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Originally Posted by Skylark:

Hi moonie and El, nice being bonkers sometimes 
I am well , thanks. Nice quiet day. Son at work on late shift and granddaughter away for a drive down the coast with her nana and granpa. Done a huge pile of washing, dont know where it comes from ! x

Very true 

I have a huge pile of washing if you are at a loss at what to do for the rest of the day Skylark 

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Thank you all I've retreated to bed for a jolly good rest, I slept for a few hours and then watched Home Fires. I loved it
Like you yogi, I often enjoy the shows that critics don't rate well

Moonie I hope those bees don't last long, I'm glad they're not wasps but they'll still be a pain in the butt won't they

Hi Sweet 

Glad you managed some sleep and hope you are feeling a little better now 

The warmer weather seems to bring the bees out Sweet  


Summer, I'm glad you were able to have a few hours of sleep and enjoyed Home Fires

I've just discovered a amall tub of vitamin C tablets. I would offer them to you but when I saw that the use by date was in 2004 I thought it would make you worse and so I've thrown them away


Moonie, I'm sure Skylark would be happy to help with your washing when she has some spare time in about a million years

El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Thank you all I've retreated to bed for a jolly good rest, I slept for a few hours and then watched Home Fires. I loved it
Like you yogi, I often enjoy the shows that critics don't rate well

Moonie I hope those bees don't last long, I'm glad they're not wasps but they'll still be a pain in the butt won't they

I am glad you feel a bit better now Summer


I've never heard of masonry bees moonie, I am glad the guy has come and got rid of them, how can you tell the difference between one of them and a honey bee though I wonder?


Well done on getting all that washing done Skylark, I hope g/d is having a lovely drive with her nana and granpa.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Thank you all I've retreated to bed for a jolly good rest, I slept for a few hours and then watched Home Fires. I loved it
Like you yogi, I often enjoy the shows that critics don't rate well

Moonie I hope those bees don't last long, I'm glad they're not wasps but they'll still be a pain in the butt won't they

I am glad you feel a bit better now Summer


I've never heard of masonry bees moonie, I am glad the guy has come and got rid of them, how can you tell the difference between one of them and a honey bee though I wonder?


Well done on getting all that washing done Skylark, I hope g/d is having a lovely drive with her nana and granpa.

Well Squiggle, a masonry bee is more like a wasp than a bee but does not sting apparently. I googled and they do look more like wasp than a bee  


Skylark, I'm sorry I keep missing you on here. i'm glad all is well and hope your granddaughter has a lovely time with her nana and grandpa.


Summer, I'm glad you are feeling a bit better. 


lol El, good job you noticed the date on those vitamin tablets.


Moonie, at least the masonary bees don't sting, so that's a positive.

Squiggle, I'd never heard of them either.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Skylark, I'm sorry I keep missing you on here. i'm glad all is well and hope your granddaughter has a lovely time with her nana and grandpa.


Summer, I'm glad you are feeling a bit better. 


lol El, good job you noticed the date on those vitamin tablets.


Moonie, at least the masonary bees don't sting, so that's a positive.

Squiggle, I'd never heard of them either.

Hi Yogi

I don't think I wanna test that theory tbh Yogi 

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Skylark, I'm sorry I keep missing you on here. i'm glad all is well and hope your granddaughter has a lovely time with her nana and grandpa.


Summer, I'm glad you are feeling a bit better. 


lol El, good job you noticed the date on those vitamin tablets.


Moonie, at least the masonary bees don't sting, so that's a positive.

Squiggle, I'd never heard of them either.

Hi Yogi

I don't think I wanna test that theory tbh Yogi 

 No, I wouldn't want to put it to the test!

Originally Posted by moonie:

Looking forward to the election Yogi?

 Not exactly, Moonie. I don't think we're going to get a result that anyone will be really happy with!


Mr Yogi and I are going away for a few days to London, so I won't be around until Friday evening. Got a really early rise tomorrow, so I'm going to get off. Goodnight and sweet dreams, Moonie.

Hugs for the night owls.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Looking forward to the election Yogi?

 Not exactly, Moonie. I don't think we're going to get a result that anyone will be really happy with!


Mr Yogi and I are going away for a few days to London, so I won't be around until Friday evening. Got a really early rise tomorrow, so I'm going to get off. Goodnight and sweet dreams, Moonie.

Hugs for the night owls.

Awww I hope you and Mr Yogi have a love time in London

Nite nite, sleep well and have sweet dreams


Morning Buddies  

Hi El 

Yep we had a whole load of rain during the night too 

It's stopped now but the sky looks 'angry' so am expecting more of the same soon 

Yogi, hope you and Mr Yogi have a lovely time in London. See you on Friday 

Sweet, I hope you are feeling much better this morning  

Hi too Squiggle and Skylark, have a lovely day both 

Back later  


BBC clip today of the re-opening of the Regesnt Street Cinema in London which is where moving pictures were first shown to the public in this country:


The clip show bits from the first two films shown on the first day back in 1896.

The films are very short and very primitive.

and the second which scared some people who thought that the train was really coming straight at them


El Loro

Good morning everyone, very blustery today, our sky isn't angry moonie but you can tell it means business.  Imagining you today I hope you manage to dodge the showers! Just as well those masonry bees don't sting, if they can drill through masonry - I wouldn't want to test the theory either.


I hope you have a great time Yogi


Enjoy your day everyone

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Hi Skylark and EL, the rain has eased off here and I hope it has as well where you both are.  It looks like it might be a nice day now.  I hope Summer is feeling better this morning.

Although the rain has eased off, the clouds do look threatening and it's windy. Though there are tiny patches of blue sky.


I hope Summer is feeling better as well.


El Loro

Recent news of Cheltenham Town following relegation.

Looks as if the manager who arrived only a few weeks ago may stay following the chairman's indication that he wanted him to stay. The manager announced that the assistant manager will stay though the rest of the backroom staff face an uncertain future.

8 players have been released and a further 6 put on the transfer list. Various players who had been loaned from other clubs have also gone. 3 long term injured players will be assessed. The other 5 players of the current team are retained.

Obviously new players will have to come in to make a squad.


El Loro

Did any of you see Dawn Chorus: The Sounds of Spring on BBC4 last evening ?

The birdsong of sunrise in all its uninterrupted glory, free from the voiceover and music of traditional television.

With the first glimmers of sunlight, the birds of Britain's woodland, heathland and parkland burst into song. This is an opportunity to sit back and enjoy a portrait of three very different habitats and the natural splendour of their distinctive chorus.

Available on iPlayer for another 29 days and worth watching,


El Loro
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