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Good morning everyone, I hope your Palm Sunday service goes well EL and you don't get blown away or drenched on the way to church.  It's pretty horrible here too.


What a cheeky minx PB is and what a joy, poor fishy I wonder what happened.  I bet PB will enjoy Easter Egg hunting, my grandsons always used to.


Wow that sounds like quite a feast Summer, I'm glad you enjoyed the meal so much.


Enjoy your day everyone


Good morning everyone.


Weather is wet and dreich.


El, I hope your Palm Sunday service goes well.


Squiggle, a little minx is exactly what she is! In fact, when I say to her, "Who is a little minx?", she points to herself and says "PB" (she uses her real name).

She was her grandad's best pal when he had some of his Easter Egg (yes, once again he couldn't wait!). When grandad asked if she would like a big bit or a little bit, she said "a big bit" and giggled. She did remember to add "please".


I don't know what has happened to the poor fish, but I found its body this morning. It was fine on Friday, with no visible sign of illness.


We are going to a big, new toy shop for ideas for PB's birthday, and then out for some lunch. We haven't decided where to go - we're spoilt for choice!


Have a good day everyone.



Good morning I hope the Palm Sunday services are enjoyable

I have the day to myself today so I've already done some yoga, and now it's time for breakfast. The forecast isn't very good so I'll take my rain coat when Bramble and I go out today

Yogi I hope you have great fun in the toy shop, PB is growing up so fast!

Squiggle, how is the little man?
~Sparkling Summer~

The weather truly was horrible, I am glad to be home again.


Summer he is gorgeous and I am missing him.  I missed my chance to see him yesterday, I went out to the car to get him and my grandson to spend the afternoon and the car wouldn't start Turned the key, absolutely nothing.  So I called the AA and when he came he explained that Mazdas don't like being parked on steep slopes, a safety precaution I suppose.  So he said you press the brake, put the car in neutral, turn the key and there you are, but it was too late by then to pick them up, oh well I suppose I will get another chance soon.


I'm back from the Palm Sunday service which went well. We did have the procession from the village hall to the church, It wasn't raining but it was somewhat windy, particularly as we coming towards the church entrance. Those who were frailer didin't take part in the procession and were already in church.


Yogi, I hope you find something good in the new toy shop for PB

Squiggle, a pity about missing out yesterday. At least it wasn't a fault with your new car. I always start in neutral with the handbrake on. The manual says to press the clutch down (mine's manual rather than automatic) but I don't find I need to do that as the car's in neutral.


El Loro

Evening all.


Day did not go according to plan.

I did go the the toyshop, but came home without anything, and we didn't go for lunch either.


El, I'm really glad the service went well and the procession was able to go ahead.


Squiggle, what a shame you missed out on seeing the baby yesterday.

I'm glad the issue with the car was a minor one and easily sorted.


Summer, I hope your day has been a relaxing one.


Velvet, I hope the pork chops turned out okay.

Last edited by Yogi19
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Evening all.


Day did not go according to plan.

I did go the the toyshop, but came home without anything, and we didn't go for lunch either.


El, I'm teally glad the service went well and the procession was able to go ahead.


Squiggle, what a shame you missed out on seeing the baby yesterday.

I'm glad the issue with the car was a minor one and easily sorted.


Summer, I hope your day has been a relaxing one.


Velvet, I hope the pork chops turned out okay.

Yogi - hope all is okay       

All is well, Velvet.

By the time I'd gotten ready to go out, hubby had decided he'd prefer to stay at home and watch the rest of the Grand Prix!

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Evening all.


Day did not go according to plan.

I did go the the toyshop, but came home without anything, and we didn't go for lunch either.


El, I'm teally glad the service went well and the procession was able to go ahead.


Squiggle, what a shame you missed out on seeing the baby yesterday.

I'm glad the issue with the car was a minor one and easily sorted.


Summer, I hope your day has been a relaxing one.


Velvet, I hope the pork chops turned out okay.

Yogi - hope all is okay       

All is well, Velvet.

By the time I'd gotten ready to go out, hubby had decided he'd prefer to stay at home and watch the rest of the Grand Prix!


Men eh?   


I know. Anyway I'm off to watch the golf noo    

 Yes, men!


Enjoy the golf.

Lol at that conversation ^

Evening *night owls*

Yogi, oh dear! I hope Mr yogi is still taking you for lunch at some point to make up for it.

Squiggle, I can't believe it that's rotten luck and even more rotten timing! Thank goodness the car is actually alright, but that's so annoying. The garage should have told you that would happen
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Lol at that conversation ^

Evening *night owls*

Yogi, oh dear! I hope Mr yogi is still taking you for lunch at some point to make up for it.

Squiggle, I can't believe it that's rotten luck and even more rotten timing! Thank goodness the car is actually alright, but that's so annoying. The garage should have told you that would happen

 You just caught me, Summer.

Don't worry, I'll make sure he takes me out to lunch very soon.

Goodnight and sweet dreams.


Good morning everyone, a lovely morning here but sadly we have rain later like you EL


My daughter is bringing my grandson and the baby over later for a visit to make up for the disappointment of Saturday, I am looking forward to it


I hope you manage to get your errands done before any more snow comes Yogi.  I hear the weather forecast for Easter is disappointing, I am so ready for some warmer weather now, this winter seems to have gone on forever.


Enjoy your day everyone


Something came up and they had to put it off until another time sadly, very disappointing.  I hope we can rearrange something soon.


Thank goodness you got your errands done and although sleet isn't pleasant it's better than settling snow.  Let's hope they've got the forecast wrong and Easter turns out to be lovely spring weather, you can tell I'm an optimist

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Something came up and they had to put it off until another time sadly, very disappointing.  I hope we can rearrange something soon.


Thank goodness you got your errands done and although sleet isn't pleasant it's better than settling snow.  Let's hope they've got the forecast wrong and Easter turns out to be lovely spring weather, you can tell I'm an optimist

 What a shame, but you can look forward to the next visit.


Lol, nothing wrong with a bit of optimism

*night owls* evening all! I've had no phone service all day I hear that EE have had issues for days

Aw squiggle I hope you enjoyed seeing the baby is he getting into the swing of a routine?

Lovely to see you back moonie hope your team did well over the weekend

Sweet dreams yogi, I hope you're keeping warm tonight
Leaving good night hugs for everyone see you tomorrow
~Sparkling Summer~

 Morning everyone
Hope you all well. I have been busy organising Granddaughters birthday party . Venue booked, cake ordered, just have the party bags to fill and keep her calm till Saturday! Her birthday lands on Easter Sunday but made it the day before as people may have plans for the Sunday. 
Have a good day, all 


Good morning everyone.


Weather is windy, with showers and the occasional bit of sun.


You were an early bird, Skylark.  Birthday parties are exciting when you are 7 years old, I hope your granddaughter has a lovely time at hers.


I hope your problems with your phone get sorted out, Summer.


Have a good day everyone.

Last edited by Yogi19

Good morning everyone, still very windy but not such awful gusts as last night.


Granddaughter is going to love her party Skylark, well done, it will be such a happy day, I hope the weather is good.


I hope they get your phone sorted quickly Summer, a real nuisance.  Father Time laid low eh EL poor old chap   Now you do know that it's not April Fools until tomorrow EL?  Flying sheepdogs!


Enjoy your day everyone

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