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Good morning everyone

Yogi, I hope the storm hasn't been too damaging

My brother rang me yesterday evening to say that we have to get an Energy Performance Certificate done for the sale of our parents' house. Although those home information packs have been suspended, the certificate still remains a legal requirement. I guess that normally the estate agents would arrange this, but as this is a private sale there are no estate agents involved. I have found a list of assessors, so will have to arrange for this to be done over the next week or so. I hope it doesn't take too long. I think the cost will be around ÂĢ100 as the house is a detached house. It is a waste of time and money as we know that the result will be either an F or a G, and the purchasers know this and will be doing major work on the house in any case.
El Loro
Good morning everyone.    Glad to hear you have all survived the night and that no major damage occurred to your greenhouse Yogi.  The wind here was very loud last night and we were only on the very edge of the problem.  What it must have been like where you were Yogi doesn't bear thinking about!!

Hope all goes well with arranging the energy certificate El Loro. 

Off to the shops.  Be back later. 
That's a relief Yogi

I have rung someone local to do this energy performance certificate. She was out on site so will ring me back later to arrange details.

I've been doing my Saturday shopping today as my brother comes down today for a weekend visit, and the weather tomorrow could be a lot wetter than it is at present. I went to pay my mortgage at the Halifax and as from this week they have changed their procedures both for paying in and drawing out. You now have to complete a paying in slip or a payment request slip just as in a bank. The big change is that you now have to use the bank Sort code and account number which is completely different from the roll number. They will look it up for you if you don't know it, which for mortages you won't as it's never been shown on the mortgage statements in the past.
El Loro
Good afternoon everyone.    It's been a nasty day here weatherwise.  The weekend looks pretty awful too.  Think I'm going into hibernation mode until spring arrives.

Have a busy weekend coming up but will drop in when I can.  Hope you all have a great weekend whatever you get up to.  Sounds as though you could be busy book sorting El Loro. 

Squiggle and Yogi 
Hi everyone

As you can guess I've been busy today. The energy performance certificate inspection is arranged for first thing on Tuesday morning, and the report and certificate will be emailed to me in the afternoon - total cost ÂĢ50 which is a lot better than it might have been. Probably because normally it would be done through an estate agent, but none is involved.

This afternoon I have been out to see that new client and then back to see my brother. He was a bit late as he had to go to the solcitors to deal with the proof of identity checks they insist on for the house sale even though we had previously done this when they were dealing with my mother's probate.

I'm not going through the books with him as I suspect we would just get in each others way, and I am looking for books which I want to keep for myself as well as looking out for antiquarian books.

Weather here has been very cloudy, though for about 5 seconds I did see a tiny patch of blue. It's been dry but very windy, though not on the scale as up north. Copied from the BBC news site:

The Met Office said its wind speed calculator in the Cairngorms recorded 115mph, before the system was put out of action because of the strength of the wind.

Wind speeds of 140mph have been recorded by the CairnGorm Mountain ski resort at the top station tunnel for the Cairngorms funicular railway.

That is not the record though which is something like 173mph.


El Loro
Good morning everyone

It's grey, a bit drizzly, and very windy and it will stay like this until well into Monday. It's mild though.

Today, I have to go through various forms required for the sale of my parents' house, more red tape. Hopefully that will be an end to it.

I hope you all have a great weekend and don't get carried away by the wind

I see on the Social Strata help forum in the update out in the next week that when you create a reply, if you navigate away from it elsewhere without posting you will get a warning message appearing. I wonder what else there will be.
El Loro
Good morning everyone.    Just a very quick visit.  It's very windy here today.  Not nice.

Squiggle, I'm pleased to be able to report that I now have DVDs of Roman Holiday and Pillow Talk in my possession.  No.1 son brought them round last night.  Won't have time to watch them over the weekend but will do so the first opportunity I get next week.  Looking forward to that. 
Good morning everyone.
Wind has died down and the rain is off for the moment.
Squiggle, I hope you are right about an early spring, I think we are all ready for it.
Enjoy your films, Joyron. I watched To Sir With Love yesterday, with the gorgeous Sidney Poitier.
El Loro, good luck with the red Tape, have a
Skylark, hope you get your toothache sorted at the Dental Hospital.
Off out to look at kitchen tiles with hubby and middle son.
Good afternoon everyone

We've gone through those forms. My brother had completed them in draft so it was a case of checking them and making a few corrections. One thing I would mention is that for the past few years, whenever you get electric works done on the house, a certificate from the electrician or inspector will be provided. Keep those certificates as they will be needed as part of the paperwork should the house ever be sold. I think the rules came in 2005.

Skylark, I hope all went well at the dental hospital.
El Loro
Good morning everyone, another straw in the wind for my theory about an early Spring.  I saw two ducks flying down the valley today.  Every spring the ducks are quite amusing to watch, there is usually a female duck pursued eagerly by lots of male ducks.  When the contest is won she then drags her chosen mate around to inspect all the ponds (they have been in mine which is tiny ) before she chooses.  I am pretty sure that I have never seen the ducks flying this early .

So so sad about Amanda Holden's baby, 7 months for goodness sake, you would think she was home and dry nowadays.
Good morning everyone.

When the contest is won she then drags her chosen mate around to inspect all the ponds (they have been in mine which is tiny ) before she chooses.
  Is that the duck version of house hunting?

So so sad about Amanda Holden's baby,

It's really tragic, Squiggle. She only recently announced that she was pregnant because she'd already suffered a miscarriage.
Morning all  Never made my work this morning, i got someone to to cover for me so thats good. Toothache, getting better, have an absess, and antibiotics kicking in. I will have to get an appointment at dentist ASAP, as my crown is cracked. I hate the dentist! Thanks for your good wishes x  There is always something wrong with me just now  
So sad to hear Amanda lost her baby at 7 months
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