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Is that the duck version of house hunting?
It can be really comical Yogi, when they inspected my pond she was floating in it quite happily looking really pleased (if a duck can look pleased ) and he was trying to scramble down the bank to join her looking for all the world like a duck version of a harassed husband thinking 'what IS she up to now'

I hope you will soon be really on the mend Skylark, toothache is the pits.

I agree, I am so shocked about Amanda Holden's baby, the whole family must feel devastated, one minute everything bright and happy next minute desolation.
Good morning everyone

Still windy here for the next few hours, then it dies down but gets colder for the next day or so.

And guess what, my boiler has packed up again. Can get hot water but no heat. Nothing to do with low pressure this time or air in the radiators. So I have had to ring the Worcester boiler service number, and they will arrange for someone to ring me some time today to arrange to come round some day. As you can guess, I'm just a bit fed up with the boiler - I've had more problems with it since it was installed last year than I ever did with the old boiler.
El Loro
Good morning everyone.    Cold and miserable here today, but no rain.

Sorry to hear of the continuing problems with your boiler El Loro.  Hope you can get it sorted out properly this time. 

Hope your visit to the nurse goes well Yogi.  I've got several check up appointments over the coming weeks.  They all seem to come around together.

Be back later. 
Good morning everyone, simply horrible here, blowing a gale and loads of rain and cold

I hope everyone gets on OK with their various medical appointments.  It certainly sounds as if you have been overdoing it Skylark, the aftermath of flu can be terrible and we all think we can bounce straight back but its not that easy. 

Not your boiler again EL this can't be right, hope you can talk to the head honcho soon and really get it sorted once and for all.  When does the guarantee period run out?  You don't want to have to pay for all these various breakdowns.
Back from the nurse. My appointment was at 9am, and I was seen on time.

. I've got several check up appointments over the coming weeks. They all seem to come around together.
I know what you mean Joyron. I've got a hospital appointment on Wednesday and have received a reminder that I'm due a check-up at the dentist.

Reference: El Loro
. Can get hot water but no heat.

When that happened to us, it was an over-sensitive thermostat (not the one on the boiler, the external one, which we have in the hall). We turned it down a couple of degrees, as suggested by the electrician, and it has been fine ever since. I hope it is something as simple to fix with yours, EL.

Reference: Squiggle
Good morning everyone, simply horrible here, blowing a gale and loads of rain and cold

I was listening to the radio and there's a lot of flooding on the roads up here. As I am typing this, the rain has turned to sleet/snow.
Good morning again

With the external thermostat, the symbol showing that the transmitter is showing which shows that heat is required which would seem to rule out an over sensitive thermostat in my case. The symbol on the boiler control panel shows that a radio signal is being received.

The heating did come on an hour ago but switched off after about 20 minutes. That seems to suggest to me that a valve or something like that has got stuck. It may be connected with the vent pipe leading to outside the house, and that it has been windy with gusts up to 50mph ever since Friday may have caused some damage to there.

I have a 5 year guarantee, so there is no question of me having to pay, unless the engineer does not find a fault. No news yet as to when an engineer will come.

It sounds as if everybody is having bad weather at present.
El Loro
You will be pleased to hear that the boiler engineer has been and hopefully sorted out the problem Whilst the heating wasn't working, one of the heating buttons had been flashing. The man who did the installation and came round a couple of weeks ago said that merely meant that the boiler heating didn't need to be on. I accepted him at his word, but told today's engineer what he had said. He disagreed and said that this indicated a problem. As he talked the flashing light stopped and the heating came on. It's just as well that this happened in his presence as otherwise it would have been harder to work out what the problem was.

He has replaced the heating control panel and the downstairs thermostat transmitter, and says that this was what had been causing the problem. Luckily I use wired broadband rather than wireless for security reasons as I have confidential client information. Wirelsss broadband is known to cause problems with wireless controlled boiler transmitters as the signals sent can cause conflicts.
El Loro
Nice to see you in here brisket, every good wish to you too

El Loro I bet you feel like kicking the bloomin boiler up its gasket by now, I know I would  

Hope you are feeling better Skylark and that the abscess is making a hasty retreat, are you gargling with salt water?  I know from experience how soothing it is.

Its brightened up no end here so I have been able to restock the bird feeders, I was joined by a friendly robin who was obviously hoping I would be quick.  Hope the weather is brighter too for all those who had rain (or even sleet) this morning.
The wind has quietened down now and there's some blus sky. The boiler does come on from time to time so I have some heat, but I have no confidence that there isn't a problem. I will see how it works this evening and tomorrow morning. It's as if when the boiler gets to a certain point, it cuts out rather as if it's overheating.
El Loro

Just a thought EL but worth a look (Ooh I like this its taken the font of the headline )

My combi boiler keeps cutting out?

My boiler, Vokera 28se (UK), keeps firing up for a minute or two then switching itself off. The hot water is fine, this just applies to the central heating system. This is a brand new boiler, my last one did the same and i was advised that i needed a new boiler, i bought one at the weekend and the same thing is happening. My engineers are confused?? ps there has been a new flue fitted as well. PLEASE HELP!! sounds like your pump isnt moving your water so your boiler is cutting off to avoid overheating. The pump is usually in the airing cupboard and coloured red or green, on it there should be a switch for setting the speed of the pump. When the heating is on you should feel the pump vibrating (careful it gets hot) if the pump get hot and the pipe after it isn't it isn't pumping the hot water so try changing the speed on the pump as sometimes it jams.


If you are getting Hot water without problems, then the main parts of the burner and heat exchange unit are working fine (which is good because they are the really expensive bits to replace!). So that leaves a number of possible problems!....

If the period at which the boiler fires for heating is roughly constant ( "a minute or two" ) then the problem could lie with what is called the 'Diverter Valve'.... this is responsible for switching the output between hot water and water to be pumped around the system!

You will still hear water being pumped about the radiators, but this will be cold, unheated, water!.... Check that you can hear water through the system by listening against one of the radiators that is in the 'on' position!... If you haven't got flow, then the pump is failing or sticking!

It's worth checking all the Radiator valves, especially if they have thermostatic control!.... Make sure they are open at least half way to start with and set the boiler output to Maximum setting. You may need to change this back later!

The next possible problem is the thermostat.... this will be located in one 'control room' and needs to be set to the desired temperature... If this temperature is reached, then the boiler will cut out!.... So check the settings on the termostat.... try turning it up higher to see if the boiler fires for longer! Has the control knob been removed and replaced incorrectly? It is also possible the thermostat has lost it's calibration, although this is very unlikely unless the system is very old!

A few final things you can try.....

Try removing all the timing setting on your boiler timer and then re-program them again. Sometimes, the lever type can cause a problem, but moving them about a bit can sometimes sort this out!

Check the pressure guage (if present) and ensure that it is not into the red (danger) range, as this will cause the boiler to trip out!

This might seem obvious, but has worked for me in the past.... Try turning off the mains supply (usually on a switched spur or maybe on your electrical distribution panel)... wait about 3 mins, then try turning on again!
Wow, squiggle, that's some post Thanks

I've printed it off for reference though I can see that there are differences betwen the Vokera boiler and my Worcester one. At present the boiler is working so I'm not going to try anything at present. The timer and thermostat transmitter have been replaced which seems to rule those out. The pressure is OK. When the boiler does fire up, it lasts for longer than 1 minute which sould suggest that it's not the divertor valve, but these are different machines so I can't rule that out. I'll have to see how it works for the rest of the evening and tomorrow morning.

I'm off to get my tea.
El Loro
Good morning everyone

Yogi, I hope the engineer can find out what's wrong with the boiler but it's an intermittent problem. The boiler switched off around 8 last night, didn't come on this morning when it should have, but in the last couple of minutes had come back on

I have to go round to my parents' house in a few minutes to deal with this energy performance certificate review. See you later.
El Loro
Good afternoon everyone.    It's a glorious day here today.  Makes you feel really good.  Unfortunately today will be a one of, tomorrow and the rest of the week it's downhill all the way!!

Hope you get the boiler sorted properly El Loro.  Also hope all goes well with the performance certificate.

Glad to hear the toothache is a little better Skylark. 

The daffodils are really sprinting up in the garden now.  They must be at least 12 inches out of the ground.  I wonder how long it will be before I see the first one come out.  The snowdrops out on the road verge look a real treat.  Hopefully spring will not be far away. 
Good afternoon everyone

Good news to announce

The energy performance certificate on my parents' house has been done and I have received it so I can send it on to the solicitors. The grading given wasn't brilliant but that was to be expected and it is irrelevant as the purchasers will be doing major upgrades to the house anyway.

The boiler engineer came and he did what yesterday's engineer should have done. He tested the strength of the signal from the thermostat transmitter as received by the boiler. It was a very weak signal which is what was causing the problems I've had over the past couple of weeks. The signal has been having to go through two sets of solid brick walls (4 inches thick) on the way from the transmitter to the boiler. He was surprised that I hadn't had problems before.

So the thermostat/transmitter has had to be moved into the same room as the boiler (which is in what used to be the airing cupboard part of the bedroom). This means that the signal doesn't have the problem of going through a brick wall. The downside is that this room is south facing and therefore the warmest room in the house, particularly when it is sunny. This means that I have to turn up the thermostat to compensate, so that the rest of the house is heated properly.

The alternative is to get the people who did the installation to come back to fix a different boiler panel to the existing boiler, but this one would then be wired to the thermostat with the thermostat going back downstairs - this would involve some more expense of course, so I will have to experiment to see how the current way works.

The engineer took the trouble to explain the problem, so that at long last I feel that I have dealt with someone who knows what he is talking about.

I asked him if it was possible for boilers in neighbouring houses to get signals mixed up. He said this is not possible as each set has a unique wireless signal to that set.
El Loro
Hi everyone, so glad that blessed toothache is much better now Skylark its such a horrible pain you can't think of anything else can you.

Now you're getting somewhere EL oh the difference when someone cares instead of just going through the motions, hope the boiler problems are behind you now.

So lovely to hear about the spring flowers popping out, I must nip out and fetch the recycling box as after today its a bit rainy
Good morning everyone

At present I have some partial blue sky and it's quite pleasant out there, but I know that it will get cloudier and windier with rain for tomorrow. And although it will be mild for the next few days, it will then get cooler (but not depths of winter cold).

I've seen on the Social Strata help forum that the update is due to take place at 9 pm Seattle time tomorrow with downtime of an hour. If my maths is right this equals 5 am Friday morning so I doubt if any of us will be on at that time. So it will be interesting to see what they've done when we log on on Friday morning. Will the quoting function have been changed and improved? As far as I know, any other changes are likely to be minor and not particularly noticaeable.
El Loro
Morning  Glad you got the boiler fixed El x   Yes my toothache better, thank goodness, you are right squiggle, its hard to do anything, the pain takes over
Yes indeed Yogi, a toast to spring flowers and no more toothache , cheers !  (its only with tea, mind) 
I hope the quoting problem on IE gets fixed      
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