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Still cannot quote (very frustrating)

I'm hoping that when we log on tomorrow morning that we will find that the quoting function has changed to be better for everyone than at present, though Seattle has not yet given any details at all on the update and I am just assuming that as it's an update to the platform which will affect all sites that this forum is included, I could be wrong and that there will be no update which is why I'm being cautious about what I say.
El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Good morning everyone. Its cold and frosty but at least it isn't raining.
Good morning Yogi and everyone

Here it's sunny and fairly mild.

Look - the new quoting function system is here at long last. I haven't had time to look at it yet, but I can see that we have a blue cross by each post for multi quoting and a quote mark by each post for a single post like this one.

It automatically includes the entire post. So we may have to edit that in the Post Reply box.
El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Look - the new quoting function system is here at long last. I haven't had time to look at it yet, but I can see that we have a blue cross by each post for multi quoting and a quote mark by each post for a single post like this one.

Good morning El Loro. I wonder if the IE users will be able to quote now.
Last edited by Yogi19
Although not as important as the new quoting function, you may be interested to know that I have seen on the Social Strata blog that in 2 to 4 weeks in the next update we can expect to see a search posts facility which will be a considerable improvement over what we have at present which is near useless. I think we may be able to see what posts El Loro has made which include the word widget in for instance (which is probably just this one )
El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
won't Joyron and Skylark be surprised when they return?  
Just popped in for a minute so I thought I'd try and see IF this works.  Funeral went as well as can be expected and yes Yogi we did have Nora Batty & Co in the back!!  Out all day again tomorrow so will catch up with you all when I can.  Love you all. 
Good morning everyone

A nice sunny day at present

I hereby announce that my knowledge about widgets is next to zero, apart from that there is a widget available on this forum, but it is well hidden and the chances are that hardly anyone knows about it and it's unlikely that anyone would ever use it. A challenge to you to see if anyone can find it and work out what it is for
El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Good morning everyone

A nice sunny day at present

I hereby announce that my knowledge about widgets is next to zero, apart from that there is a widget available on this forum, but it is well hidden and the chances are that hardly anyone knows about it and it's unlikely that anyone would ever use it. A challenge to you to see if anyone can find it and work out what it is for
Good morning El Loro and Squiggle. Not a bad day here, at least the rain is off.
There's not much chance of me finding the widget - I don't even know what it is.
A little news story in my local paper about a couple who I have known for years and go to my church:

Childhood sweethearts Beryl and Sandy Harding are rolling along nicely as they celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY: Sandy and Beryl Harding today, above and how they were, below.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY: Sandy and Beryl Harding today, above and how they were, below.

BERYL and Sandy Harding are celebrating their 65th wedding anniversary – after first meeting back in 1929.

The couple, from Longlevens, will celebrate their blue sapphire today after meeting when they were just six years old.

Sandy, now 87, said: "We met a long time ago, you have to go right back to 1929 on Christmas Day. We were both six years old and I had a tricycle as my Christmas present.

"I took it round to my neighbours' house to show it off and Beryl opened the door.

"Our parents were friends and continued to be for many years afterwards and obviously we have always remained very close."

The couple, who are originally from Bexhill-on-Sea in Sussex, drifted apart as their families moved away but got together during the war years. They were married in 1946.

Sandy said: "I was in the RAF and my wife in the National Fire Service in Southampton and we got back together.

"I was serving in India at the time and we had mid tour leave for a few people, but it was a bit of a lottery. It gave 28 days leave and I was one of the lucky ones who was granted it.


"So I sent a cable to Beryl and asked if she would marry me when I got back and she did."

They were married in Crowborough, Sussex, during Sandy's 28 days' mid-tour leave on February 2, 1946.

But 16 days later, Sandy was off again to India where he served another year before returning for good two days before their first wedding anniversary.

Sandy went on to work in local government and retired as chief executive of Rother District Council in East Sussex in 1984. Beryl worked as a hairdresser.

The couple have five children, Lorna, Barbara, Carol, Michael and Ian, 11 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren and moved to The Avenue in 2003.

To celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary Sandy and Beryl said they will go on an excursion to Bath.

Sandy said: "We had a very good party for our 50th and 60th anniversaries and we are having a big wedding in the family in July when everyone will be together, so we are celebrating as just us two.

"We are going to Bath for a few days, which we are really looking forward to. We have always wanted to go."

El Loro
In church last Sunday on the day the couple were celebrating, at the end of the service they were invited to the front where the vicar gave them a blessing (Sandy knew in advance but Beryl didn't). And then a woman who was not someone I knew stood up, walked to them, and sang a song I don't know, but I would think it was a song which had some considerable meaning for them. Quite a moving scene.

Although Beryl does show her age, Sandy could easily pass for someone over 10 years younger. He is in our choir.
El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:
  Its ridiculous I know but even after that long time it was not long enough.
It's not ridiculous at all, Squiggle.
Its nice to know you understand Yogi   In fact there was a story in the paper the other day about this couple who had been married for a long long time, the husband was taken ill with chest pains and was taken off in an ambulance, his wife was phoning the children to let them know.  The husband died in the ambulance and his wife was found dead in the hall with the phone still in her hand by the children (they were grown up).  I found myself thinking how wonderful that neither was left to carry on without the other.  Hard for the children though, but they were happy to think they had gone together.
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Hello all x Got back at teatime, decided not to stay another night at the hotel, was lovely but we did all we wanted to do, so didnt see the sense of paying another night. We had a nice time tho. Whats occuring with the blue stuff? Will have a read back
Have i just answered myself?
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