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Good  morning everyone

A considerable improvement in the weather from yesterday's washout in my area, 50% blue sky / 50% cloud. Colder than it has been, but no frost or ice.

I saw the last ever episode of Larkrise yesterday evening. I won't say anything about what happens as some of you may not have seen it yet, but it is a fitting conclusion.
El Loro
Good morning everyone.    The sun is shining here this morning and it's not too cold.

Had a busy weekend after the funeral on Friday.  We were due to have company but they cried off through illness so hubby took me out for the day on Saturday.  After doing some shopping we took lunch with us and went out on the boat for about 5 hours.  Very relaxing.  We had a meal on the way home so all in all it was a wonderful day and it certainly made me feel a lot brighter.

On our travels through the countryside we came across a garden that had 5 or 6 daffodils in full bloom.  That certainly lifted my spirits.  I can only say that garden must be sheltered from the frost and cold winds for daffodils to be out so early.

Unfortunately I have been very busy catching up on all the things I should have been doing instead of roaming around the countryside!!

Thank you all for your kinds thoughts and messages over these past sad days.  I'm okay now.  Love you all. 
Thank you for the UTube clip of a triple rainbow EL, I love it when people get so excited about seeing rainbows, so do I and so did my hubby

Joyron I am so glad you had such a lovely day, especially after your funeral it sounds lovely and the only thing that would have completed it would have been to have all of us with you  

Outside our church in pots there are some of those tiny little wild daffs (that's what I call them the tiny little ones) in full bloom, their little heads drooping.  Lovely.

The world would be a very sad world without daffodils. Thank you squiggle for your photo

It sounds as if you had a very nice Saturday, Joyron

I hoped you liked Larkrise, Yogi
I wonder what South Riding will be like. That replaces Larkrise next Sunday, but is only 3 episodes. I vaguely remember they made a series back in the early 1970s. It looks as if it is targeted at the Sunday evening audiences, so I will probably give it a go.

And before anyone asks, there is no such area of Yorkshire as South Riding, just East, North & West.
El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Joyron:
SO sorry to hear it's snowing again Yogi.  That's the last thing you want!!!  I will watch out for a date for the start of Silks.  I really like Rupert Penry-Jones. 
So do I, Joyron.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Yogi I have just checked your weather forecast on the BBC site and its getting warmer and better as the week goes on In fact its looking much better than my weather darn it
That's a relief, Squiggle. Sorry about your weather forecast though.
Good morning everyone

A bit damp outside at present, and rain is expected for a few hours, but then it improves. The forecast for the next few days in the south west looks better now than it did yesterday evening, so hopefully, squiggle, it won't be as bad as you had thought

And Roman Holiday is on Channel 4 today at 12.05 noon for those who want to resee it again.
El Loro
Good morning everyone.    Sun is shining here at the moment but I don't know how long it will last.  There is quite a chilly breeze out there too.

I'm going to race through my chores so that I can sit and watch Roman Holiday at lunchtime.  I know I've now got it on DVD but I can keep that as backup. 

Hope you all have a good day whatever you are doing.  Hope to catch up again later. 
Good morning everyone, have a good day Skylark (oh she's gone ). 

Well I never we go to all that trouble to make sure that Joyron gets a copy of Roman Holiday and then they put it on Channel 4  

Oh lucky Grianon's daughter, what would we all have said to him do you think if we had been there?  And wouldn't he be surprised that his little fan group on here is still going strong?
Originally Posted by Joyron:
Good morning everyone.    Sun is shining here at the moment but I don't know how long it will last.  There is quite a chilly breeze out there too.

I'm going to race through my chores so that I can sit and watch Roman Holiday at lunchtime.  I know I've now got it on DVD but I can keep that as backup. 

Hope you all have a good day whatever you are doing.  Hope to catch up again later. 
Joyron, the new Rupert Penry-Jones drama, "Silks", starts on BBC 1 on Tuesday 22nd February at 9pm.

Good morning Squiggle and El Loro.
Hello and cheerio, Skylark.
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Joyron:
Joyron, the new Rupert Penry-Jones drama, "Silks", starts on BBC 1 on Tuesday 22nd February at 9pm.

I was going to post that Yogi.  I saw an advert for the programme this morning!!

Done all I need to for now so I'm going to watch Roman Holiday shortly.  Hope the phone doesn't ring.  I had better not tell No.1 son after all the trouble he went to recording the film and then transferring it to DVD for me.
Originally Posted by El Loro:
I'm glad you liked Roman Holiday Joyron, it would have been a shame if after all the hype we had given it had been a letdown.
It definitely would have been a shame, glad you enjoyed it, I watched it at the weekend and it lingers in the mind, lovely gentle film, I hope they start making more like this.  Surely people have had enough of vampires and zombies and gore by now (she says optimistically).
Good morning everyone

At present it's a pleasantly sunny day here, but I hope it's not too bad for you squiggle as I know it's wet.

And there's another Audrey Hepburn film on Channel 4 starting at 12.05 noon again. This one is Sabrina with Humphrey Bogart and William Holden. It was made following the success of Roman Holiday - it is a good film but I don't think in quite the same league as Roman Holiday. Sabrina was remade some years ago with Julia Ormond
Then tomorrow, Channel 4 has Funny Face with Audrey and Fred Astaire. And on Friday, they are showing Breakfast at Tiffany's. Sometimes, the local cinema shows one-off showings of older films, and last year I was luck enough to see Breakfast on the big screen. Magical.
El Loro
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