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Originally Posted by El Loro:

Did any of you see Dawn Chorus: The Sounds of Spring on BBC4 last evening ?

The birdsong of sunrise in all its uninterrupted glory, free from the voiceover and music of traditional television.

With the first glimmers of sunlight, the birds of Britain's woodland, heathland and parkland burst into song. This is an opportunity to sit back and enjoy a portrait of three very different habitats and the natural splendour of their distinctive chorus.

Available on iPlayer for another 29 days and worth watching,


absolutely adore the dawn chorus -love birds as well-find them fascinating and member of the  RSPB

Rocking Ros Rose
Good morning a sunny but windy start here today. I've had a better nights sleep and feel slightly better, the plan this morning is to rest

I too hope the yogi's are enjoying london and having a good adventure. I wonder if they'll bring back any strays from Paddington station...?
I should think the atmosphere in the capital is good following the birth of princess Charlotte
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, good news that you are feeling slightly better and hopefully resting today will help that along.


Now the question is did the Yogis take marmalade sandwiches along with them, if they did there is a very good chance we could have a new contributor to our thread - from deepest darkest Peru


Similar weather to yours EL, very very blustery again and showers slowly dying out.  I think the forecast is dryer after today though, mostly, which will help in getting the house finished now.


Enjoy your day everyone


Afternoon everyone 

Lovely pic squiggle. 
Glad to hear you feeling a bit better Summer, look after yourself. 
Rain finally stopped here, was terrible yesterday, it just lashed down for hours. 
Hope too, Mr and Mrs Yogi having a good time, and the weather is better there than here. 
 @ marmalade sandwiches. 
Granddaughter managed to get 3 Paddington  Bear annuals at Christmas. One from me, one from her nana and one from her cousin! Maybe better communication needed for this year    Oh look at me talking about Christmas already. I am sure that will cheer a certain someone up 

Have a good day all 

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Skylark, having just looked at a trailer for that Paddington film I can see what you mean. Fine for older children but not for youngsters. The film got a PG ceritifcate rather than a U. The BBFC says that a PG film may have scenes unsuitable for young children but should not upset children of 8 upwards.

Hi El, no GD didnt like it. Nor did I. 
Anyway, have to get off to get said person fed and off to Brownies. She has taken it well from Rainbows. Having a meeting about going to camp in a couple of weeks. Its all go. 
Love to all, have a lovely evening xxx

Good evening all

Skylark I've been remembering what you said about staying hydrated and have been making sure I drink plenty of fluids I too thought the new Paddington looked scary, it put me off watching it at first but once I got into it, I did enjoy it. I felt awfully sorry for him too for ages which made it hard to watch, even though I knew he would actually find a home.

I am truly blessed; the car was definitely meant for me it's immaculate and I can pick it up tomorrow.

Meanwhile, I've rested most of the day but sorted some stuff out for my holiday, like travel insurance and checking my passport etc- I found 55 euros in my travel wallet that must have been left from my last holiday
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, much nicer here this morning.  I like the bedding EL - I am sure these two will like it too


I hope the Yogis are having a great time, I wonder if they will manage to fit in a West End show while they are in London?


Wonderful news about the car Summer, happy driving!  And a holiday on the horizon too.


Moonie, Skylark,  Ros and velvet I hope your day goes well


Me and my friend are off to the dentist soon, her appointment is at 10.15 and mine at 11.15 and I am giving her a lift in as I have some errands to run before my appointment.  We are following our old dentist to a new dental practice.


Enjoy your day everyone

Good morning sunny and bright here today no wonder so many colds are around with temperatures rapidly changing every day

Rofl El, that bedding is perfect! can you imagine Baz's face if Inchy put that on their bed while she was out?

Squiggle, those giraffes are cute good luck at the dentist today, I hope you pick up something nice for yourself among the errands you're running
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Good morning sunny and bright here today no wonder so many colds are around with temperatures rapidly changing every day

Rofl El, that bedding is perfect! can you imagine Baz's face if Inchy put that on their bed while she was out?

Squiggle, those giraffes are cute good luck at the dentist today, I hope you pick up something nice for yourself among the errands you're running

His life wouldn't be worth living Sweet 

Good morning to you Sweet  

Hope your day goes well and you are feeling better today 

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