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Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning everyone


Cloudier here than recently. Slightly cooler than recently, forecast to become colder and wetter from tomorrow.


Have a good day everyone

Good morning El. Good morning everyone.


It's a misty start to the day up here and definitely a bit cooler than it has been recently.


I can't decide whether to wait in and see if the parcel arrives today, or go out and hope if the courier appears whilst I'm out, he leaves the parcel with a neighbour.


Have a good day everyone.


Now that you mention it, it's very slightly misty here as well.


Yogi, how frustrating. Either stay in, but the parcel won't be delivered, or go out, in which case the courier will materilaise. I agree with squiggle, it's much better when you can track progress online.


I've been running the monthly payroll for one of my clients. First month of the new tax year and I was expecting to see that something called a EPS had been submitted to HMRC to claim the ÂĢ2,000 employment allowance for 15/16 as what happened last April. An EPS wasn't submitted so I got in touch with the software support people. It turns out that once it's been submitted, it automatically gets carried forward each year, you don't have to make a claim each year. Won't mean anything to you unless you have employees and run the payroll.


El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:

I can see the picture now EL - still no sign of that parcel Yogi?  Poor customer service

The problem is they haven't given me an actual date for delivery, but it has been showing "despatched" for days! Tomorrow is the last day of their "delivery within 3-4 working days", so it had better appear!

*night owls* evening all, I hope you've all had a good day

Moonie I hope your issues are resolved in a way that suits all concerned and that you're soon bwck with us

Velvet, glad you're back, shake it off and stick in with us ,

So, my car broke yesterday! The suspension, spring & shock absorber all went bang on the same time Bramble and I both jumped out of our seats but no injuries were caused. It's been hassle, but all is now fixed and I have my car back. I have reluctantly concluded that it's time to look for a new one.

I'm heading to bed, I hope to see you all tomorrow
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by moonie:

Morning everyone  

 Sweet that was terrible  really glad you and Bramble where unscathed.Cars are replaceable, Sweets and Brambles aren't 

Cloudy and looking cool outside. Rain predicted for later 

Have a good Buddies  

Well put moonie I am glad you and Bramble weren't hurt Summer.


A bit of a grey morning and a really cold wind, disappointing to be back in what feels like winter.


Have a good PB day Yogi, I am off later to pick up my eldest grandson and his family - including baby so I am looking forward to that.


Enjoy your day everyone

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Back from M&S with a few of their new products from their food range.

A box of 2 Timperley rhubarb & lemon swirl desserts.

An individual gooseberry eton mess fool

and a blackcurrant fool cake.

I won't be eating all of them at once


Nice to see you Moonie

I hope Yogi and squiggle have good days with PB and family

Probably quite wise El 

Thank you 

Yep, best wishes for a happy day to Yogi and Squiggle from me too 

Last edited by Moonie

I had one of those rhubarb & lemon swirl desserts. I hadn't realised that the box came with a sachet of rhubarb sauce which is intended to be poured over the dessert. It would be very tricky to do that at two different times so today I had one without the sauce and tomorrow with. So it's really intended for 2 people rather than for 1 person over 2 days.


El Loro

Evening all.


Summer, I'm glad you and Bramble were only shaken up and not hurt.

Good luck with the car hunting.


Moonie, good to see you back with us.


El, sorry about Cheltenham's relegation.


Squiggle, I hope you have had a fab day with your family and lots of cuddles with the baby.


Velvet, I hope you've had a good day with the Boss and Dolly.


We had a great day with PB. What a little character she is - full of fun and mischief, but also very loving and generous. 



Good morning everyone.


The sun is shining atm but I can see some grey clouds heading this way.


Sounds like you have a busy day ahead, Summer. I'm hoping for a relaxing one!


We bought PB a little play tent which we put up in the house because the grass was damp. She took all her dolls, teddies and soft toys in with her, and didn't want to come out when it was time to go home!


Have a good day everyone.


Good morning everyone


Grey weather here and cooler.


Yogi, I'm glad you had a good day with PB


Summer, I hope your mountain is ascended withoot mishap

Cheltenham Town will have to cut back on its costs as its income will fall being in the Conderence rather than league 2. It has appointed a temporary manager to the end of the season so he won't stay. The big question is will they be able to survive in the Conference or go bust as what happened to Hereford FC.


I had that gooseberry eton mess fool last night. It's nice but too sickly for my taste (I knew it was a risk for me as I find lemon meringue pie too sickly).

El Loro
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