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Good morning everyone.


The sun is shining again.


Yesterday was a bit hectic , but today should be quieter.


Skylark, I'm sorry I keep missing you. 

The sudden change of doctor's surgery must be unsettling for you, but hopefully the new GP will be a good one.


Moonie, I'm glad the smoke has gone and you are free to go out and about again.


I did put cakes in my shopping trolley -  a lemon and cream Victoria Sponge and some French Fancies. -> 


Have a good day everyone.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Happy 175th birthday to squiggle's Penny Black Stamp

Ha ha! Shall I throw a party?


Good morning everyone, very grey here I hope the rain holds off for today though as hopefully they are putting up the cladding on the dormer today.


Those cakes sound delicious Yogi, I hope you manage to have a quieter day today.  I hope Skylark finds her new doctor helpful and easy to get on with and also that there wasn't too much wasted food as a result of the power cut.


My little red car goes to a new owner today, I'm glad that he is thrilled with her and will look after her.  He even knows how to sort out the strut to hold the boot open, there's still a bit of a lump in my throat though, she's been a good car.  She's in showroom condition on the drive at the moment, absolutely gleaming, I've just given her a quick polish.


Enjoy your day everyone

Good morning

Apologies for not making it here yesterday. We had to send a colleague home poorly, was busy because of the bank hol/pay day weekend and I didn't feel too well myself last night. I'm feeling well rested and stink of garlic this morning so here's hoping

What are everyone's bank holiday plans?

Squiggle I'm glad your car has gone to someone who'll be kind to her how are you getting on with the new one?

I too hope the rugby is a draw
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, a middling day here but lots of rain forecast.


A lovely picture Summer.  I am getting on fine with the new car, I love driving an automatic and there's loads of space to put things.  Cup holders everywhere and something I wasn't expecting, just hadn't thought of, my old car had a cassette player - a blast from the past - which obviously wasn't much use but of course my new one has a CD player so I've been making my own CD's which has been fascinating, and also I've been able to play the recording of our baptism ceremony which has been lovely to listen to again.  So many dear friends and our old minister who was the most wonderful pastor to have and I relied on him so much when we had so many crises in our lives.  There was a hairy moment yesterday though.  My grandson has been in charge of selling the car, I promised it to him.  So both cars were parked on my steep driveway yesterday - there were 2 builders vans up the top so no room up there.  Anyway my grandson offered to move the car up onto the lane for the new buyer who was nervous about doing a hill start in a new car and he thought he had engaged first gear (it can be a little tricky sometimes) but didn't and the car rolled down into my new one behind! Much panic and I quickly got ready to take over but then he got it into first and roared up the drive - heart stopping moment.  It was chaos for a while as the buyer is friends with the builders - they went to school together - and that's how he heard about the car.  There was the new car owner's mum in her Smart car who had driven him there she was parked up the top as well, it looked like a particularly busy car park


I hope you are feeling OK this morning and, as EL says, the garlic did the trick and saw off the bug.


Enjoy your day everyone


Good morning lovely people  

Was wet to start with but looking a little more promising now 

Sweet, hope you feel better this morning 

Yogi any chance of PB visit over the Bank Holiday?

Squiggle, glad the car wasn't damaged in the "hill incident"  

El, hope all is well with you 

I don't know if I will back this evening but will pop in during the day. Have a good Bank Holiday peeps   

Good morning we've got dreadful weather, the rain & wind are battering the house! It sounds nice on the windows though

Thank you all for the get well messages I do feel a lot better today, my remedies work all the better for catching a germ early

Crikey squiggle! Thank goodness the cars didn't get damaged I bet the poor driver felt panicked at the time.
Has the car gone now?
I'm going browsing for cars today, fingers crossed we find one without too much hassle
~Sparkling Summer~

The rain stopped here before I went to church and there's some blue sky and clouds now. Somewhat windy and showers are expected in a while.


Summer, I'm glad you are feeling better today I'm fairly certain that the new owner did drive squiggle's old car away. I hope you succeed in finding a suitable car without too much hassle. Here's one for you

El Loro
Good morning we've got dreadful weather, the rain & wind are battering the house! It sounds nice on the windows though

Thank you all for the get well messages I do feel a lot better today, my remedies work all the better for catching a germ early

Crikey squiggle! Thank goodness the cars didn't get damaged I bet the poor driver felt panicked at the time.
Has the car gone now?
I'm going browsing for cars today, fingers crossed we find one without too much hassle
~Sparkling Summer~
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