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I agree with you both, it is disgraceful.  They reckon he's probably had this since he was 10 as a result of a trauma.  Once you get into root canal work it's all a problem as it's all referral, not many dentists will tackle it.  It didn't help that our dentist has been forced to relocate to another practice.  All of us who were due for a check-up have been re-scheduled until September - 6 months after we should be seen as they are bringing in the daughter of the dentist who owns the practice, she is just doing her probationary year, so we don't know what she will be like.  Our dentist was originally from Hungary and he is a doctor as well as a dentist as he says that in Hungary you have to qualify as a doctor before you are able to qualify as a dentist.  Not surprisingly I am following him to his new practice.

Last edited by squiggle

Afternoon everyone  

Dry, cold and was sunny but cloudy now 


Squiggle, that's daylight robbery 


Sweet, do I infer from your daytime appearance that you have your mobile internet back?


El, love that piccie 


Skylark, nice to see you around again. Hope all is well with you and your family 


Have a great day everyone 


Squiggle, I've never needed root canal work (yet) but it's known to be complex work. My dentists do that work should it ever be needed.

One of my left upper molars is dead and has been for a long time. The dentist thinks that it could be the result of a trauma when I was around 8 or 9. Playing cricket in junior school. I was not much good at cricket, was batting when the coach driver was given the chance to bowl and bowled a full toss (one which does not bounce on the way to the batsman) which came straight into my face just below my left eye.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, a really cold wind but quite a bit of blue in the sky.


Sounds like you are having a lovely tasting session with the cakes you bought EL.  I hope Yogi is having a great time.  Pancake garlands I love it, I hope the party goes really well and everyone enjoys themselves - see you tomorrow Summer.


Enjoy your day everyone


Morning everyone  

Sweet, glad you have your phone internet back 

With you doing the decorations for the party, it will look splendid, of that I have no doubt 


*sniggers* @ El's comment about pancake garlands 


Squiggle, I have just come back from looking at new beds and I have to say it's freezing here. I would venture to say, colder now than in December 


Yogi, hope you get back safely and look forward to catching up with you later 


Have a good day everyone  

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle, has peace and quiet returned to your house or are your workmen still causing mayhem?


Moonie, I hope it warms up for you, It;s the bitter wind making it feel so cold.


If Heston Blumenthal was doing the decorating for Summer's SIl's party, I wouldn't be surprised if the decorations were edible


Me too El. Not a cold weather person tbh 


Not a huge Heston Blumenthal fan but yep 



Not it's still ongoing EL and likely to be for a couple of weeks yet.  It's looking good and will give me peace of mind about being watertight etc but of course you get fed up with workmen and all the paraphernalia and mess.


Moonie I hope it warms up soon, it is disappointing to be back with the cold after last week but it's nearly May so hopefully the sun will be back to shine on us soon.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Not it's still ongoing EL and likely to be for a couple of weeks yet.  It's looking good and will give me peace of mind about being watertight etc but of course you get fed up with workmen and all the paraphernalia and mess.


Moonie I hope it warms up soon, it is disappointing to be back with the cold after last week but it's nearly May so hopefully the sun will be back to shine on us soon.

Talking about noise and work being done. Two years ago, Christmas Eve afternoon, our next door neighbours decided to demolish their dinning room chimney breast which adjoins ours. Bliddy good job it was done in an afternoon, though I was still 


Hi all, apologies again for not reading back too much. Family fine thanks. 
Will keep up with you all soon . 
Lovely pic, moonie, nice to see the blossoms on the trees. Although its lashing rain here and very cold wind! 
Love to all x
Have a happy day Summer x

Hopefully tomorrow, will have a good catch up and a right gid blether 

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Evening all.


Haven't got time to read back atm but I hope you have all been behaving yourselves?!

We have although moonie was banned earlier     


If he's no reinstated soon I'm coming out in sympathy.


 We'll do a sit in until he comes back!

 Hope you enjoyed your day break   


I was waiting all day at the Glenfinnan Monument though.


My break was crap, I was getting a horrible scan done in hospital.


 I hope the sun was shining and it didnae snow!

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Evening all.


Haven't got time to read back atm but I hope you have all been behaving yourselves?!

We have although moonie was banned earlier     


If he's no reinstated soon I'm coming out in sympathy.


 We'll do a sit in until he comes back!

 Hope you enjoyed your day break   


I was waiting all day at the Glenfinnan Monument though.


My break was crap, I was getting a horrible scan done in hospital.


 I hope the sun was shining and it didnae snow!

Oh Yogi, I didn't know that           

I don't think I mentioned it, Velvet.

I'm glad to be home though!

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Evening all.


Haven't got time to read back atm but I hope you have all been behaving yourselves?!

We have although moonie was banned earlier     


If he's no reinstated soon I'm coming out in sympathy.


 We'll do a sit in until he comes back!

 Hope you enjoyed your day break   


I was waiting all day at the Glenfinnan Monument though.


My break was crap, I was getting a horrible scan done in hospital.


 I hope the sun was shining and it didnae snow!

Oh Yogi, I didn't know that           

I don't think I mentioned it, Velvet.

I'm glad to be home though!

I bet   


You know   

 I know.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Evening all.


Haven't got time to read back atm but I hope you have all been behaving yourselves?!

We have although moonie was banned earlier     


If he's no reinstated soon I'm coming out in sympathy.


 We'll do a sit in until he comes back!

 Hope you enjoyed your day break   


I was waiting all day at the Glenfinnan Monument though.


My break was crap, I was getting a horrible scan done in hospital.


 I hope the sun was shining and it didnae snow!

Awwww, I hope it went okay and you get a good result Yogi 

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Evening all.


Haven't got time to read back atm but I hope you have all been behaving yourselves?!

We have although moonie was banned earlier     


If he's no reinstated soon I'm coming out in sympathy.


 We'll do a sit in until he comes back!

 Hope you enjoyed your day break   


I was waiting all day at the Glenfinnan Monument though.


My break was crap, I was getting a horrible scan done in hospital.


 I hope the sun was shining and it didnae snow!

Awwww, I hope it went okay and you get a good result Yogi 

It wasn't pleasant but it's over and done with now.

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