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Evening winter has returned here today, I hope you all had a warmer one and have had a good day

Moonie, lonely to see you back, I hope you are feeling better

The school holiday is now finished here and I'm officially relaxing!!!!!

Squiggle how lucky, what a lovely sight to see

Yogi I hope you have had a fun day with PB today

El, so you're definitely not Banksy then..?
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Sunny here at present but forecast to cloud over. Not expecting to see a return to wintry conditions in my area.


Yogi, I hope your day with PB was good

Summer, I'm glad you are able to get some relaxation No, I'm not and never have been Banksy


I had some of the cider and apple cake yesterday evening. Very nice - the topping is rather like the topping to an apple crumble so is exceptionally crumbly for a cake.


El Loro

Good morning everyone.


Weather was very wintery yesterday, with hail, snow, sleet and wind! Today is wet and dreich!


Squiggle, I have bird envy! How fabulous to watch the kestrel hovering.


El, I'm going to have to try some of those M&S cakes!


Summer, I'm glad to hear you are getting some chillout time.


Moonie, nice to see you back for a visit. I hope you are feeling better.


I had a lovely day with PB, middle son and DiL. We spent most of the day laughing at her antics, she is so funny.

It's her birthday today, so there is a family get together at PB's house. Mr Yogi will miss the daytime celebrations as he is working today, but eldest son is going to bring PB up to see Grandad once he gets home from work.


I doubt I'll be around until later in the evening, so have a good day everyone.


Good morning everyone, definitely a little chillier today but I think it will warm up as the week goes on.


Summer I am glad you are now able to relax after that busy time.  EL that cider and apple cake in particular sounds gorgeous, I must try one next time I am allowed to have cake.


Moonie so pleased you were able to pop in, I hope you are feeling a little better.


Have a great day Yogi, such a big grown up girl PB is nowadays, I am glad that Mr Yogi gets to see her too on her big day.


Enjoy your day everyone


Just had to come on and wish you a Happy Birthday PB. Hope you have a lovely day with lots or pressies and a huge cake  

It doesn't seem like it was was long since we was calling you Pink Bundle 



You will always be our, your online 'aunts and uncles', PB, even when you is grow up 

Once again have a lovely day 



Last edited by Moonie

Summer, I've edited your post to replace your picture which wasn't showing on my computer with the same picture from another source. Hope that works OK.


The cider and apple cake is a small loaf, 4 slices, up to 6 small slices.


Hi Moonie


It's got a lot windier here than earlier, should calm down this evening. Still sunny, but the wind making it cold outside.


El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Glad to hear you've all had a wonderful day yogi what did the birthday girl say and do today?

She loved opening her presents and seemed to like everything - even the clothes! 

She got a motorised quad bike from middle son and DiL, and a little pink safety helmet. When they let her drive up and down the pavement, she didn't want to get off it - and she wanted to keep the helmet on!

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Oh wow! I bet she loved that
I want one now

She did like it.


Haha, it would be good when you get to my age - saves setting the cake alight with loads of candles!

Flamethrower to light the candles is always a bad sign 

 That's what they need for my cakes!

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Oh wow! I bet she loved that
I want one now

She did like it.


Haha, it would be good when you get to my age - saves setting the cake alight with loads of candles!

Flamethrower to light the candles is always a bad sign 

 That's what they need for my cakes!

It was your cake I was alluding to - and mine   




Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Good morning all the sunshine has returned here and it's looking like it could be a lovely day. I've got groceries arriving this morning and some general pottering about to do, and no hurry to do it in either

I hope you all slept well what are your plans today?

Your day sounds better than mine, Summer.


Good morning everyone, chillier than I'd hoped today, I am longing for some warm sunshine that lasts!


Wow what a lucky girl PB is what a fabulous present and that sparkler candle sounds great fun, I am glad the day went so well.


Are you having a day off today Summer? I hope it's very enjoyable, pottering about sounds like just the thing to do.


Enjoy your day everyone


Summer, my exciting task today is revising my engagament letters which I'm required to give new clients. It's to do with consumer regulations which came into force. These apply to any non-business clients so where I do a tax return but without doing business accounts. I'm required to give them the right to cancel the agreement within 14 days from when the engagement was started without giving any reason. The letter would say that I wouldn't start any work until the end of the cancellation period unless the client instucted me and pay me for whatever work I did until they cancelled.


El Loro

Good morning Buddies  

Cool start to the day here but no rain and the promise of 23 degrees by the middle of the week. Already been into town an payed me rent. No shopping needed today 


Sweet, I see you have a 'different day off' unless you are on hols 

Pottering sounds good to me 


Yogi, really pleased PB enjoyed her birthday and pressies too 

The cake sounds like an added bonus 


Squiggle, you could be getting your wish for warmer weather later on in the week 


El, sounds like you will have an...interesting day...of letter writing, NOT 


The sun is trying to break through 

Have a great day everyone  



Moonie, my area may get uo to 20 degrees on Wednesday, warmer than normal, but no sign of the heatwave mentioned in a certain newspaper famed for its weather stories. Tomorrow is forecast to be nice and sunny.


I'm working on that engagement letter which on the interesting scale of 1 to 10 scores a 1 It's one of those things which I have to do even though I doubt if any of my clients have any interest in it.



El Loro
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