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Got a chance to sit down. GD at nanas , as she has Rainbows this evening, shortly to be Brownies, as she is 7 soon. How did she become 7  
Hope you are all having a good day. 
You must post a pic of Miss Bramble soon, Summer, hope she is behaving herself!
Hope you having a great time with the family Yogi. 
Love to squiggle and hope you enjoying the new addition to the family, of course you are!
Hope El, moonie, Velvet etc are doing fine.
Weather here turned very mild, at last! Will be nice to put the winter woollies away !



Skylark, GD's growing fast

It's quite pleasant weather here as well today. The fog lifted some hours ago and there's hazy sunshine.

Very hectic day for me, getting my tax and accounts software updated for the next lot of tax returns and finding a bug in the software. Been in touch with them and have emailed various files for them to see what's going on.

Getting in touch with HMRC about changing a client's accounting period. It's sufficiently complicated for them to have to pass it on to one of their technical people to come back to me, hopefully tomorrow.

And then there's been the budget today. Announcement that tax returns to be abolished from 2020 is the really big news. I'm not convinced that this can really happen. There's colossal problems with that for self employed people. They would either have to use accounting software regardless of their ability or use accountants to do it for them on a far more frequent basis than once a year. What about people who let properties and get a rental income. Are they expected to do likewise. And people who make a capital gain in the year.

What about civil liberties. HMRC would have automatic access to banking records. Big Brother is watching.


El Loro
Originally Posted by Skylark:

Hi moonie, hope you doing fine. Up to anything today? 

Edit, yes i see you have been! Good for you. Sorry my internet very slow today, so not keeping up well , and we posting around the same time x

That's ok Skylark 

Hope you enjoy your peace and quiet  

All is well with me fankoo 

Last edited by Moonie

Hi moonie and Skylark hope you are enjoying the milder weather.  I am glad you managed to get your line of washing dry moonie, it was so nice to be able to have a window open for a little while today. The time passes so quickly doesn't it Skylark, one minute babies next suddenly getting bigger day by day it seems.


I did wonder what you would make of the Chancellor's big news EL.  It does sound incredibly simplistic to think that everyone can sort out all the complications by themselves.  I can see people getting themselves in a muddle.


The details of the new digital accounts which tax payers will have and how their sources of income will get on to the accounts is very sketchy at present. The idea is that taxpayers' details of pension income, employment income and interest income will be entered automatically on to these digital accounts via employers RTI returns and banks. That part is relatively simple though there's a risk of errors.

Self employed people would need to use accounting software to record all their transactions and that software would automatically get transferred to the digital accounts. I can see major problems and errors arising there.

Then there's the other sources of taxable income such as rental income, dividend income (higher rate taxpayers have to pay the higher rate tax on that), capital gains and other things. People will have to be able to inform HMRC of these some how.

The intention is that people will be able to see what their tax position is throughout the year right up to date and can pay tax during the course of the year rather than January and July on the present self assessment tax return system.


More information as to how this will be done is supposed to be published later this year. To be implemented over the next 5 years, I can see it taking longer than that with the technical problems that will have to be dealt with.

El Loro
Good evening all check this out; I'm sitting, relaxing and am doing nothing for the rest of the evening!

They're planning to stop tax returns?! Oh Lordy, I hate to think of the mess that's going to cause! the next 5 years will go fast too I'm sure.
What's the current plan El- pay as you earn?

Skylark it's lovely to see you- I'm stunned GD is 7! I keep thinking she's 4 or 5 still I will find a recent pic of Bramble for you
~Sparkling Summer~

Evening all.


Had a brilliant day with PB, youngest son and his GF.


Skylark, sorry I wasn't around when you popped in today.


Summer, that's a lovely pic of Bramble.


El, my son managed to sort out the Firefox issue. It wouldn't let him uninstall and reinstall it, but he was able to go into lots of folders or files and delete everything related to FF, then he downloaded it again for me. It's working fine now. Thanks again for all your help yesterday.


Moonie, thanks for the PB wave.


Squiggle, well done on rescuing the bee and I hope your sunny weather continues.



Originally Posted by El Loro:

Happy Birthday to Yogi

 A very appropriate cake! Thanks El.

Originally Posted by Skylark:

Morning everyone. 
Flying visit, son breathing down my neck. He has decided to do some decorating, so we off to get some paint. I may not be on for a couple of days, depending on the chaos !!  
Have a super day Yogi xxxx

Take care all x

Thanks Skylark, and good luck with the decorating!

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Hi Skylark I hope you find just the right paint colour.


Happy Birthday Yogi - have a great day


 You know what I like, Squiggle. Thank you.


It must be the week for old computers not working. I've discovered today that my old computer's display is not working. Tried with the monitor that I now use with my new computer and no success so it's definitely the computer rather than the old monitor. Keyboard works as the caps lock and num lock lights change when I press the keys. The hard drive seems to be working normally as the drive is working going through the normal start up prodecures. Not even the white text on black background in the opening DOS screen appears. I haven't had the computer on for about 6 months so it may be that something has dislodged in the meantime or an internal battery has died.

I'm taking it to my local computer shop to see if they can sort it out or tell me it's a write off.

The largest client I deal with has very strange accounting software and it only runs on my old computer, not on the new one. That's the only reason I need it sorted.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I took my old computer to the computer shop and it worked there so I brought it home and set it up. This time the display did appear but the booting up process stopped during the first Windows screen. I switched it off and back on again and this time it did boot up properly,


 Glad it's working again.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Afternoon everyone  

Happy Birthday to our burfday gal Yogi   

21 again, Yogi, for the second time?  

 If only! Thanks Moonie 

Awww, young at heart, that's the main thing Yogi 

I left you birthday greetings in your birthday thread when I was on my lappy earlier 

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Afternoon everyone  

Happy Birthday to our burfday gal Yogi   

21 again, Yogi, for the second time?  

 If only! Thanks Moonie 

Awww, young at heart, that's the main thing Yogi 

I left you birthday greetings in your birthday thread when I was on my lappy earlier 

Thank you, Moonie. I popped in to the thread to say thank you to everyone.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Afternoon everyone  

Happy Birthday to our burfday gal Yogi   

21 again, Yogi, for the second time?  

 If only! Thanks Moonie 

Awww, young at heart, that's the main thing Yogi 

I left you birthday greetings in your birthday thread when I was on my lappy earlier 

Thank you, Moonie. I popped in to the thread to say thank you to everyone.

That's nice and fankoo 

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Afternoon troops  


Quite a pleasant day so lets hope it continues. Dog out and gave the place a good shakedown. Hope all goes well with the makeover Sky and El well done on the computer 


Yogi - Happy Birthday!  


Hope your day is as fabulous as you are 












 Thank you, Velvet.

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Evening Buddies  

Hope you all had a good day. Especially our birthday gal Yogi 

Evening Moonie.

I've had a lovely day, thank you. I hope your day has been good too.

Awww that's good to hear Yogi 

My has been good fankoo 

That's good.


A little PB tale from yesterday.

She was sitting at the dining table with her aunt, uncle and me. She put her thumb on her chin, with her forefinger on her cheek and pursed her lips.

When I asked her what she was doing, she replied "Thinking!".

Last edited by Yogi19
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Evening Buddies  

Hope you all had a good day. Especially our birthday gal Yogi 

Evening Moonie.

I've had a lovely day, thank you. I hope your day has been good too.

Awww that's good to hear Yogi 

My has been good fankoo 

That's good.


A little PB tale from yesterday.

She was sitting at the dinning table with her aunt, uncle and me. She put her thumb on her chin, with her forefinger on her cheek and pursed her lips.

When I asked her what she was doing, she replied "Thinking!".

Awwwwwwwww how very sweet is that? Bless her little cotton socks  

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