where the postwoman can walk into the house with the post, and get given a rock cake which my client had just baked.


Rained during the journey there, there was a torrential downpour while I was there, but had stopped raining by the time I drove back home.


Skylark, I hope you didn't get too wet. I hope your granddaughter enjoys that holiday club and then Spain

El Loro

Afternoon peeps   

Re the council inspector...

Good news, of a sort, they are going to strip all the plaster off the chimney breast and re plaster it, as it seems to be more a problem with plastering than damp getting in now. They had already stripped a small section of plaster off the wall. The wall is now bone dry 

They are also going to look on the roof around the chimney to make sure that is water tight 


Best news is, as they are going to make a mess in the front room, they are going to re decorate it for free 


Awwww as PB is such a darling she is forgiven over the cake  

*snaffles a piece of lemon drizzle cake* fankooooo Yogi  


Hi Skylark and Squiggle 

The weather was dire here earlier. Absolutely chucking it down. Then it went sunny with not a clouds, now it's really windy and looking like a cloudburst is imminent 


Hi , glad you getting things done moonie, no worries at length of post! 
Hi El, glad all went ok, nice and to have that neighbourly  life in the village. Dont really have that here, sad. 

Sun has came out now so washing out on the line, beds nice and fresh. Dark clouds are looming so will do a Limford Christie if the rain comes again to get the washing in    xx


I am glad they are getting on top of the problem moonie, free decorating thrown in can't be bad


I am glad the visit to the client went well, what a lovely friendly household.  Skylark sounds like you have it all sorted for the holidays, I am sure your granddaughter will have a great time.  Good luck with the rain or alternatively the 100 yards dash.


Afternoon all. 


Housework, ironing and washing done and dinner is prepped for tonight. 

The rain went off for a while, although there are dark clouds which look threatening atm. I managed to get the front lawn cut and walk the dog while the rain was off, so I don't care it it rains now.


El, I used to live in a small village up north which was like your clients. People didn't lock doors and everyone was welcoming and had a great community spirit. I loved it, and 24 years later, I still miss it.


Skylark, I hope you get your washing dried and don't have to do a mad dash!

Holiday clubs are a great idea during the long summer holidays. It helps to quell the "I'm bored, what can I do?!" moans.


Squiggle, were there any cakes in your Sainsbury delivery?


Moonie, that's good news about the chimney breast, and great that they will sort out the redecorating for you.



Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Hi Yogi  

You have been a busy bee  
Dog walked too

And cake supplied. Good day for us all  

Sometimes my council do show a modicum common sense, for which I am very grateful indeed this time  

 It's good when you deal with someone sensible, who knows what they are doing.

Makes a change for my council Yogi

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